agility in your
#PHPTour Lyon 2014
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Who am I?
Matthieu Moquet
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“Agile software development
is a group of methods based on
iterative and incremental
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In other words,
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What’s your
development workflow?
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2 weeks SCRUM
8 days development
2 days
bug fixes
freeze features
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o 1 week planning
o Merge once it’s ready
o Several deployments /day
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Who makes the translations?
When do you translate?
How do you proceed?
What about translations?
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Solution #1
Write all translations before starting
– Better understanding of the final rendering
– Can’t update specs later
– Damn slow (not very agile)
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Solution #2
Write all translations before deploying
– Development can be parallelized
– Translations are more concrete
– Still damn slow to deploy
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Solution #3
Don’t care about untranslated phrases in
…since it’s not developers’ problem
– Developers are more independent
– Phrases can be untranslated for undefined time
– Can’t translate before next release
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Solution #4
Decouple your translation process from the
development workflow
– Developers are totally independent
– Easy to update any content strings
– Need tools to follow the translation flow
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Our solution
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Developers create the default translations
– in English (sometimes in French)
– taken from specifications… or their mind
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Translators do the rest
– when a feature is developed (before production,
once it’s on staging)
– after deploying (to update default translations)
– long after, because of a product change
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deploy your code
update your translations
Think your translations as an independent
asset from your code base
…like a CMS
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o Create & Update translations with built-in app
o No translations stored in code source
o Import from DEV env to PROD when deploying
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We then built a similar module with
our brand new Symfony website…
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o English translations in Yaml files
o Pushed to database when staging
o Translators only work on production dataset
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Translations Deployment (lazy mode)
o Avoid querying the database for each HTTP request
o Only store the last modification time on a Redis key
o Deploying translations means updating the Redis token
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Debug Mode
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Will you open source your
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Our editing tool is too much coupled
with other layouts & services.
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and there are already some
Symfony bundles doing the job
o Kunstmaan/KunstmaanTranslatorBundle
o lexik/LexikTranslationBundle
o servergrove/TranslationEditorBundle
o schmittjoh/JMSTranslationBundle
o Elao/ElaoFormTranslationBundle
o Incenteev/IncenteevTranslationCheckerBundle
o matteosister/TranslationBundle
o Wiakowe/TranslationBundle
o Pierstoval/TranslationBundle
o fre5h/TranslationBundle
o GiZystems/TranslationBundle
o dinecat/I18nBundle
o PUGX/PUGXI18nBundle
o emmanuelballery/EBTranslationBundle
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But wait…
is a bundle the good solution?
– What about maintaining several applications?
– Better to have a centralized platform to perform all
the translations
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What about existing tools?
Tools to help translating an application
There are several! Mostly SaaS.
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(free for open source softwares)
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♥ UI
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o Review / approval
o History
o Glossary
o Translation Memory
o Projects management
o Team organization
o Comments
o Statistics
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API + CLI tool
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(free for open source softwares)
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o Crowdsourcing
o Translation Agency
o Translation Memory
o Glossary
o Machine Translation
o In-context edition
o Screenshots
o Statistics
o Review/voting system
o Webhooks
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There are many more SaaS tools…
but, is it worth it?
Lots of tools,
but can’t find a satisfying one
Non-adapted to our current workflow
§ Unable to edit source
§ Unable to view/search by translation keys
§ No SSO compliant
§ etc.
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We could adapt ourselves to
existing features
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We could
roll our own
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must be fully
open source
Pleasant to code / play with
Doesn’t depend on a tier
Roll your own auth mechanism
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should include the
basic features
of traditional tools
Review, glossary, history, etc.
And maybe more!
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should be
Language/framework independent
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damn simple to use
Easy to install / configure
Simple workflow
Minimal interface
UX friendly
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Started as a traditional
Symfony application
(a bit of) BackboneJS
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but that was not enough satisfying…
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…and I wanted to play more with
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API first
No more session, Twig, etc.
Full Javascript client
Backbone + Marionette + RequireJS
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Shipped with a CLI tool
à API client build with Guzzle 4
Webhooks / Web
Deploy translation files on each frontend servers
Update a token and let servers update themselves
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Webhooks / Mobile
Webhook will upload
translations on a CDN
On start-up, mobile app
download latest version
of translations
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Webhooks / Others
o Make a PR on GitHub
o Push new commit
o Create backup archives
o …
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And more to come…
• Proofread mode for editor
• History
• Statistics
• Screenshots
• Glossary
• Tags
• Support more formats (Android, iOS, Rails…)
• etc.
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Interested in the project?
Feel free to contribute
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or just have a look at the sources
if you’re just curious
§ openl10n: The core project (API + javascript client)
§ openl10n-sdk: API client (Guzzle 4)
§ openl10n-cli: CLI tool
§ openl10n.js: In-context translations (not planned yet)
§ demo-(silex|symfony|angular|rails): Example
of application with a openl10n configuration
§ etc.
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Back-end / Symfony
– Split by main components (project, resources,
translations, etc.)
– Unit tests via PHPSpec
– Set the infrastructure
– Implements API & User management
– Functionnal tests via PHPUnit
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Front-end / BackboneJS
o MarionetteJS + RequireJS (soon Browserify?)
o Bundles-like folders
o No tests L
o Is there a JS expert in the room?
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Thank you
Slides available at
More information at
Leave feedbacks @MattKetmo