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1 (Supplement slides for reading paper) Semi-Supervised Graph Classification: A Hierarchical Graph Perspective(WWW19) izunan385

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Li, Jia, et al. "Semi-Supervised Graph Classification: A Hierarchical Graph Perspective." (2019).

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• Task Collect Class Prediction for unlabeled

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• input each graph instance: g labeled graph set and unlabeled graph set graph instance adjacency matrix

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• output IC(graph Instance Classifier) receives graph info and outputs instance representation matrix predicted class probability vector HC(Hierarchical Graph Classifier) receives all graph instance( ) representation from IC graph-graph adjacency matrix and outputs predicted class prob matrix for all

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• Task Collect Class Prediction for unlabeled • Loss function labeled graph instances unlabeled graph instances

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• Supervised Loss (for labeled graphs ) • Disagreement Loss(for unlabeled graphs ) Disagreement means IC and HC prediction mismatch.

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GCN W0: learnable parameter

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GCN with self loop W0: learnable parameter

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GCN(summarized) 0 network Adjacent/co-occurrence matrix has structure information. Propagation rule is learned during training.

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Cautious Iteration

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Cautious Iteration Here, sampling top confident prediction for each step

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Active Iteration Disagreement means IC and HC prediction mismatch. Ask annotator for annotating class of graphs which HC and IC have top-disagreement with.