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Agile Doesn't Have to Stink Justin Carmony - OpenWest 2015 @JustinCarmony

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• Director of Development
 @ Deseret Digital Media • Utah PHP Usergroup
 President • I Make (and Break)
 Web Stuff (~10 years) • @JustinCarmony
 [email protected] Hi • Director of Development
 @ Deseret Digital Media • Utah PHP Usergroup
 President • I Make (and Break)
 Web Stuff (~10 years) • @JustinCarmony
 [email protected]

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 Presentation • Slides Posted Online • Feel free to ask on-topic question during presentation • Q&A Session At the End • Feel free to ask me any questions afterwards

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• You’ve Heard of Agile • You Know the Basic Structure of Scrum • You’ve tried to do Agile in some fashion with some team. Assumptions for this Presentation Planning Estimation 2 Week Sprint Daily Standups Review & Retrospectives

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Let’s Take a Poll Developers? Product Owners? Project Managers? Scrum Master? Management?

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I’m A Developer

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Lets Get This Out of The Way

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Agile Sucks!

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Yes , It Can

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Yes, It Can But It Doesn’t Have To!

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Lets Talk About Why

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ag·ile [aj-uhl, -ahyl] quick and well-coordinated in movement; lithe: an agile leap. active; lively: an agile person. marked by an ability to think quickly; mentally acute or aware: She's 95 and still very agile. 1. 2. 3.

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ag·ile [aj-uhl, -ahyl] quick and well-coordinated in movement; lithe: an agile leap. active; lively: an agile person. marked by an ability to think quickly; mentally acute or aware: She's 95 and still very agile. 1. 2. 3. 4. A marketing word for any Development Tool, Training, or Processes recently released.

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Terrible Word

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Who uses Agile Processes?

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We’re Agile!

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What does Agile Mean?

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Actually… Welll… Uhhh…. I guess… Hmm… Derp…

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Story Time

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Project Manager Work List Developers Tickets Guessing Hours Team Meeting

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Project Manager Work List Developers Tickets Guessing Hours Team Meeting Product Owner + Scrum Master Backlog Scrum Team Stories Estimating Story Points Sprint Planning

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It Was Frustrating

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Why Agile?

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Our Team is More Efficient! We Do Agile Because… We Make a Better Product! We Release On Schedule!

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Our Team is More Efficient! We Do Agile Because… We Make a Better Product! We Release On Schedule!

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Fundamentally Agile is About…

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Better Decisions

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Agile Is Not Just a Process

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Agile is a Decision Making Framework

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Quick Agile Test

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Have You Changed How You Make Decisions?

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• Have you changed how make decisions about: • What you work on “Today” • Features, Bugs, & Priorities • Releases & Deadlines • Planning for the Future Decision Making

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Re-learning Agile

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Reality In; Decisions Out R.I.D.O

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Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Time Progress

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Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Time Work Finished

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Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Time Work Finished

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Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Time Work Finished

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Goal: Honest Assessment of Reality

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What is Reality? Things we can Control Things we cannot Control The Past Deadlines Features Bugs Feature Scope Sick & Personal Leave Work Emergencies How Long Things Take ??? What To Code Etc, etc, etc What to Fix Actions for Right Now Re-evaluate Scope Etc, etc, etc Etc, etc, etc

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Make Decisions that Manage Risk

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Complexity Critical

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Complexity Critical

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Complexity Critical

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Complexity Critical

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Complexity Critical

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Improving Parts of your Process

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Team Roles

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Project Manager Owns the Process Owns the Product Owns Development

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Project Manager Owns the Process Owns the Product Owns Development Hard to assess reality for all 3 things

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Scrum Master Owns the Process Owns the Product Owns Development Product Owner Dev Lead

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Scrum Master Product Owner Dev Lead Reality Decisions

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Share Common Goal Individual Responsibilities

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Meetings Suck!

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Keep Them Simple! Keep Them Short!

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Review Retro Estimation Planning 2.5 Hours

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1.What went well? 2.What do we want to Change? 3.How are we going to Change It? Retrospectives Reality In Decisions Out

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Document It!

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• Added 0 point option to Pivotal for for simple tasks that were falling in the cracks before. • More consistent with standups. Starting & ending on time. • Gathered good feedback from stakeholders • Having a UI that we can demonstrate with helps communicate to stakeholders What Went Well

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Disrupted several times by AdOps “Emergencies” that could have been avoided with early communication. What To Change & How Problem Solution Designate point person (product manager) for all requests to come through. Proactively coordinate with AdOps before Sprints start.

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Pivotal & GitHub Notifications are being too noisy in the HipChat Room. What To Change & How Problem Solution Create new HipChat room for All Notifications and only post critical notifications in the main room.

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With Remote Developers visit, we didn’t have enough on boarding work for new Junior Dev. What To Change & How Problem Solution Tag “easy” items regularly to have a clean backlog of on boarding tasks.

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Several DN stories planned had CMS dependencies that weren’t finished What To Change & How Problem Solution Use “dependency” label in both DN & CMS backlogs Review CMS backlog before finalizing each sprint plan

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Review Your Retrospective Items!

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• Safe Communication Environment • Focus on the Future • Look for Small, Manageable Changes • Focus on You before Others - “What can I improve” Making Retrospectives Effective

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It’s Not Precise! It’s Not Accurate!

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Complexity Critical

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Complexity Critical

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• Don’t Over Analyze for perfect Precision! • Focus on Identifying Complexities. • Opportunity for Product Owners & Devs to clear up Ambiguity and define a more clear scope. • You will get better over time. There will always be stories that will be greatly over or under estimated. Estimation Reality In Decisions Out

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• Planning goes smoothly when: • You Product Backlog / Icebox is Well Defined • Broken into manageable stories & estimated • End of planning ensure: • Goals are set and stories are prioritized • Everyone knows what they will be doing next Planning

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Stand Ups

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• Focus on the spirit of the meeting, not the rules. • Make sure to identify three areas: • What happened Previous Day • What they will work on Today • Anything Blocking. • Opportunity for Decisions! Keep an eye on Goals! Making Stand Ups Effective Reality In Decisions Out Reality In

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Final Thoughts

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Everyone Has a Process

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Be Strategic About It

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Spirit Over the Rule

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Always Look for Ways to Improve

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Thank You Twitter: @JustinCarmony Email: [email protected] Web: Please Leave Feedback: