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Open source workflows 
 in highly regulated environments @benbalter [email protected]

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Conway's law “organizations which design systems ... are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations ”

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How you work is as important as what you work on

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Roadmap 1. Open source moves beyond Agile 2. Open source behind the firewall 3. Open source in regulated environments

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1. Open source moves beyond Agile

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Agile is a methodology "get incremental changes into users' hands"

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Open source is a philosophy "remove barriers to the free flow of information"

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Closed source Open source Waterfall Traditional software development Publishing 
 proprietary code Agile Modern software development Working in the open

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Both open source and agile value ad-hoc and informal communication over documentation and process

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Face-to-face versus asynchronous Agile Open source

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Applying open source to Agile

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Transparency solves for process

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1. Prefer social constraints over administrative or technical constraints

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2. Prefer systems that naturally capture and expose process

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3. Prefer stakeholders subscribe to the software development process itself

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The constraints of open source

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Electronic Prefer systems that naturally capture process

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Available Expose process via shareable URLs

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Asynchronous Decisions can be made outside meetings

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Informal Professional, not formal

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Open source flow

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Issues are Agile user stories

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Everyone has access to issues

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Anyone can open an issue

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Teams prioritize, sequence, and implement

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Create a branch

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Add commits

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Open a pull request

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Discuss and review

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2. Open source behind the firewall

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Open source is a philosophy, 
 not a type of software

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Process is shared to the widest extent practical One team, your organization, or the entire world

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Human-centric processes produce human-centric software

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Five best practices of open source behind the firewall

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1. The technology is the easy part

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2. Start small and go through the motions

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3. Minimize information imbalance

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4. Embrace the constraints of open source

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5. Minimize Friction

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Friction (n) - the time it takes to go from "I want to contribute" to "I have"

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3. Open source in regulated environments

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Version control captures who made what change when

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Open source workflows 
 capture (and expose) process

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How open source captures process 1. Chat (and issues) 2. ChatOps 3. Continuous Integration 4. Code Reviews 5. Deployments

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Chat (and issues)

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Chat is inherently asynchronous

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Chat captures and exposes who made what decision why

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ChatOps A shared command-line for development teams

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Meet Hubot

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DevOps • View cameras in our datacenter • Search error logs • Manage and trigger alerts • Perform server maintenance • Configure load balancer • Provision servers • Adjust firewalls • Activate DDoS mitigation • Configure DNS • Manage background jobs • Deploy to production

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Continuous Integration (CI)

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Required build statuses

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Nothing gets deployed unless tests are green

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Code reviews

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Nothing gets deployed unless reviews are green

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Deployments at GitHub On the pull request in Chat

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How you work is as important as what you work on

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Open source workflows 
 in highly regulated environments @benbalter [email protected]