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Winner’s Curse: Bias Estimation for Total Effects of Features in Online Controlled Experiments Minyong Lee (Airbnb); Milan Shen (Airbnb) (KDD 2018) @_stakaya

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• !2AB)Music.1 -#43+( • "%'0AB)Music .15#43+( • &* !2”$,43/” 2

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• !2AB)Music.1 -#43+( • "%'0AB)Music .15#43+( • &* !2”$,43/” 3

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• >,AB*)%5;4Bias <6%5?7 $ –Winner‘s Curse Bias=@ • 8+&(2 –#9'/0*:- .4 3Business Impact1 • AirbnbAB" ! 4

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• 3<AB$"& )%* –@A/B$"&; #' → Gaussian 28 79B0.1 ;6!; / 2,NG –CA4 >5?:+- Wiki()=… 5

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• n7"!#0 • i8("!#;*Metrics/& –5 /&),90 –… 62OK • <>631- –5'%2 • +4&= : –31$ .2+4&= 6

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• #& – b,# %( .+ – -*" !( • ATotal True Effect – *" – A$)'$)' 7

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• AExpected Total True Effect • ATotal Estimated Effect – Total – 8

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• Expected Total True Effect 9

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upward bias 10 i∈A A

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upward bias 11 X_i > b_i ¥sigma_i I()

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upward bias 12 I(A) = 1– I(Not(A)) $ &X_i ≦ b_i ¥sigma_i'#I()! %"

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upaward bias 13

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upaward bias 14 " !

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upaward bias 15

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upaward bias • # Bias • " • –*$/(0%-&) –!( +' • ., i=1, …,n 16

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Selection bias with fixed p-values • p Bias • Bias 17

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• Bias – – 18

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• Biastotal true effect 19

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"% • Zhong and Prentice [25], Efron [7], and Xu, Craiu and Sun [23]A Bias • 20 Gaussian '#& !$

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• Zhong and Prentice [25], Efron [7], and Xu, Craiu and Sun [23]A Bias 21

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Bootstrap • Total true effect" ! • # 22

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• n=30 • • σ24$&5(shape=3, scale=1).+ • ,3* 0 • … /6'(2%AB1,000) ! #"$-1 23

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a 24 Figure 2

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σ2 25 Figure 2

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Code 26 library("ggplot2") theme_set(theme_grey(base_size=28)) # # Zi|(−1.5 < Zi < 2) where Zi ∼ N(0.2,0.7^2) a <- qnorm(runif(10^5, pnorm(-1.5, mean=0.2, sd=0.7), pnorm(2, mean=0.2, sd=0.7)), mean=0.2, sd=0.7) ggplot(data.frame(value=z), aes(x = value, y = ..density..)) + geom_density(aes(alpha = 0.2), color="#4CAF50", fill="#4CAF50", show.legend=FALSE) + xlim(c(-2.5, 2.5)) + theme_grey(base_size=28) # Code # σ^2 rform the inverse gamma distribution with shape parameter3 and scale param 1 sigma <- sqrt(1/rgamma(10^5, shape=3, scale=1)) ggplot(data.frame(value=sigma), aes(x = value, y = ..density..)) + geom_density(aes(alpha = 0.2), color="#4CAF50", fill="#4CAF50", show.legend=FALSE) + xlim(c(0, 2)) + theme_grey(base_size=28)

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v.s. 27 Figure 3

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v.s. 28 Figure 4

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v.s. 29 Figure 5

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Code 30 set.seed(71) size <- 30 a <- qnorm(runif(size, pnorm(-1.5, mean=0.2, sd=0.7), pnorm(2, mean=0.2, sd=0.7)), mean=0.2, sd=0.7) sigma <- sqrt(1/rgamma(size, shape=3, scale=1)) b <- qnorm(0.95, mean=0, sd=1) effect <- list() for(i in seq_len(10^3)){ x <- purrr::map_dbl(seq_len(size), ~ rnorm(1, mean=a[.x], sd=sigma[.x])) binary_win <- as.numeric(x/sigma > b) effect[[length(effect) + 1]] <- data.frame( # S_{A} sa=sum(x*binary_win), # T_{A} ta=sum(x*binary_win) - sum(sigma * dnorm((sigma * b - x)/sigma)), # T_{A, cond} tc=sum(x*binary_win) - sum(sigma * dnorm((sigma * b - x)/sigma)/(1 - pnorm((sigma * b - x)/sigma))*binary_win), # True effect te=sum(a*binary_win) ) } df <- dplyr::bind_rows(effect) # The total estimated effect v.s. The total true effect ggplot(df, aes(x=te, y=sa)) + geom_point() + geom_abline(slope=1, intercept=0) # The expected total true effect (conditional) v.s. The total true effect ggplot(df, aes(x=te, y=tc)) + geom_point() + geom_abline(slope=1, intercept=0) # The expected total true effect v.s. The total true effect ggplot(df, aes(x=te, y=ta)) + geom_point() + geom_abline(slope=1, intercept=0)

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• Market Dynamics team 31 Figure 6 Holdout

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Experimentation Reporting Framework (ERF) At Airbnb • 100 Product Team • 3,000 Metrics Monitoring • Winner‘s Curse Bias $!0 32 Figure 8 # [17], [18]"

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Aibnb • 53=LDαθG0> –'%(7?5,$!*Dθ –8S7?=LDα • 9JRF2 '%(B /; –MetricsNeutral *&" .)COA/B'% (TotalH@P'%(B/1 • Holdout#-+E< –MQ:53N4H@6AKI< 33

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• [7] Bradley Efron. 2011. TweedieâĂŹs formula and selection bias. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 106, 496 (Dec. 2011), 1602–1614. • [17] Will Moss. 2014. Experiment reporting framework. (May 2014). Retrieved February 16, 2017 from framework • [18] Jan Overgoor. 2014. Experiments at Airbnb. (May 2014). Retrieved February 16, 2017 from • [23] Lizhen Xu, Radu V Craiu, and Lei Sun. 2011. Bayesian methods to overcome the winner’s curse in genetic studies. The Annals of Applied Statistics (2011) • [25] Hua Zhong and Ross L Prentice. 2008. Bias-reduced estimators and confidence intervals for odds ratios in genome-wide association studies. Biostatistics 9, 4 (Oct. 2008), 621–634. 34