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Iterators and Decorators and Generators, Oh My!

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Hello, World! I am Jeremy Lindblom Software Architect at McGraw-Hill Education @jeremeamia • I ♥ PHP, OSS, APIs, & AWS 2

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“ An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. — Benjamin Franklin 3

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Mission Objectives ★ Understand and Apply Iterators Learn how they work, why they’re great, and how to make them ★ Understand the Decorator Design Pattern Learn how it allows for the composition of Iterator behavior ★ Understand and Apply Generators Learn how they work and how they make Iterators easier 4

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But first... 5

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6 [ ] The Array!

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7 [ ] ♥ There’s no place like home. ♥

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8 foreach ($data as $value) { echo "{$value}\n"; } foreach ($data as $key => $value) { echo "{$key}: {$value}\n"; }

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9 $dir = new DirectoryIterator(__DIR__); foreach ($dir as $file) { echo "{$file->getFilename()}\n"; } foreach-able objects?

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Iterators The Scarecrow doesn’t have a brain, but you do. You will understand why Iterators are awesome. 1

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11 $dir = new DirectoryIterator(__DIR__); foreach ($dir as $file) { echo "{$file->getFilename()}\n"; }

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12 $dir = new DirectoryIterator(__DIR__); foreach ($dir as $file) { echo "{$file->getFilename()}\n"; } var_dump($dir instanceof \Traversable); #> bool(true)

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13 Traversable MyCoolIterator ?

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14 Traversable MyCoolIterator

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15 Traversable MyCoolIterator PHP Fatal error: Class MyCoolIterator cannot extend from interface Traversable

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16 Traversable Iterator IteratorAggregate

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17 Traversable Iterator IteratorAggregate Can’t directly extend this You extend one of these instead

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18 Traversable Iterator IteratorAggregate DirectoryIterator

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19 Traversable Iterator IteratorAggregate current(); key(); valid(); next(); rewind(); getIterator();

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20 Traversable Iterator IteratorAggregate current(); key(); valid(); next(); rewind(); getIterator();

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21 foreach ($iter as $key => $value) { echo "{$key}: {$value}\n"; }

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22 foreach ($iter as $key => $value) { echo "{$key}: {$value}\n"; } // --- THIS IS THE SAME AS --------------------- $iter->rewind(); while ($iter->valid()) { echo "{$iter->key()}: {$iter->current()}\n"; $iter->next(); }

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23 $iter = new RangeIterator(3, 8); foreach ($iter as $key => $value) { echo "{$key}: {$value}\n"; } #> 0: 3 #> 1: 4 #> 2: 5 #> 3: 6 #> 4: 7 #> 5: 8

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24 The following code is not PSR-2 compliant

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25 class RangeIterator implements Iterator { private $low, $high, $index; function __construct(int $low, int $high) { … } function rewind() { $this->index = 0; } function next() { $this->index++; } function valid() { return $this->low + $this->index <= $this->high; } function key() { return $this->index; } function current() { return $this->low + $this->index; } }

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26 class RangeIterator implements Iterator { private $low, $high, $index; function __construct(int $low, int $high) { … } function rewind() { $this->index = 0; } function next() { $this->index++; } function valid() { return $this->low + $this->index <= $this->high; } function key() { return $this->index; } function current() { return $this->low + $this->index; } } The Data

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27 class RangeIterator implements Iterator { private $low, $high, $index; function __construct(int $low, int $high) { … } function rewind() { $this->index = 0; } function next() { $this->index++; } function valid() { return $this->low + $this->index <= $this->high; } function key() { return $this->index; } function current() { return $this->low + $this->index; } } The Cursor

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28 class RangeIterator implements Iterator { private $low, $high, $index; function __construct(int $low, int $high) { … } function rewind() { $this->index = 0; } function next() { $this->index++; } function valid() { return $this->low + $this->index <= $this->high; } function key() { return $this->index; } function current() { return $this->low + $this->index; } } Moves the Cursor

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29 class RangeIterator implements Iterator { private $low, $high, $index; function __construct(int $low, int $high) { … } function rewind() { $this->index = 0; } function next() { $this->index++; } function valid() { return $this->low + $this->index <= $this->high; } function key() { return $this->index; } function current() { return $this->low + $this->index; } } Yields the data

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For valid(), key(), and current() ● Do “the work” in either valid() or current(). ● These methods need to be idempotent per iteration. ● Avoid doing expensive work more than once (i.e., you should internally cache/memoize the current iteration’s data). 30 Implementation Tips

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31 $iter = new RangeIterator(3, 8); foreach ($iter as $key => $value) { echo "{$key}: {$value}\n"; } #> 0: 3 #> 1: 4 #> 2: 5 #> 3: 6 #> 4: 7 #> 5: 8

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32 $iter = new RangeIterator(3, 8); foreach ($iter as $key => $value) { echo "{$key}: {$value}\n"; } // --- THIS IS THE SAME AS --------------------- $data = range(3, 8); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { echo "{$key}: {$value}\n"; }

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33 Why?

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34 class RangeIterator implements Iterator { private $low, $high, $index; function __construct(int $low, int $high) { … } function rewind() { $this->index = 0; } function next() { $this->index++; } function valid() { return $this->low + $this->index <= $this->high; } function key() { return $this->index; } function current() { return $this->low + $this->index; } }

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35 $data = range(1, 10);

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36 $data = range(1, 1000000000);

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37 $data = range(1, 1000000000); PHP Warning: range(): The supplied range exceeds the maximum array size

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38 $iter = new RangeIterator(1, 1000000000); foreach ($iter as $key => $value) { echo "{$key}: {$value}\n"; } #> 0: 1 #> 1: 2 #> 2: 3 later... #> 999999998: 999999999 #> 999999999: 1000000000

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39 What are the benefits?

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Benefits of Iterators vs. Arrays Lower Memory Handle data one iteration at a time. Don’t store the entire data set in memory at once. Allows for Infinity Because you handle data one iteration at a time, you can handle data sets that are large, have an unknown length, or are even infinitely long. Lazy/Deferred Work Defer data retrieval and transformation until the point in time it is actually needed. 40 Encapsulation Iterators are self-contained. Logic to work with a set of data lives in one class, and does not need to be repeated. Composition Using the Decorator and other composition design patterns, data transformation behavior can be composed from multiple iterator objects. SPL Implementations The Standard PHP Library comes with a plethora of iterator interfaces and classes for basic and advanced/specific use cases.

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41 Traversable Iterator IteratorAggregate SPL Iterators

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42 Traversable Iterator IteratorAggregate current(); key(); valid(); next(); rewind(); getIterator();

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43 class RangeIterator implements IteratorAggregate { private $low, $high; function __construct(int $low, int $high) { … } function getIterator() { $data = range($this->low, $this->high); return new ArrayIterator($data); } }

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Decorators The Tinman is heartless, but your heart will be be warmed as you see objects collaborating. 2

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The Decorator Design Pattern Dynamically add behavior to an object instance by composing (or “wrapping”) it with another object of the same interface. 45

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46 ThingInterface ConcreteThing ThingDecorator

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47 interface EventPublisher { public function publish(Event $event): bool; } class HttpPublisher implements EventPublisher { private $httpClient; public function __construct(Client $client) {…} public function publish(Event $event): bool { // … } }

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48 class LoggingPublisher implements EventPublisher { public function __construct( EventPublisher $publisher, LoggerInterface $logger ) {…} public function publish(Event $event): bool { $this->logger->info('Published event!'); $this->publisher->publish($event); } }

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49 $client = new Client(…); $pub1 = new HttpPublisher($client); $db = new Database(…); $pub2 = new DbPublisher($db); $logger = new Logger(…); $pub1 = new LoggingPublisher($pub1, $logger); $pub2 = new LoggingPublisher($pub2, $logger); $event = new Event(…); $pub1->publish($event); $pub2->publish($event);

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50 SPL Iterators CallbackFilterIterator AppendIterator NoRewindIterator IteratorIterator RegexIterator MultipleIterator ArrayIterator DirectoryIterator GlobIterator InfiniteIterator LimitIterator RecursiveIteratorIterator

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51 class NotesRepository { // … public function getNotes(): array { $notes = []; foreach ($this->db->fetchNotes() as $note) { $notes[] = new Note($note); } return $notes; } }

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52 $notes = $notesRepository->getNotes(); foreach ($notes as $note) { // ... }

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53 class NotesRepository { // … public function getNotes(): \Iterator { $notes = []; foreach ($this->db->fetchNotes() as $note) { $notes[] = new Note($note); } return new ArrayIterator($notes); } }

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54 SPL Iterators CallbackFilterIterator AppendIterator NoRewindIterator IteratorIterator RegexIterator MultipleIterator ArrayIterator DirectoryIterator GlobIterator InfiniteIterator LimitIterator RecursiveIteratorIterator

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55 $notes = $notesRepository->getNotes(); $notes = new LimitIterator($notes, 0, 50); foreach ($notes as $note) { // ... }

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56 And now… an epic poem by the phpbard

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Generators The Lion lacks the courage, but you will be brave enough to use Generators in your code. 3

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● An interruptible function ● A mechanism for cooperative multitasking ● An Iterator, but easier 58 What is a Generator?

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● An interruptible function ● A mechanism for cooperative multitasking ● An Iterator, but easier 59 What is a Generator?

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60 Traversable Iterator IteratorAggregate SPL Iterators Generator

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61 function names() { yield 'Joey'; yield 'Izzy'; yield 'Livy'; }

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62 function names(): \Generator { yield 'Joey'; yield 'Izzy'; yield 'Livy'; } $generator = names();

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63 function names(): \Generator { yield 'Joey'; yield 'Izzy'; yield 'Livy'; } foreach (names() as $name) { echo "{$name}\n"; } #> Joey #> Izzy #> Livy

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64 /** @dataProvider provideTestCases */ … public function provideTestCases() { return [ [2, 6, 8], [0, 6, 6], [2, -6, -4], [2, 'a', null], ]; }

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65 /** @dataProvider provideTestCases */ … public function provideTestCases() { yield [2, 6, 8]; yield [0, 6, 6]; yield [2, -6, -4]; yield [2, 'a', null]; }

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66 /** @dataProvider provideTestCases */ … public function provideTestCases() { yield 'with positives' => [2, 6, 8]; yield 'with zeros' => [0, 6, 6]; yield 'with negatives' => [2, -6, -4]; yield 'with non-numbers' => [2, 'a', null]; }

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67 class RangeIterator implements Iterator { private $low, $high, $index; function __construct(int $low, int $high) { … } function rewind() { $this->index = 0; } function next() { $this->index++; } function valid() { return $this->low + $this->index <= $this->high; } function key() { return $this->index; } function current() { return $this->low + $this->index; } } Remember this?

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68 function iter_range(int $low, int $high) { for ($n = $low; $n <= $high; $n++) { yield $n; } }

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69 Achievement Unlocked You’ve struck gold on simplicity and robustness

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70 class RangeIterator implements IteratorAggregate { private $low, $high; function __construct(int $low, int $high) { … } function getIterator() { $data = range($this->low, $this->high); return new ArrayIterator($data); } } Remember this?

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71 class RangeIterator implements IteratorAggregate { private $low, $high; function __construct(int $low, int $high) { … } function getIterator() { for ($n = $this->low; $n <= $this->high; $n++) { yield $n; } } } Remember this?

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72 class NotesRepository { // … public function getNotes(): \Iterator { $notes = []; foreach ($this->db->fetchNotes() as $note) { $notes[] = new Note($note); } return new ArrayIterator($notes); } } Remember this?

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73 class NotesRepository { // … public function getNotes(): iterable { foreach ($this->db->fetchNotes() as $note) { yield new Note($note); } } }

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74 class NotesRepository { // … public function getNotes(): iterable { foreach ($this->db->fetchNotes() as $note) { yield new Note($note); } } }

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75 class NotesRepository { // … public function getNotes(): iterable { foreach ($this->db->fetchNotes() as $note) { yield new Note($note); } } } The “iterable” pseudo-type!

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76 iterable array Traversable Iterator IteratorAggregate SPL Iterators Generator

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Let’s get functional... 77

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78 function iter_filter(iterable $iter, callable $fn): iterable { foreach ($iter as $value) { if ($fn($value)) { yield $value; } } }

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79 function iter_filter(iterable $iter, callable $fn): iterable { foreach ($iter as $value) { if ($fn($value)) { yield $value; } } } function iter_map(iterable $iter, callable $fn): iterable { foreach ($iter as $value) { yield $fn($value); } }

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80 function iter_flatmap(iterable $iter, callable $fn) { foreach ($iter as $value) { yield from $fn($value); } }

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81 function iter_flatmap(iterable $iter, callable $fn) { foreach ($iter as $value) { yield from $fn($value); } }

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It works IRL! 82

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83 class ResultPaginator implements IteratorAggregate { public function __construct( Result $initialResult, callable $getNextPageFn ) {…} public function getIterator() { $current = $this->initialResult; while ($current) { yield $current; $current = ($this->getNextPageFn)($current); } } }

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84 class ModelPaginator extends IteratorIterator { function __construct($paginator, $key, $mapper) { parent::__construct(iter_flatmap( $paginator, function (Result $result) use ($mapper, $key) { return iter_map($result[$key], $mapper); } )); }}

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Mission Objectives ★ Understand and Apply Iterators Learn how they work, why they’re great, and how to make them ★ Understand the Decorator Design Pattern Learn how it allows for the composition of Iterator behavior ★ Understand and Apply Generators Learn how they work and how they make Iterators easier 85

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“There is no silver bullet. There are always options, and the options have consequences. — Ben Horowitz 86

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“There is no silver bullet. There are always options, and the options have consequences. — Ben Horowitz 87 tradeoffs

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● Using Arrays ● Implementing an Iterator ● Implementing IteratorAggregate ● Using an existing SPL Iterator ● Extending an SPL Iterator ● Composing/decorating multiple Iterators ● Implementing Generators ● Using general Generators: 88 What are your options?

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89 iterable array Traversable Iterator IteratorAggregate SPL Iterators Generator All of them!

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90 Thanks! Any questions? You can find me on Twitter & GitHub as @jeremeamia Give me feedback: Yay! Iterables!

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Credits Special thanks to all the people who made and released these awesome resources for free: ● Presentation template by SlidesCarnival ● Photographs from the Wizard of Oz 91