Slide 2
Slide 2 text
Modeled Water Table Depth
•Tool is used to assess the current areas in south Florida environmentally primed for
arboviral transmission based upon surface hydrological conditions.
•MWTD data are calculated from GEWEX data through a topographically based hydrology
(TBH) model developed by Jeffery Shaman (Oregon State University) and Jonathan Day
(University of Florida).
•Real-time, hourly data of land surface meteorological conditions distributed at 0.125°
resolution NOAA through its Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX)
•MWTD weekly deviations from SLE Epidemics Modeol average, by site, are calculated
and input into a Geographic Information System (GIS) model developed by Jonathan Day
and Gregory Ross (University of Florida).
GIS Arboviral transmission Model
•GIS model output is weekly real-time Arboviral Transmission Risk Maps based upon
1977/1990 SLE epidemic models (1 km resolution).
•Identifies spatiotemporal areas where mosquito vectors and bird populations would be
driven together due to hydrological drought conditions, thereby providing for arboviral
amplification of SLE and WNV.