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Apache Log4j 2

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Christian Grobmeier @grobmeier ASF V. P. Logging Services

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(hopefully) soon:

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Why should you log?

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Log4j1, Log4j2 log4php Chainsaw log4net log4cxx

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How do you log?

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We are stable! Log4j 2.1

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No content

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Failsafe. Reliable.

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L o g g i n g with Duke

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Too much t a s t e . . . m a k e s headache! Think on: log4j, logback, JUL, TinyLog, AVSL

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Pills: Some Abstraction Layers

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Commons Logging log4j 1 log4j 2 logback JUL Which pill?

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slf4j Commons Logging log4j 1 log4j 2 logback JUL AVSL Which pill?

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slf4j Commons Logging log4j 1 log4j 2 logback JUL AVSL New kids on the block log4j 2

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log4j 2.x is the future of log4j

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New in log4j 2.x

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Instead: if (logger.isDebugEnabled())"Hi, " + u.getA() + “ “ + u.getB()); Write:"Hi, {} {} ", u.getA(), u.getB()); API++

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Marker: Marker SQL_MARKER = MarkerManager.getMarker("SQL"); logger.debug( SQL_MARKER, "SELECT * FROM {}", table); Better Filter

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@Plugin(name = "Mine", type = "Core", elementType = "appender") public class Mine extends AppenderBase { private Mine(String name, Filter f) { super(name, f, null); } public void append(LogEvent e) { … } Plugins

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@PluginFactory public static Mine create( @PluginAttr("name") String n, @PluginElement("filters") Filter f) { return new Mine(n, f); } Plugins

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%d %C{1.} Configuration

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%d $${jndi:logging/context-name} %m%n Configuration

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JSON { "configuration": … "appenders": { "Console": { "name": "STDOUT", "PatternLayout": { "pattern": "%m%n" } }, ...

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Configuration Reloading ...

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More? MDC (ThreadContext) EventLogger Flowtracing …

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SPEED! log4j 1.x logback log4j 2.x Disabled 5 2386 2116 2314 Logging Performance in ns

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SPEED! Async Logging Power!

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Again: >18,000,000 messages / second On Solaris 10 (64bit) with JDK1.7.0_06, 4-core Xeon X5570 dual CPU @2.93Ghz with hyperthreading switched on (16 virtual cores)

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LMAX DISRUPTOR removes the kernel need for locks on the CPU level

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The story of log4php Community

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Good times, bad times 1999 2005 2010 2011

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You are welcome Join ~8 active committers.

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We are back! 2013: 1018 Changes 4730 Mails 2014: 1502 Changes 8501 Mails

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Seriously. Isn‘t logging just BORING?

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Well... how do you log on your mobile/cloud apps?

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With new innovation, new logging challenges come up. Logging needs innovation too.

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Logger Log Collector Log Search Log Analysis

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Logger Log Collector Log Search Log Analysis

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Logger Log Collector Log Search Log Analysis

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No content

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Logging is mission critical.

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One last thing...

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Do we need a new Logging JSR?

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We are hiring! use it! ask questions! spread the love! send patches! [email protected]

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Christian Grobmeier @grobmeier Merci && Baba!

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Image Credits Writing Girl (Erin Kohlenberg) Captain Kirk ( Vulcano (Martin Barland) Fire Brigade (State Library of South Australia) Gear Necklace Designs (Eric Skiff) Gazelle (Flickr: fwooper) Golden Gate Bridge (Flickr: Pens (Flickr: JD | Photography) Wineglass (Flickr: Willia4) Headache (Flickr: Threephin) Pills (Dr. Michael Günther) Wheelgear (Flickr: ralphbijker) Chainsaw (Flickr: Dave Hosford) Elephant (Flickr: Werner Vermaak) Haunted House (Flickr: barb_ar) SOS (Flickr: Daquella Manera) Bathtime muscles (Flickr: mollypop) Yawning Animal (Flickr: robef) Mobile (Flickr: twicepix) Steve ( Paul Carmody Clouds (Flickr: karindalziel) Fight (Flickr: KellBailey)