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developer the creative by @almirfilho

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console.warn this is *not* a presentation

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console.warn this is a conversation

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let’s talk about some *important stuff*, like..

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HAHA kiddin'

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and how they can *totally fuck up* with our professional & personal lives

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console.warn this is gonna *piss you off*

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> whoami_ @almirfilho @loopinfinito

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myths ~ creative people ~

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bullshit this is

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myths ~ talented people ~

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bullshit also

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compliment? why talent is a

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mozart tiger woods ayrton senna michael jordan

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“I practiced until my hands bled. it wasn’t easy. this natural swing wasn’t natural at all.” ~ tiger woods

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“I have no idols. I admire work, dedication and competence.” ~ ayrton senna

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hard work. dedication. no talent bullshit

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awesome book btw

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~ creative & talented ~ bullshit kills *motivation*

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culture people say

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“a designer don’t have to learn to code.”

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“I’m not a creative person.”

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“design should not be limited by technology.”

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“it’s impossible to do that.”

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“I’m an artist.”

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“I’m just a programmer.”

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“code is for virgin nerds.”

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“design is for fags.” top shit

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dogmas limitations prejudice confusion bullshit reproductive cycle

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dogma | ˈdôgmƧ established principle by an authority as *incontrovertibly true*. is that a thing? really?

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dogmas everywhere in religion, science and culture

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educational institutions = industries

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specialism implicit dogma

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“what do you wanna be when you grown up?” crap adults say to children

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“happy” ~ john lennon

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developer I wanna be a

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developer web developer front-end developer ui developer

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console.warn too much specialism curbs your *creativity*

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generalist x specialist dichotomy?

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“specialization is for insects” radical generalist

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“jack of all trades, master of none” radical specialist

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jack of all trades, master of *many* how about?

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*intelectual diversity* creativity & confidence generalism rocks

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boredom is failure generalism rocks

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T shape, bro. but what about depth?

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master the art of *learning* wanna be a master?

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awesome book btw

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don’t call yourself a *programmer* my final message is

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we’re not in “programming” business guess what

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we’re *problem solvers* way more sexy this shit is sexy bernard

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keep your mind open. don’t fear it. you’ll survive. and

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thank you! @almirfilho don’t trust me.