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Please tell 2 others: 1. Why you are here today 2. What you want from today 3. To take a look at

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A Practical Introduction To Domain Driven Design Twitter: @pelshoff @jlammerts

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● has a cult following ● works in all cases ● only works if everyone commits ● takes a lot more time ● is only for experienced developers ● goes well with event sourcing ● doesn’t work without event sourcing ● ● is about documentation ● is a new concept ● is about strategy ● is about tactics ● is only for developers ● is a hype ● is for every project ● is all-or-nothing ● is about language ● DDD... (true / false)

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Approach ● Reality ● Model of the problem ● Model of the solution ● Working software

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Today 1. Discovery 2. Design 3. Implementation 4. Integration

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1/4 Discovery

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Noun Verb Verb Verb Verb Noun Noun Noun Noun

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Context map ● Repeat before interpret ● Visualize structure ● Learn (ubiquitous) language ● First “feeling” for boundaries

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Organizer Plans Event Intro-ddd #User interviews ● Organizer plans event ● Organizer gets in touch with suppliers ● etc.

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Testing ● Take one sentence ● Run it through your map

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Event Event Event Event Event Event Event Event Hot spot Decision

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Discovery event storm ● First interpretation ● Visualize time ● Learn (ubiquitous) language ● Learn about issues (hot spots) ● First “feeling” for boundaries

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Slide 16 text Intro-ddd #User interviews ● Event was planned ● Suppliers were contacted ● etc. Event Decision Hot spot Member was invoiced 14 days passed Invoice was paid Reminder was sent Including Sundays? Visitor arrived Has voting privileges Seated non-voting Seated voting How do we know?

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Testing ● Take a person ● What happens to them ● Run it through your process

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2/4 Design

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Design ● Design event storm ● Choosing boundaries

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Command Event Event Event Event Event Event ... Command Decision Command

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Slide 22 text Intro-ddd #User interviews ● Event was planned ● Suppliers were contacted ● etc. Event Decision Member was invoiced Command Send invoices Reminder was planned

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Testing ● Take a person ● What they do ● Run it through your process

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3/4 Implementation

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final class DoVote { private $decisionId; ... public function __construct(Uuid $decisionId, Uuid $memberId, Answer $answer) { $this->decisionId = $decisionId; $this->memberId = $memberId; $this->answer = $answer; } public function getDecisionId(): Uuid { return $this->decisionId; } ... }

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Command ● Data Transfer Object ● Immutable ● Capture intention

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Command handler

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final class DoVoteHander { public function handleDoVote(DoVote $doVote): void { // Voted // DecisionWasPassed // DecisionWasRejected } }

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Command handler ● Application Entry Point ● When command, then event(s) ● Implementation later

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Work out some commands in code ● Create command DTO’s ● Create empty command handlers ● Add comments for events No implementation! No framework! Get something started One service per command Use and adapt the event storm model Group project files by context

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Value objects

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final class Name { private $lastName; private $firstName; private $insertion; public function __construct(string $lastName, string $firstName, string $insertion) { $this->lastName = $lastName; $this->firstName = $firstName; $this->insertion = $insertion; $this->nameMustHaveLastName(); } private function nameMustHaveLastName(): void { if (!$this->lastName) { throw InvalidName::becauseLastNameIsMissing(); } } public function getLastName(): string { /**/ } public function getFirstName(): string { /**/ } public function getInsertion(): string { /**/ } }

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final class EmailAddress { private $emailAddress; public function __construct(string $emailAddress) { $this->emailAddress = $emailAddress; $this->emailAddressMustBeAnActualEmailAddress(); } private function emailAddressMustBeAnActualEmailAddress(): void { if (!filter_var($this->emailAddress, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { throw InvalidEmailAddress::becauseThisIsNotAnEmailAddress(); } } public function asString(): string { return $this->emailAddress; } }

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Value objects ● Express a value ● Define allowed values ● Are immutable ● Are easy to test

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final class Member { private $id; private $name; private $emailAddress; public function __construct(Uuid $id, Name $name, EmailAddress $emailAddress) { $this->id = $id; $this->name = $name; $this->emailAddress = $emailAddress; } public function getId(): Uuid { /**/ } public function getName(): Name { /**/ } public function setName(Name $name): Attendee { /**/ } public function getEmailAddress(): EmailAddress { /**/ } public function setEmailAddress(EmailAddress $emailAddress): Attendee { $this->emailAddress = $emailAddress; return $this; } }

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Entities ● Have identity ● Are more than their attributes ● Evolve over time ● Are slightly harder to test

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final class VotingOnDecision { private $repository; public function __construct(VoteRepository $repository) { $this->repository = $repository; } public function handleDoVote(DoVote $doVote): void { $this->memberMayOnlyVoteOnce($doVote); $this->repository->register($doVote); } private function memberMayOnlyVoteOnce(DoVote $doVote): void { try { $this->repository->find($doVote->getDecisionId(), $doVote->getMemberId()); } catch (VoteNotFound $e) { return; } throw VotingFailed::becauseMemberAlreadyVotedOnDecision(); } }

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Services ● Have no identity or attributes (Are not a “thing”) ● Tackle cross-concern operations ● Are harder to test

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interface VoteRepository{ public function register(DoVote $doVote): void; public function find(Uuid $decisionId, Uuid $memberId): Member; }

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Repositories ● Collection of all objects of a type ● For now: interface only!

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● Vendor ○ PartyCongress ■ Src ● Domain ○ Congress ■ Congress.php ■ Decision.php ■ ListOfDecisions.php ■ Vote.php ■ VotingOnDecision.php ■ VoteRepository.php ○ Invoice ■ PaidInvoices.php ○ Membership ■ Member.php ■ MemberRepository.php ■ Test ● Congress ○ CongressTest.php ○ DecisionTest.php ○ VotingOnDecisionTest.php

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Work out the domain in code ● Value Object: Immutable! ● Entity: Life cycle! ● Domain Service: Cross-concern process! ● Repository: Complete set of a type of entity! No database! No browser! No generic subdomain! Focus on the domain Write unit tests Use and adapt the event storm model Group project files by context

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4/4 Integration

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Domain Application Infrastructure Ui, Api’s, tests Layered architecture

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Domain Application Database Api’s Ui Tests File system Messaging, etc. Hexagonal architecture (Ports & Adapters)

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Ui, Api’s, integration- & acceptance tests Application Domain Infrastructure Big scary outside world Unit tests

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● Vendor ○ PartyCongress ■ Src ● App ○ Congress ■ DoVote.php ■ DoVoteHandler.php ○ Membership ● Domain ○ Congress ■ Congress.php ■ Decision.php ■ ListOfDecisions.php ■ VoteRepository.php ○ Membership ● Infrastructure ○ Congress ■ CachingVoteRepository.php ■ InMemoryVoteRepository.php ■ Test ● Congress ○ CongressTest.php ○ DecisionTest.php ○ VotingTest.php

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● Vendor ○ PartyCongress ■ Src ● App ○ Congress ■ DoVoteHandler.php ● Domain ○ Congress ■ CongressRepository.php ■ VoteRepository.php ● Infrastructure ○ Congress ■ InMemoryCongressRepository.php ● MyFrameworkOfChoice ○ Bundles ■ PartyCongressBundle ● Infrastructure ○ Congress ■ DbalCongressRepository.php ■ DbalVoteRepository.php ● Ui ○ Congress ■ OnlineVotingController.php ● Test ○ Congress ■ OnlineVotingFrontEndTest.php

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Work out the integration in code ● Connect the domain to your favorite framework, ● Or to Plain-Old-C/PHP/Fortran/? ● Make something work from UI to DB and back Database Browser End to end tests Group project files by concept

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Please write two post-its with something you learned Pim Elshoff @pelshoff Joop Lammerts @jlammerts