Slide 5
Slide 5 text
ベストプラクティス(model location)
Model location Deploy time Development experience Container startup time Storage cost
Container image Slow.
An image containing a
large model will take
longer to import into
Cloud Run.
Changes to the container
image will require
redeployment, which may be
slow for large images.
Depends on the size of the model.
For very large models, use Cloud
Storage for more predictable but
slower performance.
multiple copies
in Artifact
Cloud Storage, loaded using Cloud
Storage FUSE volume mount
Model downloaded
during container
Not difficult to set up, does
not require changes to the
docker image.
Fast when network optimizations.
Does not parallelize the download.
One copy in
Cloud Storage.
Cloud Storage, downloaded
concurrently using the Google
Cloud CLI command gcloud
storage cp or the Cloud
Storage API as shown in the
transfer manager concurrent
download code sample.
Model downloaded
during container
Slightly more difficult to set
up, because you'll need to
either install the Google
Cloud CLI on the image or
update your code to use the
Cloud Storage API.
Fast when network optimizations.
The Google Cloud CLI downloads the
model file in parallel, making it faster
than FUSE mount.
One copy in
Cloud Storage.