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UIKonf 2016

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A Time Lapse View of Swift UIKonf 2016 Daniel H Steinberg @dimsumthinking

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0 .. 2

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0 ..< 2

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-5 ..< 0

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~ 20 OCE

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-5 BS

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Objective - C is so old fashioned

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Objective - C is so old fashioned It's Holding us Back

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Objective - C is so old fashioned It's Holding us Back It has Square Brackets

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Objective - C is so old fashioned It's Holding us Back It has Square Brackets It doesn't have Garbage Collection

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Objective - C is so old fashioned It's Holding us Back It has Square Brackets It doesn't have Garbage Collection Wah wah wah

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No content

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Objective - C

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#import "MasterViewController.h" #import "DetailViewController.h" #import "Search.h" #import "TextInputViewController.h" @interface MasterViewController () @end @implementation MasterViewController - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib. self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = self.editButtonItem; self.detailViewController = (DetailViewController *)[[self.splitViewController.viewControllers lastObject] topViewController]; } - (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated { self.clearsSelectionOnViewWillAppear = self.splitViewController.isCollapsed; [super viewWillAppear:animated]; } - (void)insertNewSearchTerm:(NSString *)searchTerm { NSManagedObjectContext *context = [self.fetchedResultsController managedObjectContext]; NSEntityDescription *entity = [[self.fetchedResultsController fetchRequest] entity]; Search *newSearch = [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:[entity name] inManagedObjectContext:context]; newSearch.term = searchTerm; newSearch.timeOfLastSearch = [[NSDate alloc] init]; newSearch.hasBeenSearched = NO; NSError *error = nil; if (![context save:&error]) { NSLog(@"Unresolved error %@, %@", error, [error userInfo]); abort(); } } #pragma mark - Segues - (void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender { //... if ([[segue identifier] isEqualToString:@"showDetail"]) { NSIndexPath *indexPath = [self.tableView indexPathForSelectedRow]; Search *search = [[self fetchedResultsController] objectAtIndexPath:indexPath]; DetailViewController *controller = (DetailViewController *)[[segue destinationViewController] topViewController]; [controller setSearch: search]; controller.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = self.splitViewController.displayModeButtonItem; controller.navigationItem.leftItemsSupplementBackButton = YES; } else if ([segue.identifier isEqualToString:@"showSearchInput"]){ TextInputViewController *textInputVC = segue.destinationViewController; textInputVC.title = @"Search Term"; textInputVC.placeholderText = @"Enter search term"; textInputVC.cancel = ^{ [self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil]; }; = ^(NSString *text){ [self insertNewSearchTerm:text];)tableView { return [[self.fetchedResultsController sections] count]; }

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[super viewDidLoad];

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[[self.fetchedRC fetchRequest] entity];

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NSEntityDescription *entity = [[self.fetchedRC fetchRequest] entity];

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#import "MasterViewController.h"

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#import "MasterViewController.h"

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Objective - C is so old fashioned It's Holding us Back It has Square Brackets It doesn't have Garbage Collection Wah wah wah

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-5 ..< 0

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"Apple does not comment on unreleased …"

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Retina Display

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Different Aspect Ratios

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Processor Changes

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"Apple does not comment on unreleased …"

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If you pay attention

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"Use pixels not points"

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"Use NSInteger not int"

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"Adopt Autolayout"

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Then you realize

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While this is happening …

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They were already working on …

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No content

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While this is happening …

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Objective - C is so old fashioned It's Holding us Back It has Square Brackets It doesn't have Garbage Collection Wah wah wah

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They were already working on Swift.

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They should have told us

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You can usually look back and see

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Autolayout …

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Phones with different sizes and aspect ratios.

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NSInteger and int …

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64 bit

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Pixels not points …

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Retina display

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NSArray *myArray = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:@"one", @"two", @"three", @"four", nil];

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NSArray *myArray = @[@"one", @"two", @"three", @"four"];

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let myArray = ["one", "two", "three", "four"]

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NSString *two = [myArray objectAtIndex: 1];

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NSString *two = myArray[1];

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let two = myArray[1]

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You can look back and see what is coming.

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0 SE

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WWDC 2014

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Swift is Released

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They Should have released it earlier and shown us what they were working on

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They Should have released it earlier and shown us what they were working on They should have released it later when it was ready.

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it's not open source They Should have released it earlier and shown us what they were working on They should have released it later when it was ready.

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"We haven't thought about it."

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You can look back and see what is coming.

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let myArray: Int[]

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let myArray: [Int]

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Willing to shake off the past.

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let myArray = [1, 2, 3]

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let myArray = [1, 2, 3] myArray[1] = 7

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That's not what "Let" Means.

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let myArray = [1, 2, 3] myArray[1] = 7

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let myArray = [1, 2, 3] myArray[1] = 7

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var myArray = [1, 2, 3] myArray[1] = 7

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Willing to change in response to community feedback.

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You can look back and see what is coming.

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1 SE

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WWDC 2015

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"Swift will be open sourced by the end of this year."

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End of November, 2015

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Apple promised Open Source. They Didn't open source Swift yet. They failed.

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Just shut up

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Just shut up

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Apple promised Open Source. They Didn't open source Swift yet. They failed.

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End of November, 2015

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"Swift will be open sourced by the end of this year."

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"Swift will be open sourced by the end of this year."

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December 3, 2015

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No content

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"Swift will be open sourced by the end of this year."

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Look at the license. It's not "really" Open Source.

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Proposals from the community

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PR from the community

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Apple is listening

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really listening

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Sometimes the Core Team decides differently.

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See? I told you It's not "really" Open Source.

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I won't argue.

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Apple is listening

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Apple is responding

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Apple is sharing

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Core Team: why

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Core Team: what we're thinking

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Core Team: plans

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No content

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No content

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Swift 3

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Stable ABI Resilience Portability Type system cleanup and documentation Complete generics Focus and refine the language API design guidelines

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Stable ABI Resilience Portability Type system cleanup and documentation Complete generics Focus and refine the language API design guidelines

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Stable ABI Resilience Portability Type system cleanup and documentation Complete generics Focus and refine the language API design guidelines

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Stable ABI Resilience Portability Type system cleanup and documentation Complete generics Focus and refine the language API design guidelines

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Stable ABI Resilience Portability Type system cleanup and documentation Complete generics Focus and refine the language API design guidelines

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Stable ABI Resilience Portability Type system cleanup and documentation Complete generics Focus and refine the language API design guidelines

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Stable ABI Resilience Portability Type system cleanup and documentation Complete generics Focus and refine the language API design guidelines

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May 16, 2016

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Chris Lattner

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"As we get deeper into the Swift 3 release cycle, we’re beginning to have a more precise understanding about what the release will shape up to be."

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"This release […] will redefine the feel of Swift and make a major leap towards maturing the Swift language and development experience. "

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"We have had a focus on getting to source stability, with the forward-looking goal of making Swift 4 as source compatible with Swift 3 as we can[…]. It tackled API naming head on […], made major improvements to the consistency and feel of the language.…"

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"We have had a focus on getting to source stability, with the forward-looking goal of making Swift 4 as source compatible with Swift 3 as we can[…]. It tackled API naming head on […], made major improvements to the consistency and feel of the language.…"

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"We have had a focus on getting to source stability, with the forward-looking goal of making Swift 4 as source compatible with Swift 3 as we can[…]. It tackled API naming head on […], made major improvements to the consistency and feel of the language.…"

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"We have had a focus on getting to source stability, with the forward-looking goal of making Swift 4 as source compatible with Swift 3 as we can[…]. It tackled API naming head on […], made major improvements to the consistency and feel of the language.…"

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Stabilize the language.

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Apple is listening

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"That said, it is also clear at this point that some of the loftier goals that we started out with aren’t going to fit into the release"

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"including some of the most important generics features needed in order to lock down the ABI of the standard library."

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"the generics and ABI stability goals will roll into a future release of Swift, where I expect them to be the *highest* priority features to get done."

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The world is ending

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No content

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We are here

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What's the rush?

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Big here

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Long now

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Now: Stabilize the language.

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Next: Finish generics while we play with the wealth of changes that have been added.

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I'm glad the binary isn't set yet.

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What changes are still in scope?

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"The highest priority to me is to get the 'little syntactic stuff' done […] because it affects source stability."

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"The highest priority to me is to get the 'little syntactic stuff' done […] because it affects source stability."

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"The highest priority to me is to get the 'little syntactic stuff' done […] because it affects source stability."

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Disappointing is my first thought, in fact worrying. Two years after the language was announced, the ABI is still not stable.

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Of the original […] seven goals [Only two Will] be achieved in Swift 3, this looks like failure.

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Community Response

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Swift 3 initial scope was determined prior to the input of the Swift Evolution community, just as it was being Open Sourced. The fact they are open to changing timelines and ensuring we get fundamentals of the language sorted is a testament to their commitment to the quality of Swift as a whole.

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Swift 3 initial scope was determined prior to the input of the Swift Evolution community, just as it was being Open Sourced. The fact they are open to changing timelines and ensuring we get fundamentals of the language sorted is a testament to their commitment to the quality of Swift as a whole.

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Swift 3 initial scope was determined prior to the input of the Swift Evolution community, just as it was being Open Sourced. The fact they are open to changing timelines and ensuring we get fundamentals of the language sorted is a testament to their commitment to the quality of Swift as a whole.

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Greg Parker Runtime Wrangler

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"We apologize for the inconvenience."

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"The OS X and iOS architecture transitions demonstrate the two fundamental laws of ABI changes:"

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"1. Opportunities to break ABI compatibility are rare."

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"2. Any opportunity to break ABI compatibility will suffer from severe schedule pressure."

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"If we tried to rush Swift ABI stability out the door for Swift 3 we would certainly end up with deliberate or accidental flaws[…] Being able to take the time to get it right is a rare luxury."

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"If we tried to rush Swift ABI stability out the door for Swift 3 we would certainly end up with deliberate or accidental flaws[…] Being able to take the time to get it right is a rare luxury."

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"If we tried to rush Swift ABI stability out the door for Swift 3 we would certainly end up with deliberate or accidental flaws[…] Being able to take the time to get it right is a rare luxury."

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But this will hurt adoption

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"I would be wholly concerned if any of Swift's goals were being defined by winning the short-term favor of business people."

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"I would be wholly concerned if any of Swift's goals were being defined by winning the short-term favor of business people."

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Swift 3

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API design guidelines Automatic application of naming guidelines to imported Objective-C APIs Adoption of naming guidelines in key APIs Swiftification of imported Objective-C APIs Focus and refine the language Improvements to tooling quality

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API design guidelines Automatic application of naming guidelines to imported Objective-C APIs Adoption of naming guidelines in key APIs Swiftification of imported Objective-C APIs Focus and refine the language Improvements to tooling quality

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API design guidelines Automatic application of naming guidelines to imported Objective-C APIs Adoption of naming guidelines in key APIs Swiftification of imported Objective-C APIs Focus and refine the language Improvements to tooling quality

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API design guidelines Automatic application of naming guidelines to imported Objective-C APIs Adoption of naming guidelines in key APIs Swiftification of imported Objective-C APIs Focus and refine the language Improvements to tooling quality

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API design guidelines Automatic application of naming guidelines to imported Objective-C APIs Adoption of naming guidelines in key APIs Swiftification of imported Objective-C APIs Focus and refine the language Improvements to tooling quality

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API design guidelines Automatic application of naming guidelines to imported Objective-C APIs Adoption of naming guidelines in key APIs Swiftification of imported Objective-C APIs Focus and refine the language Improvements to tooling quality

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No content

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No content

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API design guidelines Focus and refine the language Adoption of naming guidelines in Automatic application of naming imported Objective-C APIs Swiftification of imported Objectiv Improvements to tooling quality API design guidelines Focus and refine the language Type system cleanup and documentation Resilience Portability Complete generics Stable ABI

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API design guidelines Focus and refine the language Adoption of naming guidelines in Automatic application of naming imported Objective-C APIs Swiftification of imported Objectiv Improvements to tooling quality API design guidelines Focus and refine the language Type system cleanup and documentation Resilience Portability Complete generics Stable ABI

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API design guidelines Focus and refine the language Adoption of naming guidelines in Automatic application of naming imported Objective-C APIs Swiftification of imported Objectiv Improvements to tooling quality API design guidelines Focus and refine the language Type system cleanup and documentation Resilience Portability Complete generics Stable ABI

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API design guidelines Focus and refine the language Adoption of naming guidelines in Automatic application of naming imported Objective-C APIs Swiftification of imported Objectiv Improvements to tooling quality API design guidelines Focus and refine the language Type system cleanup and documentation Resilience Portability Complete generics Stable ABI

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"the generics and ABI stability goals will […] be the *highest* priority features"

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0 SE

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We are here

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Swift 3

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ABI Stability

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No content

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Long now

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Open Source

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A Time Lapse View of Swift UIKonf 2016 Daniel H Steinberg @dimsumthinking