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Guiding Through THE JAVASCRIPT FRAMEWORKS Yuya Saito @ Rich Media JavaScriptϑϨʔϜϫʔΫͷา͖ํ Version 2.0.0 Developers Summit 2015

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UX Engineer @ Rich Media Yuya Saito

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No content

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Frontend Weekly Curated by @cssradar @t32k @hiloki

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Backbone Angular Ember MVC Data Binding Unit Testing Dependency Injection Conventions E2E Testing Structure ES6 Modules Web Components More comprehensive More Flexibility Router

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Angular.js & Ember.js Data Binding Web Components

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Angular.js Dependency Injection

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POPULAR FRAMEWORKS Comparison of ஶ໊ϑϨʔϜϫʔΫͷൺֱ

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Pros 1. ؆୯ʹར༻Ͱ͖Δ 2. खް͍αϙʔτ 3. ଟ͘ͷϢʔβ͕͍Δ

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Cons 1. Angular.jsͷ࢖͍ํΛ֮͑Δඞཁ͕͋Δ 2. ʰؔ৺ͷ෼཭ʱͷ๏ଇҧ൓ 3. ʰຐ๏ʱͩΒ͚

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Pros 1. “The Ember Way”ͱ͍͏Ұ؏ͨ͠఩ֶ 2. ଟ͘ͷ໰୊͕ղܾࡁΈ 3. ༏ΕͨυΩϡϝϯτ / Ϣʔβϕʔε

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Cons 1. “The Ember Way”͸ॾਕͷ݋ 2. ॊೈੑʹ͚ܽΔ

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Pros 1. খ͘͞ɺ ॊೈͰΑ͘ςετ͞ΕͨϞδϡʔϧ܊ 2. ଟ͘ͷجຊతͳ໰୊͕ղܾ͞Ε͍ͯΔ 3. ιʔείʔυ΋୹͘ɺ ཧղ͠΍͍͢

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Cons 1. ͢΂ͯͷ໰୊ʹର͢ΔղܾΛఏ͍ࣔͯ͠ͳ͍ 2. Backbone.jsϕʔεɾϑϨʔϜϫʔΫͷඞཁੑ

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Pros 1. ϋΠɾύϑΥʔϚϯεͷϨϯμϦϯά 2. εςʔτ؅ཧͷ؆қԽ 3. ୯ͳΔViewϨΠϠ

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Cons 1. ςϯϓϨʔτͷγϯλοΫε͕ෆࣗવ 2. ϑΝΠϧαΠζ

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Action Dispatcher Store View Unidirectional data flow

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Action Dispatcher Store View ༣ศड͚ͷ࣋ͪओ ༣ศड͚ ༣ศ԰͞Μ ༣ศ෺

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Flux by Facebook

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Delorean by Delorean.js

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Fluxxor by Brandon Tilley

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Pros 1. ॊೈੑͱ݁߹ੑͷόϥϯε͕͍͍ 2. ίϚϯυϥΠϯɾπʔϧ͕ศར 3. ଟ͘ͷϓϥάΠϯͷଘࡏ

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Cons 1. ·ͩʰए͍ʱ 2. IE8ҎԼͷαϙʔτͳ͠

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Pros 1. ॊೈੑͱ݁߹ੑͷόϥϯε͕͍͍ 2. ES6/ES7΁ͷϑΥʔΧε 3. Ϟδϡϥʔੑ͕ߴ͍

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Cons 1. ·ͩʰए͍ʱ 2. IE11ҎԼͷαϙʔτͳ͠

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IDENTIFYING PROBLEMS Lost in ໰୊͸໰୊ͦͷ΋ͷͷൃݟʹ͋Δ

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“ Choose tools you'll use. New to front-end dev? Just use HTML/CSS/JS. Add tools & abstractions when they improve your productivity. — Addy Osmani

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How to Solve it by George Pólya

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4 ໰୊Λཧղ͢Δ Ͳ͏ղܾ͢Δ͔ઓུΛߟ͑Δ ઓུΛ࣮ߦ͢Δ Ͳ͏໰୊Λղܾ͔ͨ͠ΛৼΓฦΔ

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eg ৽نϓϩδΣΫτͷ։ൃεςʔδ طଘϓϩδΣΫτͷϦχϡʔΞϧεςʔδ

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Angular.js & Ember.js

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Backbone.js & Ampersand.js

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25 Years Old

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Web Components

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ECMA Script 6 & 7

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“ — Me ׬ᘳͳߏ଄Λ࡞Ζ͏͢ΔͷͰ͸ͳ͘ɺ յΕͨͱ͖༐ؾΛ࣋ͬͯมߋͰ͖ΔΑ͏ͳ ઃܭΛɻ

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Remember the Foundation

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“ 1. Small is beautiful. 2. Make each program do one thing well. 3. Build a prototype as soon as possible. 4. Choose portability over efficiency. 5. Store data in flat text files. 6. Use software leverage to your advantage. 7. Use shell scripts to increase leverage and portability. 8. Avoid captive user interfaces. 9. Make every program a filter. — Mike Gancarz

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1. Small is beautiful. 2. Make each program do one thing well. 3. Build a prototype as soon as possible.

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Node.js & Ecosystem

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Learn JavaScript

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“ The most important thing is that your team becomes familiar with building well-structured apps in JavaScript. — Henrik Joreteg

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Read Backbone.js Source

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And Underscore.js

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Books to Read

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Speaking JavaScript by Axel Rauschmayer

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Eloquent JavaScript by Marijn Haverbeke

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Effective JavaScript by David Herman

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Learn CSS and HTML, too

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“ — My Friend )5.-͕Ԛ͍ͱ$44΋Ԛ͍ɻ ͦͷ྆ऀͷଘࡏ͕ͦ͜+BWB4DSJQUͷϩδοΫ Λࢧ͑Δج൫͔ͩΒɺ͔ͬ͠Γॻ͍ͯཉ͍͠ɻ

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A FRAMEWORK? How Do I Review ϑϨʔϜϫʔΫͷબ୒๏

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Lock-In ғ͍ࠐΈ

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Opinionated Architecture ʰؤݻʱͳઃܭ

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Accidental Complexity ෆཁͳෳࡶੑ

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Testability ςετͷ͠΍͢͞

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“ Replace "can you build this?" with "can you maintain this without losing your minds?" — Nicolas Gallagher

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NOT LEAST Last but ऴΘΓʹ

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“ — Nicholas Zakas Enough with the JavaScript already!

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Content Presentation JavaScript Progressive Enhancement

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Stability Performance Reach

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It’s Your ResponsibilityTM

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“ — TJ Holowaychuk Programming would be pretty boring if everyone agreed.

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