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Paul Traylor - LINE Fukuoka - 2020/10/07 Managing Prometheus with Promgen

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Introduction - Paul Traylor @kfdm • Grew up near Raleigh, North Carolina • Previously worked in San Francisco, California • LINE Fukuoka ~4 years • Primarily focused on Monitoring as a Service • Dabbles in Swift and iOS development

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Agenda • What is Prometheus? • What is Promgen? • Promgen Development History • Challenges • Future Goals

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What is Prometheus? • Pull based monitoring system • Flexible alerting rules • Default support in Grafana • Cloud Native Project • Currently undergoing standardization

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Example Alerting • Watching error rate of Alert manager notifications • rate(alertmanager_notifications_failed_total[5m]) > 0 • Watching the memory of a server • (node_memory_MemTotal_bytes -
 node_memory_MemFree_bytes -
 node_memory_Cached_bytes -
 node_memory_Buffers_bytes ) /
 node_memory_MemTotal_bytes > 0.95

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Prometheus at LINE • 46,000,000+ samples per scrape interval • 34,000+ targets • 8+ shards

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What is Promgen? • Provide Prometheus scrape configuration via file discovery • Provide an easy way to manage alert rules • Route notifications from Alert Manager Prometheus Promgen Alert Manager

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Why did we build Promgen? • Prometheus has several discovery methods built in • Kubernetes • Consol • Docker • etc • If you need something custom, there is file discovery

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Why did we build Promgen? • Custom Prometheus discovery is via files • Developers do not want to manually write configurations • Prometheus scrape configs • Alert rules • Alertmanager routing • Want a web ui to quickly configure things

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First version - Sinatra app • Great proof of concept • Single list of projects • Only one of each type of notifier • This was originally the version that was open sourced • Only supported regular targets and notifications • Only global alerting rule support

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Django Rewrite • Take advantage of ORM, migrations, and admin site • Use celery for distributing configuration changes and queuing notifications • Support for multiple Prometheus servers • Support for monitoring other endpoints via blackbox_exporter

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Various Upgrades • Prometheus 1.x -> 2.x upgrade • Rule format changed • Shard refactoring • Service -> Shard migrated to Project -> Shard • Permissions for certain global objects • Silence from UI • Migrating from jQuery to Vuejs

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Challenges - Terminology • Prometheus has many terms like “discovery”, “scrapes”, “targets” that need to be defined • Promgen also has many terms like “project”, “service”, “farm” • Some of these come from in-house usage that may not make sense to others • Hard to rename later • May be a few terms I can still clean up like “job” vs “exporter”

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Challenges - Education • There are still many developers who are new to Prometheus, so need a lot of inline help • PromQL is new to many, so often need to use examples with SQL to help illustrate points • PromQL `sum` and `count` are similar to MySQL `GROUP BY` • This becomes very important for notifications • `up` vs `count(up)` vs `count(up) by (service)`

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Challenges - Day to Day tasks • OSS is not full time job, so have to balance triage of line/promgen tickets • Often it’s easier to track tasks internally instead of tracking everything on GitHub

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Challenges - Timezones • OSS does not have time zone boundries so questions may come from anywhere in the world • Often there is an extra delay just due to timezones

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Future Goals • Finish jQuery -> Vuejs migration • Better user management / controls • Better inline help messages • Finish cleaning up API

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LINE Fukuoka •