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PDD Pomodoro Driven Development.

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Francesco Cirillo The Pomodoro Technique® 80s/90s

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Time Time management technique.

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Enemies Procrastination Complex tasks Distractions Interruptions Perfectionism Have to vs. Want to

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Discipline Sorry, it’s all about it.

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Workflow No fancy tools required. Timer, sheet of paper and pencil.

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Pick a task

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Focus For 25min.

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Break 5min, 25min every four pomodoro.

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Simple rules

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Indivisible Once a pomodoro begins it has to ring.

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Too big? Break it down. Too small? Add it up. Task size

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In practice Dead trees way. Paper FTW.

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TO DO TODAY NAME DATE Robert, Twitterroro 23.0

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TO DO TODAY NAME DATE Robert, Twitterroro 23.0 Setup Xcode Project

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TO DO TODAY NAME DATE Robert, Twitterroro 23.0 Setup Xcode Project Display user’s timeline

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TO DO TODAY NAME DATE Robert, Twitterroro 23.0 Setup Xcode Project Display user’s timeline Post message

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UNPLANNED & URGENT (write bottom-up) 1 Authenticate user

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TO DO TODAY NAME DATE Robert, Twitterroro 23.0 Setup Xcode Project Display user’s timeline Post message

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UNPLANNED & URGENT (write bottom-up) 1 Authenticate user Fix nasty bug U

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TO DO TODAY NAME DATE Robert, Twitterroro 23.0 Setup Xcode Project Display user’s timeline Post message

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UNPLANNED & URGENT (write bottom-up) 1 Authenticate user Fix nasty bug U

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TO DO TODAY NAME DATE Robert, Twitterroro 23.0 Setup Xcode Project Display user’s timeline Post message

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TO DO TODAY NAME DATE Robert, Twitterroro 23.0 Setup Xcode Project Display user’s timeline Post message

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2 interruptions 8 pomodoros

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Control Interruptions Know your enemy.

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Work context The distinction between free time and work time is clear thanks to ticking sound of my timer.

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Rhythm & Flow Nice way to achieve sustainable pace.

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Big & complex tasks vs. you

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Estimation There are no hours or days, just pomodoros.

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One more thing

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The next pomodoro will go better.

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No content