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Spring Boot Admin 1 Johannes Edmeier @joshiste

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Setting things up (demo time) 3

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4 Setting up the SBA Server (1) 1. Generate web project using Spring Initializr $ curl \ -d dependencies=web,\ codecentric-spring-boot-admin-client,\ codecentric-spring-boot-admin-server \ | tar -xzvf -

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5 Setting up the SBA Server (2) @EnableAdminServer @SpringBootApplication public class AdminServerApplication { ... } 2. Import Configuration to the Application

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6 Register client applications (1) de.codecentric spring-boot-admin-starter-client 2.0.3 1. Add dependency

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7 Register client applications (2) spring.boot.admin.client.url=http://localhost:8081 management.endpoints.web.exposure.include=* 2. Configure SBA Server localtion and expose endpoints

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8 Easy client tweaks logging.file=target/petclinic.log info.sources= org.springframework.boot spring-boot-maven-plugin build-info

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9 alternatively use Eureka, Consul, Zookeeper, static config … or any other Spring Cloud Discovery Client Register client applications

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Behind the Scenes 10

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11 SBA Client SBA Server client registers periodically via http post

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12 SBA Client SBA Server server polls health endpoint via http … monitoring non-Boot applications is possible (just health checking)

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13 Notifications HipChat eMail … or implement your own … simply configured via properties

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14 SBA Client server forwards requests to clients (using zuul) SBA UI SBA Server … clients must expose actuator endpoints using http

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15 … can be implemented using Spring Security e.g. Basic Auth, JWT, session based, … … custom headers can be injected implementing a HttpHeadersProvider Security

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16 Customization – HttpHeadersProvider @Bean public HttpHeadersProvider injectHeaders() { return instance -> { HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders() headers.set("X-CUSTOM", "1234567"); return headers; }; }

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17 Customization - InstanceExchangeFilterFunction @Bean public InstanceExchangeFilterFunction auditLog() { return (instance, request, next) -> { if (HttpMethod.POST.equals(request.method())) {"{} for {} on {}", request.method(), instance.getId(), request.url()); } return; }; }

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18 Customization - Notifier @Bean public Notifier loggerNotifier() { return event -> {"Event {}", event.toString()); return Mono.empty(); }; }

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19 Webflux Support Sessions Endpoint Support Mapping Endpoint Support Scheduled Tasks Endpoint Support Out of the Box Cloudfoundry Support Html-Templates for Mail-Notifications Version is also looked up in Metadata Wallboard View Runs on Java 10 New Features in 2.0

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20 Bugfixes… Bugfixes… Bugfixes… Support for Cache Endpoint (2.1.x) Multi-Instances-Actions (e.g. Setting Loglevels) . . . What to Expect in the Future

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21 Questions? [spring-boot-admin] codecentric/spring-boot-admin GITTER codecentric/spring-boot-admin