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0 Let’s go monorepo - intro to 2024-03-22 第83回NearMe技術勉強会 Cyan Chen

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1 What is a monorepo A good intro: ʻʻA monorepo is a single repository containing multiple distinct projects, with well-defined relationships.’’

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2 Monorepo vs Polyrepo

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3 Why monorepo? If sharing code… …Version hell.

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4 Why monorepo? If no sharing code… 1. Significant code duplication… 2. Inconsistent tooling service 1 “swr”: “^2.0.3” service 2 “swr”: “^1.3.0” service 3 “swr”: “^0.4.2” ⇒ Unexpected Behaviors!! service 1 commit: Force prettier… service 2 commit: Force prettier… service 3 commit: Force prettier… ⇒ A lots of manual work!!

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5 Netflix

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6 Nx - a monorepo tool ‘Nx is the vscode of monorepo.’ ⇒ Various plugins can be installed and Nx will control versions

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7 Create a Nx workspace git clone [email protected]:yukimotochern/nearme-study-session .git or code along… npx create-nx-workspace@latest

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8 Nx feature - project scaffolding Install plugin cc Create project 1. Command line tool npx nx generate @nx/expo:application --name=far-me --directory=projects/far- me --projectNameAndRootForma t=as-provided --no-interactive 2. Vscode plugin (need to install)

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9 Nx feature - project scaffolding (conti.) 1. Run our previous far-me app: npx nx run far-me:start 2. Install the expo go app from app store or google play. 3. Scan the QRcode to open our app your phone need to connect to the same wifi with computer

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10 Nx feature - code sharing Let’s create another to-be-used Javascript library. • npx nx generate @nx/js:library --name=foo --directory=lib/foo --projectNameAndRootFormat=as-provided --unitTestRunner=jest --no-interactive

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11 Nx feature - code sharing (conti.) Clean up ‘/projects/far-me/src/app/App.tsx’

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12 Nx feature - graphs npx nx graph

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13 Nx feature - affected npx nx graph --affected --port=4325 Edit foo Edit far-me

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14 Nx feature - affected (conti.) npx nx show projects --affected ⇒ Can be used in CI/CD~ npx nx affected -t deploy

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15 Thank you