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2017 Classroom Report

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Teachers, tell us: • Which courses do you teach? • What’s your level of Git mastery? • Where do students struggle with Git + GitHub?

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172 teachers responded

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Community snapshot GitHub Education tools Git + GitHub mastery Teacher training

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Programming Languages AP Computer Science - A AP Computer Science - Principles Computer Science I Software Development Fundamentals Computer Science II Software Engineering Algorhthms and Complexity Platform-based Development Networking and Communication Archiecture and Organization Graphics and Visualization Human-Computer Interaction Operating Systems Parallel and Distributed Computing # of teachers 0 18 35 53 70 13 15 15 15 15 17 21 29 41 41 47 59 34 34 68 Which courses do you teach? (Check all that apply)

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Do you use any sort of version control in your classes? No 44% Yes 56%

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(Of those who do use version control) Do you use Git in your classes? No 7% Yes 93%

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Creating a new branch Committing to a new branch Cloning a repository on your local machine Creating a repository on the command line Pushing to a remote repository Opening a pull request Editing a pull request Merging a pull request # of teachers 0 25 50 75 100 49 43 59 84 65 91 75 75 Which of the following are your comfortable doing without referencing documentation?

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Resolving a merge conflict locally Resolving a merge conflict from the remote Reverting a commit Renaming a file with Git Moving a file with Git Rebasing Shashing commits Cherry-picking commits # of teachers 0 15 30 45 60 10 14 20 37 37 36 26 53 Which of the following are your comfortable doing without referencing documentation?

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Using Git reset Using the reflog Effectively using labels Effectively using milestones Effectively using issues Integrating automated testing Making a call to the GitHub API Setting up a page on GitHub Pages Using Git with your IDE # of teachers 0 12,5 25 37,5 50 44 33 7 15 33 21 20 11 25 Which of the following are your comfortable doing without referencing documentation?

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How important are the following topics to teachers just getting started? Which topics are the hardest to teach to students?

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0 12,5 25 37,5 50 49 26 15 7 Not at all important Slightly important Somewhat important Very important Creating a new branch IMPORTANCE DIFFICULTY 0 10 20 30 40 5 15 37 39 Easy Comprehension takes several attempts Students struggle with this material Too difficult to teach in my class

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0 15 30 45 60 52 15 24 6 Not at all important Slightly important Somewhat important Very important Committing to a new branch IMPORTANCE DIFFICULTY 0 10 20 30 40 5 18 38 36 Easy Comprehension takes several attempts Students struggle with this material Too difficult to teach in my class

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0 22,5 45 67,5 90 87 8 1 1 Not at all important Slightly important Somewhat important Very important Cloning a repository to your local machine IMPORTANCE DIFFICULTY 0 17,5 35 52,5 70 3 5 20 69 Easy Comprehension takes several attempts Students struggle with this material Too difficult to teach in my class

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0 20 40 60 80 73 20 3 1 Not at all important Slightly important Somewhat important Very important Pushing to a remote repository IMPORTANCE DIFFICULTY 0 12,5 25 37,5 50 4 12 41 40 Easy Comprehension takes several attempts Students struggle with this material Too difficult to teach in my class

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0 10 20 30 40 38 30 18 11 Not at all important Slightly important Somewhat important Very important Opening a pull request IMPORTANCE DIFFICULTY 0 8 16 24 32 15 28 32 22 Easy Comprehension takes several attempts Students struggle with this material Too difficult to teach in my class

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0 7,5 15 22,5 30 29 29 25 14 Not at all important Slightly important Somewhat important Very important Editing a pull request IMPORTANCE DIFFICULTY 0 8,5 17 25,5 34 17 33 32 15 Easy Comprehension takes several attempts Students struggle with this material Too difficult to teach in my class

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0 10 20 30 40 37 28 21 11 Not at all important Slightly important Somewhat important Very important Merging a pull request IMPORTANCE DIFFICULTY 0 10 20 30 40 17 34 36 10 Easy Comprehension takes several attempts Students struggle with this material Too difficult to teach in my class

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0 15 30 45 60 51 28 16 2 Not at all important Slightly important Somewhat important Very important IMPORTANCE DIFFICULTY 0 15 30 45 60 13 57 24 3 Easy Comprehension takes several attempts Students struggle with this material Too difficult to teach in my class Resolving a merge conflict from your local machine

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0 10 20 30 40 39 28 22 8 Not at all important Slightly important Somewhat important Very important IMPORTANCE DIFFICULTY 0 15 30 45 60 26 51 18 2 Easy Comprehension takes several attempts Students struggle with this material Too difficult to teach in my class Resolving a merge conflict from the remote

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0 10 20 30 40 35 37 20 5 Not at all important Slightly important Somewhat important Very important IMPORTANCE DIFFICULTY 0 15 30 45 60 26 51 18 2 Easy Comprehension takes several attempts Students struggle with this material Too difficult to teach in my class Reverting a commit

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0 10 20 30 40 23 24 38 12 Not at all important Slightly important Somewhat important Very important IMPORTANCE DIFFICULTY 0 10 20 30 40 16 16 37 28 Easy Comprehension takes several attempts Students struggle with this material Too difficult to teach in my class Renaming a file with Git

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0 10 20 30 40 24 25 34 14 Not at all important Slightly important Somewhat important Very important Moving a file with Git IMPORTANCE DIFFICULTY 0 10 20 30 40 16 17 37 27 Easy Comprehension takes several attempts Students struggle with this material Too difficult to teach in my class

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0 10 20 30 40 14 19 37 27 Not at all important Slightly important Somewhat important Very important Rebasing IMPORTANCE DIFFICULTY 0 12,5 25 37,5 50 45 31 18 3 Easy Comprehension takes several attempts Students struggle with this material Too difficult to teach in my class

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0 10 20 30 40 11 14 40 32 Not at all important Slightly important Somewhat important Very important Squashing commits IMPORTANCE DIFFICULTY 0 12,5 25 37,5 50 45 32 17 3 Easy Comprehension takes several attempts Students struggle with this material Too difficult to teach in my class

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0 10 20 30 40 11 14 35 37 Not at all important Slightly important Somewhat important Very important Cherry-picking commits IMPORTANCE DIFFICULTY 0 12,5 25 37,5 50 48 28 17 4 Easy Comprehension takes several attempts Students struggle with this material Too difficult to teach in my class

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0 10 20 30 40 18 23 40 16 Not at all important Slightly important Somewhat important Very important Using Git reset IMPORTANCE DIFFICULTY 0 10 20 30 40 30 30 32 5 Easy Comprehension takes several attempts Students struggle with this material Too difficult to teach in my class

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0 8,5 17 25,5 34 17 24 34 22 Not at all important Slightly important Somewhat important Very important Using the reflow to view history IMPORTANCE DIFFICULTY 0 10 20 30 40 25 26 34 12 Easy Comprehension takes several attempts Students struggle with this material Too difficult to teach in my class

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0 10 20 30 40 12 26 33 26 Not at all important Slightly important Somewhat important Very important Effectively using labels IMPORTANCE DIFFICULTY 0 7,5 15 22,5 30 30 22 29 16 Easy Comprehension takes several attempts Students struggle with this material Too difficult to teach in my class

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0 10 20 30 40 15 16 39 27 Not at all important Slightly important Somewhat important Very important Effectively using milestones IMPORTANCE DIFFICULTY 0 7,5 15 22,5 30 29 26 28 14 Easy Comprehension takes several attempts Students struggle with this material Too difficult to teach in my class

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0 8,5 17 25,5 34 27 20 34 16 Not at all important Slightly important Somewhat important Very important Effectively using issues IMPORTANCE DIFFICULTY 0 7,25 14,5 21,75 29 23 24 29 21 Easy Comprehension takes several attempts Students struggle with this material Too difficult to teach in my class

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0 6,75 13,5 20,25 27 27 25 24 21 Not at all important Slightly important Somewhat important Very important Integrating automated tests IMPORTANCE DIFFICULTY 0 12,5 25 37,5 50 42 33 19 3 Easy Comprehension takes several attempts Students struggle with this material Too difficult to teach in my class

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0 12,5 25 37,5 50 12 12 25 48 Not at all important Slightly important Somewhat important Very important Making a call to the GitHub API IMPORTANCE DIFFICULTY 0 12,5 25 37,5 50 47 31 17 2 Easy Comprehension takes several attempts Students struggle with this material Too difficult to teach in my class

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22 23,25 24,5 25,75 27 23 23 27 24 Not at all important Slightly important Somewhat important Very important Setting up a webpage on GitHub Pages IMPORTANCE DIFFICULTY 0 9 18 27 36 21 19 36 21 Easy Comprehension takes several attempts Students struggle with this material Too difficult to teach in my class

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0 10 20 30 40 34 26 24 13 Not at all important Slightly important Somewhat important Very important Using Git with your IDE IMPORTANCE DIFFICULTY 0 8,5 17 25,5 34 15 21 33 28 Easy Comprehension takes several attempts Students struggle with this material Too difficult to teach in my class

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Have you used GitHub Classroom? 58% 11% 31% Yes, and currently use it Yes, but have stopped using it No

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“GitHub is not a goal but a means and merge conflicts should be addressed in a better way I think.”

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“Examples of basic workflows for different types of projects - working alone, working in a small group, contributing to a major project as one of many, managing a project with many contributors. What do each of those look like day to day, building up from the simple to the complex.”

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“Ideas on Best Practices... Some help with integration tests would be awesome”

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“Provide training for teachers in how to effectively use GitHub in the classroom. Also, provide clear instruction sheets that can be given to students to explain how to use the various aspects of GitHub.”

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“Have a structured way to move through the material (i.e. a curriculum rather than just a series of help pages) that both teachers and students can refer to.”

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How would you like to receive teacher training from GitHub Education? 8% 10% 81% Asynchronously and at my own pace In-person on my own campus At GitHub's Headquarters in SF

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Sign up to know more about teacher-training:

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2017 Classroom Report