Slide 53
Slide 53 text
WHEREAS, principles such as progressive enhancement and responsive design are nearly universally
accepted among the community, but mainly only focus on device capabilities and characteristics
instead of user choice;
WHEREAS, we can build a web that embraces users and gives them choice over their experience;
WE THEREFORE ASSERT the following principles of unsucked web design:
THAT designers and developers of sites and web applications must be free to continue to adopt the
latest and greatest web technologies as appropriate to their goals, including retina images, web
fonts, etc.
THAT all sites and web applications must also at a minimum provide a useful, if significantly
limited, low fidelity version that consists variously of: HTML/text, basic styling, a few (low-
resolution) images, etc.
THAT designers and developers of sites and web applications must begin to intentionally design
the web inlayers, not unlike the original principles of progressive enhancement, and not
dissimilar from breakpoints in responsive design. However, these layers of features must adapt
not only to device capabilities, but also to user choice.
THAT no matter how powerful a user's device may be, or how awesome its screen, designers and
developers have to respect that a user may not want to pay the time or money for those retina
images, web fonts, etc.
THAT developers know how to fiddle with settings to control some aspects of this already, but
regular non-technical users do not, and should not have to. User choice over the desired fidelity
of experience on a site or web application must be easily expressible in the main UI of a
browser, and must be on a per-site basis. For instance, a user may choose in loading a particular
site between "Faster Load" or "More Features".
THAT ultimately, if there's a conflict between a user's expressed (or default) choice of fidelity
of experience and the experience offered or forced by the site or web application, user choice
must take precedence. Browsers must respect the user choice and refuse to download (not just
suppress display, as in responsive design) resources that exceed chosen fidelity.