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ML 21: Experience Report: Domain Modeling with F# @ScottWlaschin

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Languages with Mathematical focus Languages with Business focus Proof assistants FP languages COBOL Java/C# F#

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Business-focused development • Understanding the domain is critical – “Correctness” is a lesser goal • Responding to feedback – Need to adjust domain model quickly and safely

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F# for business-focused development • Readable by non-developers – And easy to collaborate with them • Composable types for domain modeling – And type checking makes it safe to refactor • Eliminating errors through design – “Make illegal states unrepresentable”

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Collaborating with non-developers (Domain-driven design)

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 Waterfall methodology

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Agile methodology

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Agile methodology

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Domain-Driven Design

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No content

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No content

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Can you really make code represent the domain?

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What non-developers think source code looks like

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Shared language What DDD source code should look like module CardGame = type Suit = Club | Diamond | Spade | Heart type Rank = Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | Jack | Queen | King type Card = Suit * Rank type Hand = Card list type Deck = Card list type Player = { Name:string; Hand:Hand } type Game = { Deck:Deck; Players: Player list } type Deal = Deck –› (Deck * Card) type PickupCard = (Hand * Card) –› Hand

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module CardGame = type Suit = Club | Diamond | Spade | Heart type Rank = Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | Jack | Queen | King type Card = Suit * Rank type Hand = Card list type Deck = Card list type Player = { Name:string; Hand:Hand } type Game = { Deck:Deck; Players: Player list } type Deal = Deck –› (Deck * Card) type PickupCard = (Hand * Card) –› Hand

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module CardGame = type Suit = Club | Diamond | Spade | Heart type Rank = Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | Jack | Queen | King type Card = Suit * Rank type Hand = Card list type Deck = Card list type Player = { Name:string; Hand:Hand } type Game = { Deck:Deck; Players: Player list } type Deal = Deck –› (Deck * Card) type PickupCard = (Hand * Card) –› Hand Non-programmers can provide useful feedback

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Rapid feedback during the design stage

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Creating the domain model is an interactive process Not just for developers. Everyone participates

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... type Deck = Card list type Deal = Deck –› (Deck * Card)

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... type Deck = Card list type Deal = ShuffledDeck –› (ShuffledDeck * Card)

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... type Deck = Card list type Deal = ShuffledDeck –› (ShuffledDeck * Card) type ShuffledDeck = Card list

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... type Deck = Card list type Deal = ShuffledDeck –› (ShuffledDeck * Card) type ShuffledDeck = Card list type Shuffle = Deck –› ShuffledDeck

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... type Deck = Card list type Deal = ShuffledDeck –› (ShuffledDeck * Card) type ShuffledDeck = Card list type Shuffle = Deck –› ShuffledDeck

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Domain modeling with an algebraic type system

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I explain that new types are built from smaller types by: • Composing with AND • Composing with OR (“choices”)

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Example of requirements: We accept three forms of payment: Cash, PayPal, or Card. For Cash we don't need any extra information For PayPal we need a email address For Cards we need a card type and card number

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type EmailAddress = string type CardNumber = string Implement by composing types, like this:

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type EmailAddress = ... type CardNumber = … type CardType = Visa | Mastercard type CreditCardInfo = { CardType : CardType CardNumber : CardNumber }

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type EmailAddress = ... type CardNumber = ... type CardType = ... type CreditCardInfo = ... type PaymentMethod = | Cash | PayPal of EmailAddress | Card of CreditCardInfo

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type EmailAddress = ... type CardNumber = ... type CardType = ... type CreditCardInfo = ... type PaymentMethod = | Cash | PayPal of EmailAddress | Card of CreditCardInfo

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type EmailAddress = ... type CardNumber = ... type CardType = ... type CreditCardInfo = ... type PaymentMethod = | Cash | PayPal of EmailAddress | Card of CreditCardInfo type PaymentAmount = decimal type Currency = EUR | USD

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type EmailAddress = ... type CardNumber = ... type CardType = ... type CreditCardInfo = ... type PaymentMethod = | Cash | PayPal of EmailAddress | Card of CreditCardInfo type PaymentAmount = decimal type Currency = EUR | USD type Payment = { Amount : PaymentAmount Currency : Currency Method : PaymentMethod }

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type EmailAddress = ... type CardNumber = ... type CardType = ... type CreditCardInfo = ... type PaymentMethod = | Cash | PayPal of EmailAddress | Card of CreditCardInfo type PaymentAmount = decimal type Currency = EUR | USD type Payment = { Amount : PaymentAmount Currency : Currency Method : PaymentMethod }

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Eliminating errors through design “Make illegal states unrepresentable”

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Business Rules: • Rule 1: If the email is changed, the verified flag must be reset to false. • Rule 2: The verified flag can only be set by a special verification service type EmailContactInfo = { EmailAddress : string IsEmailVerified : bool }

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type EmailAddress = EmailAddress of string // with associated smart constructor type VerifiedEmail = VerifiedEmail of EmailAddress type VerificationService = (EmailAddress * VerificationHash) –› VerifiedEmail option type EmailContactInfo = | Unverified of EmailAddress | Verified of VerifiedEmail Here’s the refactored model

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type EmailAddress = EmailAddress of string // with associated smart constructor type VerifiedEmail = VerifiedEmail of EmailAddress type VerificationService = (EmailAddress * VerificationHash) –› VerifiedEmail option type EmailContactInfo = | Unverified of EmailAddress | Verified of VerifiedEmail

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type EmailAddress = EmailAddress of string // with associated smart constructor type VerifiedEmail = VerifiedEmail of EmailAddress type VerificationService = (EmailAddress * VerificationHash) –› VerifiedEmail option type EmailContactInfo = | Unverified of EmailAddress | Verified of VerifiedEmail

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type EmailAddress = EmailAddress of string // with associated smart constructor type VerifiedEmail = VerifiedEmail of EmailAddress type VerificationService = (EmailAddress * VerificationHash) –› VerifiedEmail option type EmailContactInfo = | Unverified of EmailAddress | Verified of VerifiedEmail Those business rules are automatically enforced by the design!

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Nice-to-have language improvements • Zero-cost wrappers (e.g. newtype) • An easier way to do “smart constructors” that perform validation • An easier way to enforce constraints (refinement types?) • A more fine-grained way of controlling access to constructors (e.g. the VerifiedEmail constructor)

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Summary • Algebraic types are excellent for business-focused domain modeling • Non-developers can read and contribute • Lots of potential for ML languages here! Thanks!