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Taking your CI/CD to the next level

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# whoami Omer Hamerman Devops IL @omergsr

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Waste ● Locating a job ● Running the wrong one ● Cancelling ● Finding the right one ● Running the right one but it fails ● Because the wrong had already ran

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Organizational Focal Point(s) When a job fails? When the Server is down When restore / backup are required When a job cannot be located When a new plugin is needed … … We need to empower our developers

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How can we improve? We need a system that is 1. Self serving 2. Self healing 3. Enforces a structured work 4. Uses code for configuration and infrastructure 5. Scaleable and fast 6. Easy to handle, add plugins and develop them in any language

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● Jenkins file ● Jenkins DSL for everything ● Plugins But things are still missing - easy scale, plugins dev, self healing, stateless servers And let’s be honest - groovy? Improving the Jenkins process

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Drone Written in Golang, open source, easy to set up Configuration Containers Plugins Developers’ happiness

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Configuration as code

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Container Native

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Plugins for everything ● Market place ● Create your own

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Autoscaler “Drone Autoscale is a lightweight daemon that elastically increases and decreases your compute resources based on your build volume. Integrates with Digital Ocean, Amazon Web services, Hetzner and more.”

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The power of using your own DB ● Stateful system ● Easy to backup ● Easy restore ● Queryable ● Measureable

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Bottom line Use what best suits you Remove waste Focus on innovation

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Slide 15 text How I helped my company ship features 10 times faster, and made dev and ops win Deploying and using Drone CI like a pro

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Reading materials and links - Drone CI saas / open source - Docs and introduction - Some plugins nd-made-dev-and-ops-win-a758a83b530c - My post outlining the deployment

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