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1 Presenter: Xu Cao (曹 旭) @ CyberAgent Oct. 9, 2024

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What Why How 2 Make the ray-traced 3D Gaussians efficient (~150 FPS) Ray tracing allows rendering secondary effects and distorted cameras that rasterization-based 3DGS cannot, but trades off rendering speed. • An efficient bounding volume hierarchy (BVH) building strategy for 3D Gaussians • An efficient 𝑘-hits based ray-tracing strategy

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Background: 3D Gaussian Splatting • Target scene is represented as a set of anisotropic 3D Gaussians with parameters o Center location 𝝁 o Covariance Σ = 𝐑⊤𝐒⊤𝐒𝐑 o Opacity 𝜎 o Spherical harmonics coefficients for view-dependent colors • For rendering, projecting all 3D Gaussians onto the image plane (Rasterization) and perfrom volume rendering 3 Continous form Discrete form

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Disadvantages of 3DGS • Rasterization cannont efficiently simulate secondary light transport effects o shadows, relections, and refractions • Rasterization breaks down for highly distorted camera models o Fisheye camera with large FoV o Video that contain rolling shutter effects 4

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5 What can we do with ray-traced Gaussians?

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Secondary effects: Shadow 6

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Secondary effects: Refraction 7

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Secondary effects: Reflection 8

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Camera distortion: Fisheye simulation 9

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Camera distortion: Depth of field simulation 10

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Real-time instancing 11

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Reconstructing autonomous vehicle scenes 12 Ray-tracing is well-suited for handling distorted camera models and rolling shutter effects simoutanously Left camera Middle camera Right camera

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Results from fisheye camera inputs 13

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Effiecient forward rendering pipeline 1. Bound each 3DG with primitive geometries and construct a BVH from bounding primitives 2. Query the ray-primitive hits within a sub-inteval on the ray (a chunk) 3. Compute the response of hitted 3DGs within the chunk 4. Perform volume rendering for the chunk of points 15

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Effiecient forward rendering pipeline 16

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Background: Bounding Volume Hierarchy (BVH) Motivation: For fast ray-primitive intersection query How: • Bound each scene object by a bounding primitive (axis-aligned bounding box in the example) • Construct a tree structure for the bounding primitives • Determine the ray-primitive intersection from root to leaf Benefits: • Determine the intersection between a ray and an AABB is more efficient than, e.g., a triangle mesh • Tree structure reduces intersection query number from 𝑂 𝑛 to 𝑂(log 𝑛), 𝑛 being the number of scene objects Disadvantage: • Require re-building BVH once the scene geometry changes 17

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Bounding primitive of a 3D Gaussian Loosely bounded Tightly bounded Trade-off between accuray and efficiency More efficient ray-primitive intersection query More false-positive intersections Icosahedron 二十面体 18

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Bounding primitive of a 3D Gaussian Icosahedron 二十面体 1. Initialize the bounding primitive as an icosahedron with a unit inner-sphere 2. Then anisotropically scale the icosahedron vertices based on the 3DG parameters Icosahedron vertices 3DG opacity 3DG center 3DG scaling & rotation Hyperparameter 𝛼𝑚𝑖𝑛 : points with 𝜌 𝒙 > 𝛼𝑚𝑖𝑛 must be included in the icosahedron Including 3DG opacity adaptively adjusts the icosahedron size → Smaller icosahedron for more transparent 3DG (samller 𝜎) → Contribute to faster rendering 19

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BVH build time and FPS AABB w/ adaptive clamping w/o adaptive clamping Tighter bounding increases BVH building time (Still acceptable: 0.1sec for 3M Gaussians, only conducted during optimization) But tighter bounding accelerates rendering (Because for each ray, only 3DGs significantly contributing to its color remain) 20

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Effiecient forward rendering pipeline 21

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𝑘-hits based ray tracing • Cast the ray, and find the first 𝑘 ray-primitive hits o Render the color & transmittance for that batch of hits • Cast the ray again from the last primitive, and find the next 𝑘 hits o Update the color & transmittance using new hits • Repeat until o All primitives are handled o A pre-defined minimal transmittance is reached (because the remaining hitted 3DGs on that ray almost contributes nothing the color) 𝑘 = 3 in this example 22

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Why can we split the color rendering? 23 The numerical integration for volume rendering, essentially an ordered sum of weighed colors 𝑖-th intersected Gaussian on a ray, sorted in depth order 𝑳 𝒐, 𝒅 = ෍ 𝑖=1 𝑁 ො 𝒄𝑖 = ෍ 𝑖=1 𝑘 ො 𝒄𝑖 + ෍ 𝑖=𝑘+1 2𝑘 ො 𝒄𝑖 + … + ෍ 𝑖=𝑚𝑘+1 𝑁 ො 𝒄𝑖 The sum can be split into ordered chunks of sums

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Why this 𝑘-hits tracing strategy? Authors test different strategies and find the proposed one achieves the best balance between rendering quality and efficiency Tested different tracing strategies 24

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Effiecient forward rendering pipeline 25

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Evaluating particle response • Evaluating the integral requires samples from intersected 3DG • Each 3DG contributes one sample point to volume rendering • The sample point is the max response on the ray • And can be analytically computed as • Orthogonally projecting the 3DG center onto the ray causes errors for stretched anisotropic 3DGs 𝜏𝑚𝑎𝑥 = argmax𝜏 𝜌(𝒐 + 𝜏𝒅) 𝜏𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝝁−𝒐 Σ−1𝒅 𝒅⊤𝚺−𝟏𝒅 𝒐 𝒅 26

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Effiecient forward rendering pipeline 27

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Backward pass for optimization • Auto-differentiation (e.g., PyTorch) is not available • Run the forward pass first to evaluate the loss functions • Then re-cast the same rays and sample the same 3DGs to compute the derivatives and update the 3DG parameters (Implemented by hand) • Optimization strategy follows the standard 3DGS • BVH is rebuilt every iteration (in total 30k iters * 0.1 sec ≈ 50 min) [Kerbl+, 3DGS] Cloning and Splitting 28

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Proposal generalizes to different kernal functions a.k.a. 2DGS 𝑛 = 2 in this paper 29

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Effect of different kernal functions Close rendering quality Twice faster 30

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Faster rendering if #hits per ray is smaller Each pixel indicates the #hitted primitives per ray Generalized Gaussian Gaussian A generalized Gaussian is denser/smaller than an ordinary Gaussian, thus reducing the #hits per ray 31

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Comparison against baselines • Baselines • 3DGS, MipNeRF360, Instant-NGP, Plenoxels • Benchmarks • Tanks & temples, MipNeRF360, DeepBlending, NeRFSynthetic • Variants of the proposal • Ours (reference): as close setting as 3DGS • Ours: hyperparameters and strategies are finetuned based on ablations 32

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Comparison against baselines 33

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Comparison against baselines 34

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Comparison against baselines 35

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Ablation: Maximum number of Gaussians 36 This work heuristically sets the max number of Gaussians in a scene as 3M, because they find further increasing the number does not improve rendering quality

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Summary • An efficient ray-tracing pipeline for semi-transparent particles o Ray tracing particles are not uncommon (e.g., Fuzzy metaballs*) o BVH largely reduce the ray-tracing time ❖We do not need to evaluate all Gaussians to render one ray ❖Only ray-primitive intersected Gaussians are considered for rendering • Ray tracing eases rendering secondary light transport effects and handle or simulate distorted camera models • Relighting & inverse rendering are left as future works 37 * Keselman and Hebert, Approximate Differentiable Rendering with Algebraic Surfaces, ECCV’22