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Automation with Wercker and Container Builder Keishin Yokomaku / shibuya.apk #13

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Automation with Wercker and Container Builder About Me ▸ Keishin Yokomaku ▸ Drivemode, Inc. / Principal Engineer ▸ KeithYokoma: GitHub / Twitter / Qiita / Tumblr / Stack Overflow ▸ Books: Mobile App Dev Guide / Android Academia / Grimoire of Android ▸ Fun: Gymnastics / Cycling / Photography / Motorsport ▸ Today’s Quote: “Power is everything.” 2

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Automation with Wercker and Container Builder 3

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4 “Wercker͸͍͍ͧ”

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Automation with Wercker and Container Builder Wercker? ▸ Docker-native CI/CD Automation Platform ▸ ࣗಈͰ Docker ίϯςφΛςετɺσϓϩΠͰ͖ΔαʔϏε ▸ Docker ΠϝʔδΛ pull ͖ͯͯ͠ίϯςφΛ্ཱͪ͛Δ ▸ ίϯςφ಺ͰίϚϯυΛ࣮ߦ͢Δ ▸ ύΠϓϥΠϯͰςετͱσϓϩΠΛ෼཭Ͱ͖Δ ▸ ςετ͕ਖ਼ৗऴྃͨ͠ͱ͖ͷΈσϓϩΠ͕࣮ߦ͞ΕΔ 5

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Automation with Wercker and Container Builder Wercker for Android CI ▸ Docker Πϝʔδ͑͋͞Ε͹Ϗϧυ͕Ͱ͖Δ ▸ Android ΞϓϦΛϏϧυ͢ΔͨΊʹඞཁͳ΋ͷ͕͋Ε͹… ▸ Android SDK & NDK ▸ Java ▸ etc… 6

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Automation with Wercker and Container Builder Wercker for Android CD ▸ Android ΞϓϦͷσϓϩΠ => apk ͷ഑৴ ▸ apk Λ഑৴ͯ͘͠ΕΔαʔϏεʹσϓϩΠ͢Ε͹… ▸ DeployGate ▸ fastlane ▸ etc… 7

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8 “׬શʹཧղͨ͠”

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Automation with Wercker and Container Builder Steps 1.Dockerfile ͔Β Docker ΠϝʔδΛϏϧυ 2.Ϗϧυͨ͠ΠϝʔδΛ dockerhub ͳͲͷϨδετϦʹొ࿥ 3.Ϗϧυ͍ͨ͠ϦϙδτϦʹwercker.yml Λ഑ஔ 4.Wercker ͷઃఆ 9

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Automation with Wercker and Container Builder Building a Docker image ▸ Dockerfile Λͭ͘Ζ͏(ྫ) ▸ Ubuntu Λϕʔεʹ ▸ Android SDK ͱ Java ΛΠϯετʔϧͯ͠ ▸ ඞཁͳ؀ڥม਺Λ੔͑ͨΠϝʔδ ▸ e.g. 10

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Automation with Wercker and Container Builder Pushing the image to a registry ▸ Wercker ͕ѻ͑ΔϨδετϦ ▸ Docker Hub ▸ Google Container Registry ▸ Amazon ECR ▸ Private Registry( ▸ ϓϥΠϕʔτϦϙδτϦʹ͠·͠ΐ͏ ( 11

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Automation with Wercker and Container Builder Build an image using ‘docker-machine' (mac) $ docker-machine start image-builder (mac) $ docker-machine ssh image-builder (docker-machine) $ ls Dockerfile (docker-machine) $ docker build -t account/repository:tag . (docker-machine) $ docker login (docker-machine) $ docker push account/repository:tag (docker-machine) $ exit (mac) $ docker-machine stop image-builder 12

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Automation with Wercker and Container Builder Configure wercker.yml ▸ Android ΞϓϦͷϦϙδτϦʹ YAML ϑΝΠϧΛஔ͘ ▸ ໊લ͸ඞͣ wercker.yml ▸ ϏϧυɺσϓϩΠͦΕͧΕͷϋογϡ಺ʹϏϧυʹඞཁͳखॱΛॻ͘ ▸ ϏϧυͱσϓϩΠͰҟͳΔ Docker ΠϝʔδΛ࢖༻Մೳ 13

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Automation with Wercker and Container Builder Configure wercker.yml build: box: id: account/repository username: $USERNAME password: $PASSWORD tag: tag steps: - script: name: assemble code: | ./gradlew —stacktrace —project-cache-dir=$WERCKER_CACHE_DIR assemble - script: name: test code: | ./gradlew —stacktrace —project-cache-dir=$WERCKER_CACHE_DIR test lint 14

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Automation with Wercker and Container Builder Configure wercker.yml build: box: id: account/repository username: $USERNAME password: $PASSWORD tag: tag steps: - script: name: assemble code: | ./gradlew —stacktrace —project-cache-dir=$WERCKER_CACHE_DIR assemble - script: name: test code: | ./gradlew —stacktrace —project-cache-dir=$WERCKER_CACHE_DIR test lint 15

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Automation with Wercker and Container Builder Configure wercker.yml build: box: id: account/repository username: $USERNAME password: $PASSWORD tag: tag steps: - script: name: assemble code: | ./gradlew —stacktrace —project-cache-dir=$WERCKER_CACHE_DIR assemble - script: name: test code: | ./gradlew —stacktrace —project-cache-dir=$WERCKER_CACHE_DIR test lint 16

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Automation with Wercker and Container Builder Tips ▸ 1ͭͷεςοϓ͸10෼ͰλΠϜΞ΢τ ▸ ίϚϯυͷ࣮ߦ͕௕͘ͳΔͱ͖͸෼͚Δ ▸ Wercker ͷ Web ΠϯλϑΣʔεͰͷग़ྗ͕͔ͳΓγϯϓϧ ▸ ࠔͬͨͱ͖ʹ࢖͍͍ͨ৘ใ͸ echo Ͱग़ྗ͢ΔεςοϓΛ࡞Δ ▸ ϩάग़ྗ͕௕͍ͱ Web ΠϯλϑΣʔε͕ܹॏͳͷͰదٓௐ੔ 17

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Automation with Wercker and Container Builder Saving artifacts ▸ after-steps ʹखॱΛॻ͘ ▸ ؀ڥม਺ʹอଘ৔ॴ͕ఆٛͯ͋͠Δ ▸ $WERCKER_REPORT_ARTIFACTS_DIR ▸ ೖΕ͍ͨ΋ͷ͚ͩ cp ͢Δ ▸ อଘͨ͠੒Ռ෺͸ Web ͔Βμ΢ϯϩʔυͰ͖Δ ▸ ৔ॴ͕෼͔ΓͮΒ͍ͷͰ஫ҙ 18

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Automation with Wercker and Container Builder Saving artifacts 19

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Automation with Wercker and Container Builder Saving artifacts after-steps: - script: name: save artifacts code: | ls -la ./app/build/outputs/ cp -r ./app/build/outputs/* ${WERCKER_REPORT_ARTIFACTS_DIR} cp -r ./app/build/reports/* ${WERCKER_REPORT_ARTIFACTS_DIR} 20

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Automation with Wercker and Container Builder Saving artifacts after-steps: - script: name: save artifacts code: | ls -la ./app/build/outputs/ cp -r ./app/build/outputs/* ${WERCKER_REPORT_ARTIFACTS_DIR} cp -r ./app/build/reports/* ${WERCKER_REPORT_ARTIFACTS_DIR} 21

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Automation with Wercker and Container Builder Connect Wercker with GitHub 22

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Automation with Wercker and Container Builder Connect Wercker with GitHub ▸ ϦϙδτϦΛબΜͰ… ▸ ΦʔφʔΛબΜͰ… ▸ σϓϩΠΩʔΛ௥Ճͯ͠… ▸ public ͳϓϩδΣΫτͷ৔߹͸ https ܦ༝ͰΞΫηε͢ΔઃఆͰ΋ OK ▸ ׬ྃʂ 23

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Automation with Wercker and Container Builder ӡ༻͢Δͱݟ͑ͯ͘Δ Wercker ͷखؒ ▸ SDK ͷΞοϓσʔτ΍αϙʔτϦϙδτϦͷΞοϓσʔτ ▸ Docker ΠϝʔδΛ࡞Γ௚͢͜ͱʹͳΔ͕…ʁ ▸ ຖճ docker-machine ͰϏϧυ…ʁ ▸ docker-machine ͱ Android Emulator ͸ಉ࣌ʹಈ͔ͤͳ͍ͧ…ʁ ▸ Πϝʔδ࡞Δ͚ͩͰ 10 ෼Ҏ্͔͔ΔΜ͚ͩͲ…ʁ ▸ λάͷ؅ཧΛࣗ෼Ͱߟ͑Δͷ໘౗͍͘͞Μ͚ͩͲ…ʁ 25

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27 “ͦ͜ͰContainer BuilderͰ͢Α”

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Automation with Wercker and Container Builder Container Builder? ▸ ͜Ε͸Կʁ ▸ Google ͷαʔϏε ▸ Dockerfile ΛΘͨ͢ͱࣗಈͰ Docker ΠϝʔδΛ࡞ͬͯϨδετϦʹొ࿥ͯ͠ ͘ΕΔ͍͢͝΍ͭ 28

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Automation with Wercker and Container Builder Container Builder? ▸ ͜Ε͸Կʁ ▸ Google ͷαʔϏε ▸ Dockerfile ΛΘͨ͢ͱࣗಈͰ Docker ΠϝʔδΛ࡞ͬͯϨδετϦʹొ࿥ͯ͠ ͘ΕΔ͍͢͝΍ͭ 29

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Automation with Wercker and Container Builder Container Builder ▸ Πϝʔδͷ TAG ͷ؅ཧํ๏ΛઃఆͰ͖Δ ▸ ݻఆͰ latest ͷ·· ▸ git ͷίϛοτ ID Λλάʹ͢Δ ▸ etc… ▸ GitHub ͱ࿈ܞͰ͖Δ 30

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Automation with Wercker and Container Builder Workflow of updating Docker image ▸ Dockerfile Λฤू ▸ ίϛοτΛ push ▸ Container Builder ͕ϏϧυΛ࢝ΊΔ ▸ ׬ྃͨ͠Β৽͍͠λάΛ wercker.yml ʹઃఆ͢Δ 31

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32 “׬શʹཧղͨ͠”

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Automation with Wercker and Container Builder Configure Container Builder ▸ Google Cloud Console ͔Β Container Registry Λ։͘ ▸ Build triggers ͔Β GitHub ͷϦϙδτϦΛબ୒ͯ͠τϦΨʔΛઃఆ ▸ Ͳͷϒϥϯνͷ push ͰϏϧυΛ࢝ΊΔ͔ ▸ Dockerfile ͷ৔ॴ ▸ Πϝʔδ໊ 33

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Automation with Wercker and Container Builder Configure Container Builder ▸ Dockerfile ͷϏϧυ ▸ 10෼Ҏ্͔͔ΔͱλΠϜΞ΢τ͢Δ ▸ cloudbuild.yaml Λ͔ͭͬͯௐ੔͢ΔΑ͏มߋ 34

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Automation with Wercker and Container Builder cloudbuild.yaml timeout: 40m steps: - name: args: ['build', '$PROJECT_ID/$REPO_NAME:$COMMIT_SHA', '.'] images: ['$PROJECT_ID/$REPO_NAME:$COMMIT_SHA'] 35

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Automation with Wercker and Container Builder cloudbuild.yaml timeout: 40m steps: - name: args: ['build', '$PROJECT_ID/$REPO_NAME:$COMMIT_SHA', '.'] images: ['$PROJECT_ID/$REPO_NAME:$COMMIT_SHA'] 36

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Automation with Wercker and Container Builder cloudbuild.yaml timeout: 40m steps: - name: args: ['build', '$PROJECT_ID/$REPO_NAME:$COMMIT_SHA', '.'] images: ['$PROJECT_ID/$REPO_NAME:$COMMIT_SHA'] 37

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Automation with Wercker and Container Builder cloudbuild.yaml timeout: 40m steps: - name: args: ['build', '$PROJECT_ID/$REPO_NAME:$COMMIT_SHA', '.'] images: ['$PROJECT_ID/$REPO_NAME:$COMMIT_SHA'] 38

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Automation with Wercker and Container Builder cloudbuild.yaml timeout: 40m steps: - name: args: ['build', '$PROJECT_ID/$REPO_NAME:$COMMIT_SHA', '.'] images: ['$PROJECT_ID/$REPO_NAME:$COMMIT_SHA'] 39

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Automation with Wercker and Container Builder Change wercker.yml ▸ Google Container Registry ͔ΒҾͬுͬͯ͘ΔΑ͏ʹ͢Δ ▸ JSON Ͱೝূ͢ΔํࣜʹͳΔ ▸ username ͸ඞͣ _json_key ▸ ೝূ৘ใͷೖͬͨ JSON ͸؀ڥม਺ʹೖΕ͓ͯ͘ ▸ ΛϨδετϦʹࢦఆ͢Δ 40

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Automation with Wercker and Container Builder Change wercker.yml build: box: id: account/repository username: $USERNAME password: $PASSWORD tag: tag box: id: username: _json_key passwrod: $GCR_JSON_KEY_FILE registry: tag: 41

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Automation with Wercker and Container Builder $GCR_JSON_KEY_FILE as Environment variable in Wercker CI { “type”: “service_account”, “project_id”: “PROJECT_ID”, “private_key_id”: “hogefugapiyofoobarbaz”, “private_key”: “——-BEGIN PRIVATE KEY——-\nhogehoge\n——-END PRIVATE KEY——-” “client_email”: “” …… } 42

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Automation with Wercker and Container Builder Wercker + Container Builder ▸ Ϗϧυ؀ڥΛ Docker Πϝʔδʹ٧ΊࠐΊΔ ▸ ϏϧυɾσϓϩΠ؀ڥʹԿ͕ඞཁ͔ίʔυʹམͱͤΔ ▸ ίʔυʹམͱͨ͠ Dockerfile ΛϦϏδϣϯ؅ཧͰ͖Δ ▸ ΠϝʔδΛ࢖ͬͯ CI/CD ͕Ͱ͖Δ ▸ ΠϝʔδΛϗετͯ͘͠ΕΔ৔ॴ͔Β pull ͢Δ͚ͩͰ࢖͑Δ 43

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Automation with Wercker and Container Builder Wercker + Container Builder ▸ CI ؀ڥΛ CI/CD ͢Δ ▸ खݩͷ PC ͷϦιʔεΛ࢖ΘͣʹΠϝʔδΛϏϧυͰ͖Δ ▸ Docker ΠϝʔδͷϦϏδϣϯ؅ཧΛࣗಈԽͰ͖Δ ▸ ؀ڥΛม͑Δ࣌͸ TAG Λม͑Δ͚ͩ 44

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Automation with Wercker and Container Builder Keishin Yokomaku / shibuya.apk #13