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Das Azure Backend zu meiner mobilen App Thomas Gassmann, Trivadis AG Manuel Meyer, Trivadis AG

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Über uns… Thomas Gassmann Angular/Ionic/Xamarin [email protected] Manuel Meyer C#/XAML/VS/Azure [email protected]

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1. «Die App» 2. Der Azure AppService 3. API Apps 4. Function Apps 5. Logic Apps 6. Mobile Apps

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«Die App»

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Die App SMS Activation Code Check-In & Kreditkarte Raumzuteilung.

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Mobile Client Ionic App Azure Traffic Manager Azure LogicApp SaaS Provider Notification Hub PNS Easy Tables Azure Function Cognitive Services Azure API App Azure SQL Azure Mobile App

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Azure AppService

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Der Azure AppService „Eine Plattform für das Hosting von webbasierten Workloads“ ▪ Elastizität ▪ Pay-as-you-go ▪ Easy Deployment ▪ Scaling ▪ Tooling, Monitoring.

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API APPS Easily build and consume REST APIs in the cloud WEB APPS Web apps that scale with your business LOGIC APPS Automate business process across SaaS and on-premises MOBILE APPS Build Mobile apps for any device FUNCTIONS Der Azure AppService

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Azure App Service Microsoft Account Azure Subscription Paid, Free (Test, BizSpark, DreamSpark, MSDN) App Service Plan (Cluster) (Connects Compute Power & Resources) Location Sizing Scale App Service App Service App Service Functionality DNS-Name Monitoring Billing Templated Deployment Payment Resource Group Resource Group

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API Apps

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API Apps API App = Web Api + Swagger «einherstolzieren» «grosstun» «eine grosstuerische Art an den Tag legen».

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YES, WE DO! Meet Swashbuckle! «sich draufgängerisch benehmen».

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DEMO Azure Api Apps

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Function Apps

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Azure Functions „In der Cloud gehostete Snippets, die auf Events reagieren“ ▪ Data Processing ▪ Integration ▪ IoT ▪ APIs ▪ C#, Node.js, Python, F#, batch, bash, Java.

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Azure Functions

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DEMO Azure Functions

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Mobile Apps

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Azure Mobile Apps „Ein skalierbares Backend für Deine mobile App“ ▪ «Quickstart» ▪ Datenspeicherung & Offline Daten ▪ Authentifizierung ▪ Push Notifications ▪ No-Code Backend.

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DEMO Azure Mobile Apps

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Logic Apps

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Azure Logic Apps „Workflows in der Cloud“

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Azure Logic Apps ▪ Actions & Decisions ▪ Connectors ▪ DB: Sql, Oracle ▪ Systems: Sharepoint, O365, SAP ▪ Protocols: AS2, POP, FTP… ▪ SaaS: Dropbox, Slack, Yammer, Twitter ▪ Trigger, Manual, Action.

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DEMO Azure Logic Apps

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Mobile Client Ionic App Azure Traffic Manager Azure LogicApp SaaS Provider Notification Hub PNS Easy Tables Azure Function Cognitive Services Azure API App Azure SQL Azure Mobile App

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Ressourcen ▪ Azure AppService ▪ ▪ Github Technical Community Content ▪ ▪ uting/Azure%20Functions ▪ Scott Hanselman: AppService Secrets ▪ spx

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Danke! Thomas Gassmann Angular/Ionic/Xamarin [email protected] Manuel Meyer C#/XAML/VS/Azure [email protected]

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