Slide 32
Slide 32 text
State Management Is Simple!
Questions? #reactamsterdam @mweststrate
"I am putting my eggs into React and MobX basket. So far building two huge React apps I haven't
had any reason to regret it."
"It's almost ridiculous how simple and powerful MobX + React is"
"Working with #mobx is basically a continuous loop of me going “this is way too simple, it definitely
won’t work” only to be proven wrong"
"Try react-mobx with es6 and you will love it so much that you will hug someone."
"MobX compared to Redux feels like gravity gun compared to a wheelbarrow"
"I used to be Angular guy, but seeing how observables play well with React,
I would never go back to it."
"I have built big app with MobX already and comparing to the one before that which was using
Redux, it is simpler to read and much easier to reason about."
"Cuts out much boilerplate and complexity."
"The #mobx is the way I always want things to be! It's really surprising simple and fast! Totally
awesome! Don't miss it!" 32