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∙ ∙ in Symfony ∙

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architectural patterns

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needs they do

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it depends™

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belongs to

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tools responsibility well fault

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not the end

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don't *

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Symfony ?

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good boy framework!

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clear responsibility boundaries

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like a framework

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forget included in PHP SPL

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information flow the architecture

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composer create-project symfony/skeleton .

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├── bin │ └── console ├── composer.json ├── composer.lock ├── config │ ├── bootstrap.php │ ├── bundles.php │ ├── packages │ │ ├── cache.yaml │ │ ├── dev │ │ │ └── routing.yaml │ │ ├── framework.yaml │ │ ├── routing.yaml │ │ └── test │ │ ├── framework.yaml │ │ └── routing.yaml │ ├── routes.yaml │ └── services.yaml ├── public │ └── index.php ├── src │ ├── Controller │ └── Kernel.php ├── symfony.lock ├── var └── vendor

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├── bin │ └── console ├── composer.json ├── composer.lock ├── config │ ├── bootstrap.php │ ├── bundles.php │ ├── packages │ │ ├── cache.yaml │ │ ├── dev │ │ │ └── routing.yaml │ │ ├── framework.yaml │ │ ├── routing.yaml │ │ └── test │ │ ├── framework.yaml │ │ └── routing.yaml │ ├── routes.yaml │ └── services.yaml ├── public │ └── index.php ├── src │ ├── Controller │ └── Kernel.php ├── symfony.lock ├── var └── vendor

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└── src ├── Controller └── Kernel.php

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No content

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└── src ├── Command │ └── GenerateCommand.php ├── Controller │ ├── UserController.php │ └── CarController.php ├── Entity │ ├── User.php │ └── Car.php ├── Form │ ├── UserType.php │ └── CarType.php ├── Manager │ ├── UserManager.php │ └── CarManager.php ├── Repository │ ├── UserRepository.php │ └── CarRepository.php ├── Security │ └── Voter │ ├── UserVoter.php │ └── CarVoter.php ├── Service │ ├── UserService.php │ └── CarService.php └── Kernel.php

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└── src ├── Command │ └── GenerateCommand.php ├── Controller │ ├── UserController.php │ └── CarController.php ├── Entity │ ├── User.php │ └── Car.php ├── Form │ ├── UserType.php │ └── CarType.php ├── Manager │ ├── UserManager.php │ └── CarManager.php ├── Repository │ ├── UserRepository.php │ └── CarRepository.php ├── Security │ └── Voter │ ├── UserVoter.php │ └── CarVoter.php ├── Service │ ├── UserService.php │ └── CarService.php └── Kernel.php

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not guilty

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extremely simplified architectural approaches

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ports adapters

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Domain Driven Design

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Event Sourcing

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src └── Shared └── Infrastructure └── SymfonyKernel.php

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src ├── Account │ ├── Application │ ├── Domain │ └── Infrastructure └── Shared ├── Application ├── Domain └── Infrastructure └── SymfonyKernel.php

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src ├── Account │ ├── Application │ ├── Domain │ └── Infrastructure └── Shared ├── Application │ └── CommandInterface.php ├── Domain └── Infrastructure ├── SynchronousCommandBus.php ├── CommandBusInterface.php └── SymfonyKernel.php

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interface CommandBusInterface { public function handle(CommandInterface $command): void; } final class SynchronousCommandBus implements CommandBusInterface { private $handlers; public function map(string $command, callable $handler): void { $this->handlers[$command] = $handler; } public function handle(CommandInterface $command): void { $fqcn = \get_class($command); $handlerNotFound = false === isset($this->handlers[$fqcn]); HandlerNotFoundException::throwWhen($handlerNotFound, $fqcn); call_user_func($this->handlers[$fqcn], $command); } }

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src ├── Account │ ├── Application │ ├── Domain │ │ ├── Account.php │ │ └── AccountRepositoryInterface.php │ └── Infrastructure └── Shared ├── Application │ └── CommandInterface.php ├── Domain └── Infrastructure ├── SynchronousCommandBus.php ├── CommandBusInterface.php └── SymfonyKernel.php

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interface AccountRepositoryInterface { public function findById(int $id): Account; } final class Account { /** @var int */ private $id; /** @var string */ private $email; public function __construct(int $id, string $email) { $this->id = $id; $this->email = $email; } }

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src ├── Account │ ├── Application │ │ ├── AccountQueryInterface.php │ │ ├── SetupAccountCommand.php │ │ └── SetupAccountHandler.php │ ├── Domain │ │ ├── Account.php │ │ └── AccountRepositoryInterface.php │ └── Infrastructure └── Shared ├── Application │ └── CommandInterface.php ├── Domain └── Infrastructure ├── SynchronousCommandBus.php ├── CommandBusInterface.php └── SymfonyKernel.php

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final class SetupAccountCommand implements CommandInterface { /** @var int */ private $id; /** @var string */ private $email; public function __construct(int $id, string $email) { $this->id = $id; $this->email = $email; } public function getId(): int { return $this->id; } public function getEmail(): string { return $this->email; } }

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final class SetupAccountHandler { /** @var AccountRepositoryInterface */ private $accounts; public function __construct(AccountRepositoryInterface $accounts) { $this->accounts = $accounts; } public function __invoke(SetupAccountCommand $cmd) { $account = new Account($cmd->getId(), $cmd->getEmail()); $this->accounts->add($account); } }

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interface AccountQueryInterface { public function findByEmail(EmailValue $email): AccountView; } final class AccountView { /** @var int */ public $id; /** @var string */ public $email; public function __construct(int $id, string $email) { $this->id = $id; $this->email = $email; } }

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src ├── Account │ ├── Application │ │ ├── AccountQueryInterface.php │ │ ├── SetupAccountCommand.php │ │ └── SetupAccountHandler.php │ ├── Domain │ │ ├── Account.php │ │ └── AccountRepositoryInterface.php │ └── Infrastructure │ ├── AccountController.php │ ├── DoctrineDbalAccountQuery.php │ └── DoctrineOrmAccountRepository.php └── Shared ├── Application │ └── CommandInterface.php ├── Domain └── Infrastructure ├── SynchronousCommandBus.php ├── CommandBusInterface.php └── SymfonyKernel.php

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final class DoctrineOrmAccountRepository implements AccountRepositoryInterface { /** @var EntityManagerInterface */ private $em; public function __construct(EntityManagerInterface $em) { $this->em = $em; } public function findById(int $id): Account { return $this->em->find(Account::class, $id); } }

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final class DoctrineDbalAccountQuery implements AccountQueryInterface { /** @var Connection */ private $connection; public function __construct(Connection $connection) { $this->connection = $connection; } public function findByEmail(EmailValue $email): AccountView { $sql = 'SELECT id, email FROM user WHERE email = :email'; $data = $this->connection->exec($sql, ['email' => $email]); return new AccountView($data['id'], $data['email']); } }

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final class AccountController { // ... public function __construct(CommandBusInterface $bus, RouterInterface $router) { // ... } public function setupAction(Request $request): Response { $id = generateId(); $payload = $request->request->all(); $command = new SetupAccountCommand($id, $payload['email']); $this->bus->handle($command); return new Response(null, Response::HTTP_CREATED, [ 'Location' => $this->router->generate('account.view', [$id]), ]); } }

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account.setup: methods: [POST] path: /accounts controller: account.controller::setupAction

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parameters: services: _defaults: autowire: true autoconfigure: true App\: resource: '../src/*' exclude: '../src/{DependencyInjection,Entity,Migrations,Tests,Kernel.php}' App\Controller\: resource: '../src/Controller' tags: ['controller.service_arguments']

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services: _defaults: autowire: false autoconfigure: false public: false

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account.query: class: Thunder\App\Account\Infrastructure\DoctrineDbalAccountQuery arguments: ['@doctrine.dbal.connection'] account.repository: class: Thunder\App\Account\Infrastructure\DoctrineOrmAccountRepository arguments: ['@doctrine.orm.entity_manager'] account.controller: class: Thunder\App\Account\Infrastructure\AccountController arguments: ['@command_bus', '@routing'] public: true

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command_bus: class: Thunder\App\Shared\Infrastructure\SynchronousCommandBus arguments: [] calls: - ['map', ['Thunder\App\Account\Application\SetupAccountCommand','@account.setup.handler']] account.setup.handler: class: Thunder\App\Account\Application\AddAccountHandler arguments: ['@account.repository']

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src ├── Account │ ├── Application │ │ ├── AccountQueryInterface.php │ │ ├── SetupAccountCommand.php │ │ └── SetupAccountHandler.php │ ├── Domain │ │ ├── Account.php │ │ ├── AccountWasSetupEvent.php │ │ └── AccountRepositoryInterface.php │ └── Infrastructure │ ├── AccountController.php │ ├── DoctrineDbalAccountQuery.php │ └── DoctrineOrmAccountRepository.php └── Shared ├── Application │ └── CommandInterface.php ├── Domain └── Infrastructure ├── SynchronousCommandBus.php ├── CommandBusInterface.php └── SymfonyKernel.php

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final class AccountWasSetupEvent { /** @var int */ private $id; /** @var string */ private $email; public function __construct(int $id, string $email) { $this->id = $id; $this->email = $email; } public function getId(): int { return $this->id; } public function getEmail(): string { return $this->email; } }

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simple, eh?

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simple !== easy

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Any questions? ask

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Resources Images (dog) (city tower) (foggy forest) (wooden floor)

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5 30 2 8 knowledge eternal glory Symfopardy! see you today at 17:00!

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No content

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No content

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GENTLEMAN software with manners @tmmx

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