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People, process, and technology for ILM and SLM adoption Rosemary Wang Chief Developer Advocate

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Circa 2018 Some Concepts for Research API Author i zation (OAuth & OpenID) Testing & Testing-Dr i ven Development (TDD) Continuous Delivery Pipelines-as-Code Infrastructure-as-Code REST API Standards Basic Networking Basic Linux/Windows Systems Basic Secur i ty (Vulnerability Management) Site Reliability Engineer i ng Observability (Monitor i ng, Logging, Tracing) Public Cloud Constructs Container i zation (Orchestrators & Runtimes) Secret Management Code (Python, Ruby, Golang) Chaos Engineer i ng Release & Deliver Software Microservices User Interfaces/APIs DevOps Site Reliability Engineer i ng “Platform”? PaaS which uses patterns like which you which you more easily by applying which has technologies classif i ed as sometimes packaged as which can be runs on All done as securely as possible Philosophy whose practical implementation can be through Physical Devices Pr i vate Cloud Datacenter Infrastructure Public Cloud (IaaS) Network, Systems & More composed of which can be which runs on Trying to put the terms together Confusing Job Descr i ptors Pr i vate Public Cloud Site Reliability Engineer/Developer Platform DevOps Release Infrastructure Systems Network

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Infrastructure / Secur i ty Lifecycle Management is the practice of changing infrastructure or secur i ty resources.

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Changes to infrastructure/ secur i ty Create Read Update Delete

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Chief Developer Advocate HashiCorp She/her @joatmon08 Rosemary Wang

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Datacenter Public Cloud 1 Public Cloud 2

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Datacenter Public Cloud 1 Public Cloud 2 Lifecycle management

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Datacenter Public Cloud 1 Public Cloud 2

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Infrastructure Lifecycle Management As code Self-service Systems of record Modular i zation Secur i ty Lifecycle Management Ephemerality Remediation Access control Standardization Immutability Delete Update Create Monitor i ng Read Observability Foundations for ILM/SLM Scale

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Infrastructure Lifecycle Management Modular i zation Secur i ty Lifecycle Management Ephemerality Remediation Access control Standardization Immutability Delete Update Create Monitor i ng Read Observability Scale As code Self-service Systems of record

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Infrastructure Lifecycle Management Secur i ty Lifecycle Management Did the patch fail? Vulnerability patch management Read Monitor i ng Observability Which machines still need updates?

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Read Infrastructure Lifecycle Management Monitor i ng Secur i ty Lifecycle Management Observability • Audit changes to infrastructure • Identify dr i ft • Validate policy conformance • Audit system access • Identify vulnerabilities • Validate artifact provenance

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People & process Encourage self-service of information Build conf i dence for change People Audit and document system evolution Iterate on unif i ed “platform” interface Process

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Infrastructure Lifecycle Management As code Self-service Systems of record Modular i zation Secur i ty Lifecycle Management Ephemerality Remediation Access control Standardization Immutability Delete Update Create Monitor i ng Read Observability Foundations for ILM/SLM Scale

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Infrastructure Lifecycle Management Modular i zation Secur i ty Lifecycle Management Ephemerality Remediation Access control Standardization Immutability Delete Update Create Monitor i ng Read Observability Scale As code Self-service Systems of record

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Infrastructure Lifecycle Management Secur i ty Lifecycle Management What gets disrupted when we patch? How do we access machines for patching? Vulnerability patch management Create Modular i zation Access control

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Create Infrastructure Lifecycle Management Modular i zation Secur i ty Lifecycle Management Access control • Isolate changes to parts of the system • Decouple infrastructure dependencies • Isolate least pr i vilege access • Decouple identity from access policy

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People & process Identify kebab vs. cake teams Agree on interface over implementation People Balance productivity and secur i ty Support f l exibility Process

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Infrastructure Lifecycle Management As code Self-service Systems of record Modular i zation Secur i ty Lifecycle Management Ephemerality Remediation Access control Standardization Immutability Delete Update Create Monitor i ng Read Observability Foundations for ILM/SLM Scale

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Infrastructure Lifecycle Management Modular i zation Secur i ty Lifecycle Management Ephemerality Remediation Access control Standardization Immutability Delete Update Create Monitor i ng Read Observability Scale As code Self-service Systems of record

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Infrastructure Lifecycle Management Secur i ty Lifecycle Management What do we need to do to f i x the vulnerability? How do we roll out the patch? Vulnerability patch management Update Standardization Remediation

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Update Infrastructure Lifecycle Management Standardization Secur i ty Lifecycle Management Remediation • Develop consistent deployments • Improve predictability of changes and rollbacks • Develop baseline for detecting anomalous behavior • Improve speed of f i xes

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Datacenter Public Cloud 1 Public Cloud 2

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Datacenter Public Cloud 1 Public Cloud 2 Remediation without Standardization

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Datacenter Public Cloud 1 Public Cloud 2 Remediation with Standardization

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People & process Justify refactor i ng effort Establish evergreen standards Focus on value over technical details People Develop consistency in process Document edge cases Process

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Infrastructure Lifecycle Management As code Self-service Systems of record Modular i zation Secur i ty Lifecycle Management Ephemerality Remediation Access control Standardization Immutability Delete Update Create Monitor i ng Read Observability Foundations for ILM/SLM Scale

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Infrastructure Lifecycle Management Modular i zation Secur i ty Lifecycle Management Ephemerality Remediation Access control Standardization Immutability Delete Update Create Monitor i ng Read Observability Scale As code Self-service Systems of record

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Infrastructure Lifecycle Management Secur i ty Lifecycle Management Can we replace machines instead of updating? Are short-lived resources a compensating control? Vulnerability patch management Delete Immutability Ephemerality

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Delete Infrastructure Lifecycle Management Immutability Secur i ty Lifecycle Management Ephemerality • Change resource by creation and deletion • Support lower r i sk refactor i ng patterns • Change time-to-live of resources to reduce attack surface • Support resiliency patterns for short-lived resources

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People & process Shift paradigm from static to dynamic Apply immutability to larger use cases People Develop constant rate of change Establish provisioning as remediation Process

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Infrastructure Lifecycle Management As code Self-service Systems of record Modular i zation Secur i ty Lifecycle Management Ephemerality Remediation Access control Standardization Immutability Delete Update Create Monitor i ng Read Observability Foundations for ILM/SLM Scale

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Infrastructure Lifecycle Management Modular i zation Secur i ty Lifecycle Management Ephemerality Remediation Access control Standardization Immutability Delete Update Create Monitor i ng Read Observability Scale As code Self-service Systems of record

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As code Self-service Systems of record Scale How often can we push a commit to update the image?

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Scale Self-service Systems of record As code How often can we push a commit to update the image? How can a developer patch their VM without asking operations?

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Scale Systems of record Self-service As code How often can we push a commit to update the image? How can a developer patch their VM without asking operations? How do we document exceptions if we can’t patch?

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As code Self-service Systems of record • Build conf i guration or policy for automation • Enable orchestration across system Scale

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Scale As code Self-service Systems of record • Build abstraction for complexity of knowledge • Enable anyone to extend system to support business needs

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Scale Systems of record • Build inventory of infrastructure, secrets, identities, and policies • Enable visibility and orchestration across systems at scale Self-service As code

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People & process Shift paradigm from clicking resources to selecting systems Offer escape hatches for edge cases People Accommodate rapid rate of change Use systems of record to assess blast radius Process

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Infrastructure Lifecycle Management As code Self-service Systems of record Modular i zation Secur i ty Lifecycle Management Ephemerality Remediation Access control Standardization Immutability Delete Update Create Monitor i ng Read Observability Foundations for ILM/SLM Scale

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Datacenter Public Cloud 1 Public Cloud 2

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Datacenter Public Cloud 1 Public Cloud 2 Monitor i ng/ Observability

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Datacenter Public Cloud 1 Public Cloud 2 Everything done as code

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Datacenter Public Cloud 1 Public Cloud 2 Established systems of record

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Lifecycle management at scale Design and build for change, which affects process and people.

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Check out recordings from HashiConf 2024 The building blocks of ILM & SLM Examples Learn more

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Thank you @joatmon08