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Building resilient systems with stacking Chris Keathley / @ChrisKeathley / [email protected]

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Breaking resilient systems with stacking Chris Keathley / @ChrisKeathley / [email protected]

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Purely functional data structures explained Chris Keathley / @ChrisKeathley / [email protected]

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How to build reliable systems with your face (and not on your face) Chris Keathley / @ChrisKeathley / [email protected]

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HOw to boot your apps correctly Chris Keathley / @ChrisKeathley / [email protected]

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Scaling BEAM

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Resilience an ability to recover from or adjust easily to Misfortune or change /ri-ˈzil-yən(t)s/

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Complex systems run in degraded mode. “…complex systems run as broken systems. The system continues to function because it contains so many redundancies and because people can make it function, despite the presence of many flaws… System operations are dynamic, with components (organizational, human, technical) failing and being replaced continuously.”

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System A group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent elements forming a complex whole. /ˈsistəm/

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Systems have dependencies

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Our App Systems

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Our App Webserver Systems

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Our App Webserver DB Systems

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Our App Webserver DB Redis Systems

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Our App Webserver DB Redis Kafka Systems

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Our App Systems

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Our App Systems

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Systems Our App

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Systems Our App Other Service Other Service Other Service Other Service Other Service Other Service

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Scaling is a problem of handling failure

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Our App Systems Other Service Client

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Our App Systems Other Service Client

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Our App Systems Other Service Client

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Our App Systems Other Service Client

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Our App Systems Other Service Client

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Our App Systems Other Service Client

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Our App Systems Other Service Client

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Our App Systems Other Service Client

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Our App Systems Other Service Client

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Our App Systems Other Service Client

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Dependencies are more then other systems

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Systems Our App

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Systems Our App Humans!

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Handle failures gracefully Provide feedback to other systems Give insight to operators Systems Should…

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Our App Webserver DB Redis Kafka

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Our App Webserver DB Redis Kafka Stacked Design

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Lets talk about…

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Lets talk about… Booting the runtime & Configuration Starting dependencies Connecting to external systems Alarms and feedback Communicating with services we don’t control

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Lets talk about… Booting the runtime & Configuration Starting dependencies Connecting to external systems Alarms and feedback Communicating with services we don’t control

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Kubernetes Release

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Our App Webserver DB Redis Kafka

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Our App

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Releases are the unit of deployment in Erlang/Elixir

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What has to be here to start our application?

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App Boot

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App Boot Read in system configuration

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App Boot Read in system configuration Start the BEAM

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App Boot Read in system configuration Start the BEAM Start the App

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App Boot Start the App Read runtime configuration

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App Boot Start the App Read runtime configuration Proceed to next level

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App Boot Start the App Read runtime configuration Proceed to next level

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Mix config vs. runtime config

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No content

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defmodule Jenga.Application do use Application def start(_type, _args) do children = [ ] opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: Jenga.Supervisor] Supervisor.start_link(children, opts) end end

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defmodule Jenga.Application do use Application def start(_type, _args) do config = [ port: "PORT", db_url: "DB_URL", ] children = [ ] opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: Jenga.Supervisor] Supervisor.start_link(children, opts) end end

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defmodule Jenga.Application do use Application def start(_type, _args) do config = [ port: "PORT", db_url: "DB_URL", ] children = [ {Jenga.Config, config}, ] opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: Jenga.Supervisor] Supervisor.start_link(children, opts) end end

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defmodule Jenga.Config do end

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defmodule Jenga.Config do use GenServer def start_link(desired_config) do GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, desired_config, name: __MODULE__) end end

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defmodule Jenga.Config do use GenServer def start_link(desired_config) do GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, desired_config, name: __MODULE__) end def init(desired) do :jenga_config =, [:set, :protected, :named_table]) end end

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defmodule Jenga.Config do use GenServer def start_link(desired_config) do GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, desired_config, name: __MODULE__) end def init(desired) do :jenga_config =, [:set, :protected, :named_table]) case load_config(:jenga_config, desired) do :ok -> {:ok, %{table: :jenga_config, desired: desired}} end end end

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defmodule Jenga.Config do use GenServer def start_link(desired_config) do GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, desired_config, name: __MODULE__) end def init(desired) do :jenga_config =, [:set, :protected, :named_table]) case load_config(:jenga_config, desired) do :ok -> {:ok, %{table: :jenga_config, desired: desired}} :error -> {:stop, :could_not_load_config} end end end

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defmodule Jenga.Config do use GenServer def start_link(desired_config) do GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, desired_config, name: __MODULE__) end def init(desired) do :jenga_config =, [:set, :protected, :named_table]) case load_config(:jenga_config, desired) do :ok -> {:ok, %{table: :jenga_config, desired: desired}} :error -> {:stop, :could_not_load_config} end end defp load_config(table, config, retry_count \\ 0) defp load_config(_table, [], _), do: :ok defp load_config(_table, _, 10), do: :error defp load_config(table, [{k, v} | tail], retry_count) do case System.get_env(v) do nil -> load_config(table, [{k, v} | tail], retry_count + 1) value -> :ets.insert(table, {k, value}) load_config(table, tail, retry_count) end end end

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** (Mix) Could not start application jenga: Jenga.Application.start(:normal, []) returned an error: shutdown: failed to start child: Jenga.Config ** (EXIT) :could_not_load_config

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Lets talk about… Booting the runtime & Configuration Starting dependencies Connecting to external systems Alarms and feedback Communicating with services we don’t control

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Lets talk about… Booting the runtime & Configuration Starting dependencies Connecting to external systems Alarms and feedback Communicating with services we don’t control

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App Load Balancer /up

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App Load Balancer /up Operators alarms

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App Phoenix

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defmodule Jenga.Application do use Application def start(_type, _args) do config = [ port: "PORT", db_url: "DB_URL", ] children = [ {Jenga.Config, config}, ] opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: Jenga.Supervisor] Supervisor.start_link(children, opts) end end

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defmodule Jenga.Application do use Application def start(_type, _args) do config = [ port: "PORT", db_url: "DB_URL", ] children = [ {Jenga.Config, config}, JengaWeb.Endpoint, ] opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: Jenga.Supervisor] Supervisor.start_link(children, opts) end end

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defmodule JengaWeb.Endpoint do use Phoenix.Endpoint, otp_app: :jenga def init(_key, config) do port = Jenga.Config.get(:port) {:ok, Keyword.put(config, :http, [:inet6, port: port])} end end

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defmodule JengaWeb.UpController do use JengaWeb, :controller def up(conn, _params) do {code, message} = status() conn |> Plug.Conn.put_status(code) |> json(message) end defp status do {500, %{status: “LOADING”}} end end

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Lets talk about… Booting the runtime & Configuration Starting dependencies Connecting to external systems Alarms and feedback Communicating with services we don’t control

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Lets talk about… Booting the runtime & Configuration Starting dependencies Connecting to external systems Alarms and feedback Communicating with services we don’t control

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App Phoenix

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App Phoenix Database

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App Phoenix Pool Supervisor Conn Conn Conn

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App Phoenix Pool Supervisor Conn Conn Conn Disconnected

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Supervisors are about guarantees -“Friend of the show” Fred Hebert

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App Phoenix Pool Supervisor Conn Conn Conn

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App Phoenix Pool Supervisor Conn Conn Conn

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App Phoenix Pool Supervisor Conn Conn Conn

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App Phoenix Pool Supervisor Conn Conn Conn

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App Phoenix Pool Supervisor Conn Conn Conn

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defmodule Jenga.DemoConnection do use GenServer end

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defmodule Jenga.DemoConnection do use GenServer def init(opts) do wait_for = 3_000 + backoff() + jitter() Process.send_after(self(), {:try_connect, opts}, wait_for) {:ok, %{state: :disconnected}} end end

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defmodule Jenga.DemoConnection do use GenServer def init(opts) do wait_for = 3_000 + backoff() + jitter() Process.send_after(self(), {:try_connect, opts}, wait_for) {:ok, %{state: :disconnected}} end def handle_info({:try_connect, opts}, _) do do_connect(opts) {:noreply, state} end end

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defmodule Jenga.DemoConnection do use GenServer def init(opts) do wait_for = 3_000 + backoff() + jitter() Process.send_after(self(), {:try_connect, opts}, wait_for) {:ok, %{state: :disconnected}} end def handle_info(:try_connect, state) do case do_connect do :ok -> {:noreply, %{state | state: :connected}} :error -> wait_for = 3_000 + backoff() + jitter() Process.send_after(self(), :try_connect, wait_for) {:noreply, state} end end end

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Lets talk about… Booting the runtime & Configuration Starting dependencies Connecting to external systems Alarms and feedback Communicating with services we don’t control

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Lets talk about… Booting the runtime & Configuration Starting dependencies Connecting to external systems Alarms and feedback Communicating with services we don’t control

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App Phoenix Pool Supervisor Conn Conn Conn

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App Phoenix Pool Supervisor Conn Conn Conn

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App Phoenix Pool Supervisor Conn Conn Conn

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App Phoenix Pool Supervisor Conn Conn Conn

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App Phoenix Pool Supervisor Conn Conn Conn

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App Phoenix Pool Supervisor Conn Conn Conn Load Balancer

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defmodule JengaWeb.UpController do use JengaWeb, :controller def up(conn, _params) do {code, message} = status() conn |> Plug.Conn.put_status(code) |> json(message) end defp status do {500, %{status: “LOADING”}} end end

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defmodule JengaWeb.UpController do use JengaWeb, :controller def up(conn, _params) do {code, message} = status() conn |> Plug.Conn.put_status(code) |> json(message) end defp status do case Database.check_status() do :ok -> {200, %{status: "OK"}} _ -> {500, %{status: "LOADING"}} end end end

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App Phoenix Pool Supervisor Conn Conn Conn Load Balancer

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App Phoenix Pool Supervisor Conn Conn Conn

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App Phoenix Pool Supervisor Conn Conn Conn Operators alarms

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App Phoenix Pool supervisor Operators alarms db_supervisor Watchdog

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Watchdog Good Bad Check DB Status

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Watchdog Good Bad Check DB Status Open alarm

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Watchdog Good Bad Check DB Status Close alarm Open alarm

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defmodule Jenga.Database.Watchdog do use GenServer end

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defmodule Jenga.Database.Watchdog do use GenServer def init(:ok) do schedule_check() {:ok, %{status: :degraded, passing_checks: 0}} end end

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defmodule Jenga.Database.Watchdog do use GenServer def init(:ok) do schedule_check() {:ok, %{status: :degraded, passing_checks: 0}} end def handle_info(:check_db, state) do status = Jenga.Database.check_status() state = change_state(status, state) schedule_check() {:noreply, state} end end

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defmodule Jenga.Database.Watchdog do use GenServer def init(:ok) do schedule_check() {:ok, %{status: :degraded, passing_checks: 0}} end def handle_info(:check_db, state) do status = Jenga.Database.check_status() state = change_state(status, state) schedule_check() {:noreply, state} end defp change_state(result, %{status: status, passing_checks: count}) do end end

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defmodule Jenga.Database.Watchdog do use GenServer def init(:ok) do schedule_check() {:ok, %{status: :degraded, passing_checks: 0}} end def handle_info(:check_db, state) do status = Jenga.Database.check_status() state = change_state(status, state) schedule_check() {:noreply, state} end defp change_state(result, %{status: status, passing_checks: count}) do case {result, status, count} do {:ok, :connected, count} -> if count == 3 do :alarm_handler.clear_alarm(@alarm_id) end %{status: :connected, passing_checks: count + 1} {:ok, :degraded, _} -> %{status: :connected, passing_checks: 0} end end end

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defmodule Jenga.Database.Watchdog do use GenServer def init(:ok) do schedule_check() {:ok, %{status: :degraded, passing_checks: 0}} end def handle_info(:check_db, state) do status = Jenga.Database.check_status() state = change_state(status, state) schedule_check() {:noreply, state} end defp change_state(result, %{status: status, passing_checks: count}) do case {result, status, count} do {:ok, :connected, count} -> if count == 3 do :alarm_handler.clear_alarm(@alarm_id) end %{status: :connected, passing_checks: count + 1} {:ok, :degraded, _} -> %{status: :connected, passing_checks: 0} {:error, :connected, _} -> :alarm_handler.set_alarm({@alarm_id, "We cannot connect to the database”}) %{status: :degraded, passing_checks: 0} {:error, :degraded, _} -> %{status: :degraded, passing_checks: 0} end end end

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:alarm_handler.clear_alarm(@alarm_id) :alarm_handler.set_alarm({@alarm_id, "We cannot connect to the database”})

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defmodule Jenga.Application do use Application def start(_type, _args) do config = [ port: “PORT", db_url: "DB_URL", ] children = [ {Jenga.Config, config}, JengaWeb.Endpoint, Jenga.Database.Supervisor, ] opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: Jenga.Supervisor] Supervisor.start_link(children, opts) end end

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defmodule Jenga.Application do use Application def start(_type, _args) do config = [ port: “PORT", db_url: "DB_URL", ] :gen_event.swap_handler( :alarm_handler, {:alarm_handler, :swap}, {Jenga.AlarmHandler, :ok}) children = [ {Jenga.Config, config}, JengaWeb.Endpoint, Jenga.Database.Supervisor, ] opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: Jenga.Supervisor] Supervisor.start_link(children, opts) end end

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defmodule Jenga.AlarmHandler do require Logger def init({:ok, {:alarm_handler, _old_alarms}}) do"Installing alarm handler") {:ok, %{}} end def handle_event({:set_alarm, :database_disconnected}, alarms) do send_alert_to_slack(database_alarm()) {:ok, alarms} end def handle_event({:clear_alarm, :database_disconnected}, alarms) do send_recovery_to_slack(database_alarm()) {:ok, alarms} end def handle_event(event, state) do"Unhandled alarm event: #{inspect(event)}") {:ok, state} end end

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Lets talk about… Booting the runtime & Configuration Starting dependencies Connecting to external systems Alarms and feedback Communicating with services we don’t control

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Lets talk about… Booting the runtime & Configuration Starting dependencies Connecting to external systems Alarms and feedback Communicating with services we don’t control

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App Other Service Client External Services

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App Other Service Client External Services

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App Other Service Client External Services

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App Other Service Client External Services

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App Other Service Client External Services

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App Other Service Client External Services

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App Other Service Client External Services

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Circuit Breakers

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defmodule Jenga.ExternalService do def fetch(params) do with :ok <- :fuse.ask(@fuse, :async_dirty), {:ok, result} <- make_call(params) do {:ok, result} else {:error, e} -> :ok = :fuse.melt(@fuse) {:error, e} :blown -> {:error, :service_is_down} end end end

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App Other Service Client External Services

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App Other Service Client External Services

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App Other Service Client External Services ETS

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App Other Service Client External Services ETS

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App Other Service Client External Services ETS

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App Other Service Client External Services ETS

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Circuit Breakers

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Additive Increase Multiplicative Decrease

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Lets talk about… Booting the runtime & Configuration Starting dependencies Connecting to external systems Alarms and feedback Communicating with services we don’t control

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We booted our application!

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Now what?

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Handle failures gracefully Provide feedback to other systems Give insight to operators Systems Should…

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Handle failures gracefully Provide feedback to other systems Give insight to operators Systems Should…

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Handle failures gracefully Provide feedback to other systems Give insight to operators Systems Should…

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Handle failures gracefully Provide feedback to other systems Give insight to operators Systems Should…

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Handle failures gracefully Provide feedback to other systems Give insight to operators Systems Should…

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We have powerful tools in our runtime

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Take advantage of them to build more robust systems

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Thanks Chris Keathley / @ChrisKeathley /