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Parser Combinator in Swift 2016/03/02-04 try! Swift (#tryswiftconf) Yasuhiro Inami / @inamiy

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Parser Combinator

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Parser Takes input data (frequently text) and builds a data structure, e.g. abstract syntax tree (AST) • Lexer • Strings/Bytes → Tokens • Parser • Tokens → Syntax Tree

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Parsing Algorithms • Bottom-Up • Operator Precedence Parsing • LR(k) (SLR / LALR / etc) • Top-Down • Recursive-descent / LL(k) (Table-driven) • Predictive / Backtracking • Packrat (Recursive-descent + memoization)

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Combinator • Lambda expression without free variables • I = λx.x = { x in x } • K = λxy.x = { x, y in x } • S = λxyz.xz(yz) = { x, y, z in x(z)(y(z))} • Y = S(K(SII))(S(S(KS)K)(K(SII))) • ι = λx.xSK

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Parser Combinator Higher-order function which takes: • Input: Parser(s) • Output: New Parser Combining simple parsers to construct more complex parsers → Functional Programming approach

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Simple Parser in Swift

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Parse 1 character func satisfy(predicate: Character -> Bool) -> Parser { return Parser { input in if let (head, tail) = uncons(input) where predicate(head) { return (tail, head) } else { return nil } } }

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Parse 1 character func any() -> Parser { return satisfy(const(true)) } func digit() -> Parser { return satisfy { "0"..."9" ~= $0 } } func char(c: Character) -> Parser { return satisfy { $0 == c } }

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Parse string func string(str: String) -> Parser { if let (head, tail) = uncons(str) { return char(head) *> string(tail) *> pure(str) } else { return pure("") } }

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Parse tokens func symbol(str: String) -> Parser { return skipSpaces() *> string(str) <* skipSpaces() } func natural() -> Parser { return skipSpaces() *> ({ Int(String($0))! } <^> many1(digit())) <* skipSpaces() }

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Let's play!

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Simple Arithmetics Backus–Naur Form (BNF) ::= + | ::= * | ::= ( ) | ::= '0' | '1' | '2' | ...

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Simple Arithmetics func expr() -> Parser { return term() >>- { t in // uses right recursion (symbol("+") *> expr() >>- { e in pure(t + e) }) <|> pure(t) } } func term() -> Parser { return factor() >>- { f in (symbol("*") *> term() >>- { t in pure(f * t) }) <|> pure(f) } } func factor() -> Parser { return (symbol("(") *> expr() <* symbol(")")) <|> natural() }

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let (ans, _) = expr().parse(" ( 12 + 3 ) * 4+5")! expect(ans) == 65

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TryParsec • Monadic Parser Combinator for ✨✨ try! Swift ✨✨ • Inspired by Haskell's Attoparsec / Aeson • Supports CSV / XML / JSON • LL(*) with backtracking by default • Doesn't try, but please try! :)

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TryParsec • Basic Operators: >>-, <^>, <*>, *>, <*, <|>, > • Combinators: many, many1, manyTill, zeroOrOne, skipMany, skipMany1, sepBy, sepBy1, sepEndBy, sepEndBy1, count, chainl, chainl1, chainr, chainr1 • Text (UnicodeScalarView): peek, endOfInput, satisfy, skip, skipWhile, take, takeWhile, any, char, not, string, asciiCI, oneOf, noneOf, space, skipSpaces, number... (etc)

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Parse JSON

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enum JSON enum JSON { case String(Swift.String) case Number(Double) case Bool(Swift.Bool) case Null case Array([JSON]) case Object([Swift.String : JSON]) }

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JSON example { "string": "hello", "num": 123.45, "bool": true, "null": null, "array": ["hello", 9.99, false], "dict": { "key": "value" }, "object": { "enabled": true } }

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Parse JSON (to AST) let json = parseJSON(jsonString).value print(json) Result: JSON.Object(["null": .Null, "num": .Number(123.45), "bool": .Bool(true), "string": .String("hello"), "array": .Array([.String("hello"), .Number(9.99), .Bool(false)]), "dict": .Object(["key": .String("value")]), "object": .Object(["enabled": .Bool(true)]) ])

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JSON Decoding

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struct Model struct Model { let string: String let num: Double let bool: Bool let null: Any? let array: [Any] let dict: [String : Any] let subModel: SubModel let dummy: Bool? // doesn't exist in raw JSON }

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FromJSON (Protocol) extension Model: FromJSON { static func fromJSON(json: JSON) -> Result { return fromJSONObject(json) { curry(self.init) <^> $0 !! "string" <*> $0 !! "num" <*> $0 !! "bool" <*> $0 !! "null" <*> $0 !! "array" <*> $0 !! "dict" <*> $0 !! "object" // mapping to SubModel <*> $0 !? "dummy" // doesn't exist in raw JSON } } }

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Decode from JSON String let model = decode(jsonString).value print(model) Result: Model(string: "hello", num: 123.45, bool: true, null: nil, array: ["hello", 9.99, false], dict: ["key": "value"], subModel: SubModel(enabled: true), dummy: nil)

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JSON Encoding

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ToJSON (Protocol) extension Model: ToJSON { static func toJSON(model: Model) -> JSON { return toJSONObject([ "string" ~ model.string, "num" ~ model.num, "bool" ~ model.bool, "null" ~ model.null, "array" ~ model.array, "dict" ~ model.dict, "subModel" ~ model.subModel ]) } }

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Encode to JSON String let jsonString = encode(model) print(jsonString) Result: "{ \"bool\" : true, \"null\" : null, \"num\" : 123.45, \"string\" : \"hello\", \"array\" : [ \"hello\", 9.99, false ], \"dict\" : { \"key\" : \"value\" }, \"subModel\" : { \"enabled\" : true } }"

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Summary (TryParsec) • Supports CSV / XML / JSON • Simple, readable, and easy to create your own parsers • Caveats • Needs performance improvements • FromJSON / ToJSON doesn't work in some nested structure • Swift 3 (with higher kinded types support) will surely solve this problem!

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