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Parameterization and Flattening Gabriel Peyré CEREMADE, Université Paris-Dauphine

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parameterization Mesh Parameterization - Overview 2 texture mapping M R3

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parameterization D R2 Mesh Parameterization - Overview 2 1 re-sampling zoom texture mapping M R3

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Overview •Dirichlet Energy on Meshes • Harmonic Parameterization • Spectral Flattening • Barycentric Coordinates for Warping • Geodesic Flattening • High Dimensional Data Analysis 3

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Local Averaging 4 Local operator: W = (wij ) i,j V where wij = > 0 if j Vi, 0 otherwise. (Wf) i = (i,j) E wijfj. Examples: for i j, wij = 1 combinatorial wij = 1 ||xj xi ||2 distance wij = cot( ij ) + cot(⇥ij ) conformal Local averaging operator ˜ W = ( ˜ wij ) i,j V : ⇥ (i, j) E, ˜ wij = wij (i,j) E wij . ˜ W = D 1W with D = diag i (di ) where di = (i,j)⇥E wij. Averaging: ˜ W1 = 1. (explanations later)

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Voronoi and Dual Mesh 5 Definition for a planar triangulation M of a mesh M R2. Voronoi for vertices: ⇧ i ⇤ V, Ei = {x ⇤ M \ ⇧ j ⌅= i, ||x xi || ⇥ ||x xj ||} Voronoi for edges: ⌅ e = (i, j) ⇥ E, Ee = {x ⇥ M \ ⌅ e ⇤= e, d(x, e) d(x, e )} Partition of the mesh: M = i V Ei = e E Ee. i j Ai cf i j A(ij) cf Dual mesh 1:3 subdivided mesh

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Approximating Integrals on Meshes Approximation of integrals on vertices and edges: ⇥ M f(x)dx i V Ai f(xi ) e=(i,j) E Ae f([xi, xj ]). Theorem : ⇥ e = (i, j) E, Ae = Area(Ee ) = 1 2 ||xi xj ||2 (cot( ij ) + cot(⇥ij )) i j A(ij) cf

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Approximating Integrals on Meshes Approximation of integrals on vertices and edges: ⇥ M f(x)dx i V Ai f(xi ) e=(i,j) E Ae f([xi, xj ]). Theorem : ⇥ e = (i, j) E, Ae = Area(Ee ) = 1 2 ||xi xj ||2 (cot( ij ) + cot(⇥ij )) i j A(ij) cf A B C O h + + = 2 A(ABO) = ||AB|| h = ||AB|| ||AB|| 2 tan( ) A(ABO) = ||AB||2 2 tan ⇤ 2 ( + ⇥) Proof:

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Cotangent Weights Sobolev norm (Dirichlet energy): J(f) = M || f(x)||2dx

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⇧ (i, j) ⇤ E, wij = 1. Distance weights: they depends both on the geometry and the to require faces information, ⇧ (i, j) ⇤ E, wij = 1 ||xj xi ||2 . Conformal weights: they depends on the full geometrical realiza require the face information ⇧ (i, j) ⇤ E, wij = cot( ij ) + cot(⇥ Figure 1.2 shows the geometrical meaning of the angles ij and ij = ⇥(xi, xj, xk1 ) and ⇥ij = ⇥(xi where (i, j, k1 ) ⇤ F and (i, j, k2 ) ⇤ F are the two faces adjacent in the next section the explanation of these celebrated cotangent xi xj xk1 xk2 ij ij Cotangent Weights 7 Approximation of Dirichelet energy: where wij = cot( ij ) + cot(⇥ij ). ⇥ M ||⇤xf||2dx ⇥ e E Ae |(Gf) e |2 = (i,j) E Ae |f(xj ) f(xi )|2 ||xj xi ||2 = (i,j) E wij |f(xj ) f(xi )|2 Sobolev norm (Dirichlet energy): J(f) = M || f(x)||2dx

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⇧ (i, j) ⇤ E, wij = 1. Distance weights: they depends both on the geometry and the to require faces information, ⇧ (i, j) ⇤ E, wij = 1 ||xj xi ||2 . Conformal weights: they depends on the full geometrical realiza require the face information ⇧ (i, j) ⇤ E, wij = cot( ij ) + cot(⇥ Figure 1.2 shows the geometrical meaning of the angles ij and ij = ⇥(xi, xj, xk1 ) and ⇥ij = ⇥(xi where (i, j, k1 ) ⇤ F and (i, j, k2 ) ⇤ F are the two faces adjacent in the next section the explanation of these celebrated cotangent xi xj xk1 xk2 ij ij Cotangent Weights 7 Approximation of Dirichelet energy: Theorem : wij > 0 ⇥ ij + ⇥ij < ⇤ where wij = cot( ij ) + cot(⇥ij ). ⇥ M ||⇤xf||2dx ⇥ e E Ae |(Gf) e |2 = (i,j) E Ae |f(xj ) f(xi )|2 ||xj xi ||2 = (i,j) E wij |f(xj ) f(xi )|2 Sobolev norm (Dirichlet energy): J(f) = M || f(x)||2dx

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Overview • Dirichlet Energy on Meshes •Harmonic Parameterization • Spectral Flattening • Barycentric Coordinates for Warping • Geodesic Flattening • High Dimensional Data Analysis 8

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Mesh Parameterization 3D space (x,y,z) 2D parameter domain (u,v) boundary boundary 9 Parameterization: bijection : M ⇤ D ⇥ R2. Hypothesis: = ( 1, 2 ) is smooth, minimizes ⇥ xi ⇥M, (i) = 0(i) ⇥D. min 0 (i,j) E wi,j (| 1 (i) 1 (j)|2 + | 2 (i) 2 (j)|2) With boundary conditions 0:

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Mesh Parameterization 3D space (x,y,z) 2D parameter domain (u,v) boundary boundary 9 Parameterization: bijection : M ⇤ D ⇥ R2. ⇥ sparse linear system to solve. Hypothesis: = ( 1, 2 ) is smooth, minimizes ⇥ xi ⇥M, (i) = 0(i) ⇥D. min 0 (i,j) E wi,j (| 1 (i) 1 (j)|2 + | 2 (i) 2 (j)|2) ⇥ i / ⇥M, (L 1 )(i) = (L 2 )(i) = 0 ⇥ i ⇥M, (i) = 0(i) ⇥D. Optimality conditions: With boundary conditions 0:

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Mesh Parameterization 3D space (x,y,z) 2D parameter domain (u,v) boundary boundary 9 Parameterization: bijection : M ⇤ D ⇥ R2. ⇥ sparse linear system to solve. Theorem: (Tutte) if i, j, wij > 0, then is a bijection. ⇥ i / ⇥M, (i) = (i,j) E ˜ wi,j (j). Hypothesis: = ( 1, 2 ) is smooth, minimizes ⇥ xi ⇥M, (i) = 0(i) ⇥D. min 0 (i,j) E wi,j (| 1 (i) 1 (j)|2 + | 2 (i) 2 (j)|2) ⇥ i / ⇥M, (L 1 )(i) = (L 2 )(i) = 0 ⇥ i ⇥M, (i) = 0(i) ⇥D. Optimality conditions: Remark: each point is the average of its neighbors: With boundary conditions 0:

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Examples of Parameterization Combinatorial Conformal Mesh 10

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Examples of Parameterization Combinatorial Conformal Mesh 11

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Application to Remeshing 12 parameterization 1 zoom re-sampling P. Alliez et al., Isotropic Surface Remeshing, 2003.

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Application to Texture Mapping 13 param eterization texture g(u) color g( (x))

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Mesh Parameterization #1 14 S S0 : S0 ⇥ S S0 ⇥ S ⇥ x S0 \⇥S0, = 0

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Mesh Parameterization #1 14 W = make_sparse(n,n); for i=1:3 i1 = mod(i-1,3)+1; i2 = mod(i ,3)+1; i3 = mod(i+1,3)+1; pp = vertex(:,faces(i2,:)) - vertex(:,faces(i1,:)); qq = vertex(:,faces(i3,:)) - vertex(:,faces(i1,:)); % normalize the vectors pp = pp ./ repmat( sqrt(sum(pp.^2,1)), [3 1] ); qq = qq ./ repmat( sqrt(sum(qq.^2,1)), [3 1] ); % compute angles a = 1 ./ tan( acos(sum(pp.*qq,1)) ); a = max(a, 1e-2); % avoid degeneracy W = W + make_sparse(faces(i2,:),faces(i3,:), a, n, n ); W = W + make_sparse(faces(i3,:),faces(i2,:), a, n, n ); end S S0 : S0 ⇥ S S0 ⇥ S ⇥ x S0 \⇥S0, = 0 Discretization of :

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Mesh Parameterization #1 14 W = make_sparse(n,n); for i=1:3 i1 = mod(i-1,3)+1; i2 = mod(i ,3)+1; i3 = mod(i+1,3)+1; pp = vertex(:,faces(i2,:)) - vertex(:,faces(i1,:)); qq = vertex(:,faces(i3,:)) - vertex(:,faces(i1,:)); % normalize the vectors pp = pp ./ repmat( sqrt(sum(pp.^2,1)), [3 1] ); qq = qq ./ repmat( sqrt(sum(qq.^2,1)), [3 1] ); % compute angles a = 1 ./ tan( acos(sum(pp.*qq,1)) ); a = max(a, 1e-2); % avoid degeneracy W = W + make_sparse(faces(i2,:),faces(i3,:), a, n, n ); W = W + make_sparse(faces(i3,:),faces(i2,:), a, n, n ); end D = spdiags(full( sum(W,1) ), 0, n,n); L = D - W; L1 = L; L1(boundary,:) = 0; L1(boundary + (boundary-1)*n) = 1; S S0 : S0 ⇥ S S0 ⇥ S ⇥ x S0 \⇥S0, = 0 Formation of the linear system: Discretization of :

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Mesh Parameterization #1 14 W = make_sparse(n,n); for i=1:3 i1 = mod(i-1,3)+1; i2 = mod(i ,3)+1; i3 = mod(i+1,3)+1; pp = vertex(:,faces(i2,:)) - vertex(:,faces(i1,:)); qq = vertex(:,faces(i3,:)) - vertex(:,faces(i1,:)); % normalize the vectors pp = pp ./ repmat( sqrt(sum(pp.^2,1)), [3 1] ); qq = qq ./ repmat( sqrt(sum(qq.^2,1)), [3 1] ); % compute angles a = 1 ./ tan( acos(sum(pp.*qq,1)) ); a = max(a, 1e-2); % avoid degeneracy W = W + make_sparse(faces(i2,:),faces(i3,:), a, n, n ); W = W + make_sparse(faces(i3,:),faces(i2,:), a, n, n ); end D = spdiags(full( sum(W,1) ), 0, n,n); L = D - W; L1 = L; L1(boundary,:) = 0; L1(boundary + (boundary-1)*n) = 1; Rx = zeros(n,1); Rx(boundary) = x0; Ry = zeros(n,1); Ry(boundary) = y0; x = L1 \ Rx; y = L1 \ Ry; S S0 : S0 ⇥ S S0 ⇥ S ⇥ x S0 \⇥S0, = 0 Formation of the linear system: Formation of the RHS and resolution: Discretization of :

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Mesh Parameterization #2 15 Exercise: perform the linear interpolation of the parameterization. Exercise: display the geometry image using a checkboard texture. Geometry image: re-sample X/Y/Z coordinates of on a grid. store the surface as a color (R/G/B) image.

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Mesh Parameterization #3 16 Exercise: Locate the position of the eyes / the mouth Exercise: Compute an a ne transformation to re-align the texture. in the texture and on the mesh.

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Mesh Deformations 17 Initial position: xi R3. Displacement of anchors: i I, xi xi = xi + i R3 Linear deformation: xi xi I i I, (i) = i i / I, (i) = 0 xi = xi + (i)

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Mesh Deformations 17 Initial position: xi R3. Displacement of anchors: i I, xi xi = xi + i R3 Linear deformation: xi xi I % modify Laplacian L1 = L; L1(I,:) = 0; L1(I + (I-1)*n) = 1; % displace vertices vertex = vertex + ( L1 \ Delta0' )'; i I, (i) = i i / I, (i) = 0 xi = xi + (i)

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Mesh Deformations 17 Initial position: xi R3. Displacement of anchors: i I, xi xi = xi + i R3 Linear deformation: xi xi xi Non-linear deformation: xi = ˜ xi + i ˜ xi coarse scale details ˜ xi ˜ xi Linear deformation: xi = xi + i, ni ˜ ni Extrusion along normals: ˜ ni I % modify Laplacian L1 = L; L1(I,:) = 0; L1(I + (I-1)*n) = 1; % displace vertices vertex = vertex + ( L1 \ Delta0' )'; i I, (i) = i i / I, (i) = 0 xi = xi + (i)

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Overview • Dirichlet Energy on Meshes • Harmonic Parameterization •Spectral Flattening • Barycentric Coordinates for Warping • Geodesic Flattening • High Dimensional Data Analysis 18

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Mesh Flattening 19 min 1⇥Rn ||G 1 ||2 = ⇥ i j wi,j | 1 (i) 1 (j)|2 with || 1 || = 1, ⇥ 1, 1⇤ = 0. min 2⇥Rn ||G 2 ||2 = ⇧ i j wi,j | 2 (i) 2 (j)|2 with ⌅ ⇤ ⌅ ⇥ || 2 || = 1, ⇥ 2, 1 ⇤ = 0, ⇥ 2, 1⇤ = 0. No boundary condition, minimize:

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Mesh Flattening 19 min 1⇥Rn ||G 1 ||2 = ⇥ i j wi,j | 1 (i) 1 (j)|2 with || 1 || = 1, ⇥ 1, 1⇤ = 0. min 2⇥Rn ||G 2 ||2 = ⇧ i j wi,j | 2 (i) 2 (j)|2 with ⌅ ⇤ ⌅ ⇥ || 2 || = 1, ⇥ 2, 1 ⇤ = 0, ⇥ 2, 1⇤ = 0. ( 1 (i), 2 (i)) R2 Theorem: ⇥i = i+1L⇥i , where 0 = 0 1 2 . . . n 1 are eigenvalues of L = G⇥G. No boundary condition, minimize: conformal combinatorial

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Proof 20 L = G G = D W = U U Spectral decomposition: = diag( i ) where 0 = 1 < 2 . . . n U = (ui )n i=1 orthonormal basis of Rn. u1 = 1

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Proof 20 L = G G = D W = U U Spectral decomposition: = diag( i ) where 0 = 1 < 2 . . . n U = (ui )n i=1 orthonormal basis of Rn. If , 1 = 0, then u1 = 1 E(⇥) = ||G⇥||2 = n i=1 i | ⇥, ui ⇥|2 E(⇥) = n i=2 iai where ai = | ⇥, ui ⇥|2

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Proof 20 L = G G = D W = U U Spectral decomposition: = diag( i ) where 0 = 1 < 2 . . . n U = (ui )n i=1 orthonormal basis of Rn. If , 1 = 0, then u1 = 1 E(⇥) = ||G⇥||2 = n i=1 i | ⇥, ui ⇥|2 Constrained minimization: linear program: minimum reached at a = i . min P n i=2 ai=1 n i=2 iai ±u2 = argmin , 1⇥=0,|| || E( ) E(⇥) = n i=2 iai where ai = | ⇥, ui ⇥|2

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Flattening Examples 21 Main issue: No guarantee of being valid (bijective). conformal combinatorial

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Overview • Dirichlet Energy on Meshes • Harmonic Parameterization • Spectral Flattening •Barycentric Coordinates for Warping • Geodesic Flattening • High Dimensional Data Analysis 22

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Barycentric Coordinates 23 x1 x2 x3 x ˜ i (x) = A(x, xi+1, xi+2 ) A(x1, x2, x3 )

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Barycentric Coordinates 23 x1 x2 x3 x1 x3 x2 x x Barycentric coordinates: { i (x)}i I Positivity: i (x) 0. Interpolation: Reproduction of a ne functions: ˜ i (x) = A(x, xi+1, xi+2 ) A(x1, x2, x3 ) Normalized: ˜ i (x) = i (x) j j (x) i I ˜ i (x)xi = x ˜ ⇥i (xj ) = i,j

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Barycentric Coordinates 23 x1 x2 x3 x1 x3 x2 x x Barycentric coordinates: { i (x)}i I Positivity: i (x) 0. Interpolation: Reproduction of a ne functions: Application: interpolation of data {fi }i I ˜ i (x) = A(x, xi+1, xi+2 ) A(x1, x2, x3 ) Normalized: ˜ i (x) = i (x) j j (x) i I ˜ i (x)xi = x f(x) = i I ˜ i (x)fi ˜ ⇥i (xj ) = i,j

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Barycentric Coordinates 23 x1 x2 x3 x1 x3 x2 x x Barycentric coordinates: { i (x)}i I Positivity: i (x) 0. Interpolation: Reproduction of a ne functions: Application: interpolation of data {fi }i I Application: mesh parameterization: xi xj ˜ i (x) = A(x, xi+1, xi+2 ) A(x1, x2, x3 ) Normalized: ˜ i (x) = i (x) j j (x) i I ˜ i (x)xi = x f(x) = i I ˜ i (x)fi wi,j = i (xj ) ˜ ⇥i (xj ) = i,j

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Mean Value Coordinates 24 x xi+1 xi xi i ˜ i ˜ i i Conformal Laplacian weights: ⇥i (x) = cotan( i (x)) + cotan(˜ i (x)) Mean-value coordinates: not necessarily positive. valid coordinates. extend to non-convex coordinates (oriented angles). ⇥i (x) = tan( i (x)/2) + tan(˜ i (x)/2) ||x xi || ˜ 1 (x) ˜ 2 (x)

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Barycentric Coordinates for Warping 25 Example: textured grid, 3D model, etc. Data points: {yj }j J C. Cage C: polygon with vertices {xi }i I . Initialization: data anchoring, compute j J, i I, i,j = i (yj ). Data warping: yj yj = i I i,jxi Satisfies: yi = i I i,jxi Cage warping: xi xi xi xi yi yi

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Harmonic Coordinates 26 Mean value Harmonic Mean value coordinates: “non-physical” behavior, passes “through” the cage. ⇥ x C, i (x) = 0. ⇥ x ⇥C, i (x) = 0 i (x). Harmonic mapping: Boundary conditions:

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Warping Comparison 27 Mean value Harmonic Initial shape

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Overview • Dirichlet Energy on Meshes • Harmonic Parameterization • Spectral Flattening • Barycentric Coordinates for Warping •Geodesic Flattening • High Dimensional Data Analysis 28

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Geodesic Distances 29 Length of a curve (t) M: L( ) def. = 1 0 W( (t))|| (t)||dt. Geodesic distance: dM (x, y) = min (0)=x, (1)=y L( ) Euclidean Shape Isotropic W = 1 Surface dM (x, y) = L( ) Geodesic curve :

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Computation of Geodesic Distances 30 Non-linear PDE: Distance map to a point: Ux0 (x) = dM (x0, x). Ux0 x0 || Ux0 (x)|| = W(x) Ux0 (x0 ) = 0, (viscosity) Upwind finite di erences approximation. Fast Marching: front propagation in O(N log(N)) operations.

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Manifold Flattening 31 Input manifold M, dM geodesic distance on M. Input geodesic distance matrix: ˜ D = (dM (˜ xi, ˜ xj )2) i,j , for ˜ xi M. x1 ˜ x1 x2 ˜ x2 M R3 M R2 ˜ x1 ˜ x2 x1 x2 Flattening: find X = (xi )p i=1 ⇤ Rn p such that ||xi xj || ⇥ dM (˜ xi, ˜ xj ). Surface parameterization Bending invariant

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Stress Minimization 32 Geodesic stress: di,j = dM (˜ xi, ˜ xj ) S(X) = i,j |||xi xj || di,j |2, SMACOF algorithm: X( +1) = 1 N X( )B(X( )) where B(X) i,j = di,j ||xi xj || Non-convex functional: X( ) X local minimizer of S.

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Projection on Distance Matrices 33 D(X) i,j = ||xi xj ||2 Di,j = d2 i,j ||xi xj ||2 = ||xi ||2 + ||xj ||2 2⇥xi, xj ⇤ min X1=0 i,j |||xi xj ||2 d2 i,j |2 = ||D(X) D||2, =⇥ D(X) = d1T + 1d 2XTX where d = (||xi ||2) i ⇤ Rn

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Projection on Distance Matrices 33 D(X) i,j = ||xi xj ||2 Di,j = d2 i,j ||xi xj ||2 = ||xi ||2 + ||xj ||2 2⇥xi, xj ⇤ min X1=0 i,j |||xi xj ||2 d2 i,j |2 = ||D(X) D||2, =⇥ D(X) = d1T + 1d 2XTX where d = (||xi ||2) i ⇤ Rn For centered points: Centering matrix: J = Id n 11T /N 1 2JD(X)J = XTX JX = X J1 = 0

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Projection on Distance Matrices 33 D(X) i,j = ||xi xj ||2 Di,j = d2 i,j ||xi xj ||2 = ||xi ||2 + ||xj ||2 2⇥xi, xj ⇤ min X1=0 i,j |||xi xj ||2 d2 i,j |2 = ||D(X) D||2, =⇥ D(X) = d1T + 1d 2XTX where d = (||xi ||2) i ⇤ Rn For centered points: Centering matrix: J = Id n 11T /N 1 2JD(X)J = XTX JX = X J1 = 0 Replace ||D(X) D|| by Explicit solution: diagonalize 1 2 JDJ = U UT i i 1 k = diag( 0, . . . , k 1 ), Uk = (u0, . . . , uk 1 )T, X = kUk min X || J(D(X) D)J/2|| = ||XTX + JDJ/2||

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Isomap vs. Laplacian 34 Flattening: f = (f1, f2 ) R2. Isomap: global constraints: ||f(x) f(y)|| ⇥ dM (x, y). ⇥ (f1, f2 ) eigenvectors (#2,#3) of L = GTG. Laplacian: local smoothness: fi = argmin ||Gf|| subj. to ||f|| = 1. Mesh Lapl. combin. Lapl. conformal Isomap Bijective Not bijective ⇥ (f1, f2 ) eigenvectors (#1,#2) of J(dM (xi, xj )2) ijJ.

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Bending Invariants of Surfaces 35 Bending invariants: [Elad, Kimmel, 2003]. Surface M, Isomap dimension reduction: x ⇥ M ⇤ IM (x) ⇥ R3. [Elad, Kimmel, 2003]. M IM

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Bending Invariants of Surfaces 35 Bending invariants: [Elad, Kimmel, 2003]. Surface M, Isomap dimension reduction: x ⇥ M ⇤ IM (x) ⇥ R3. Geodesic isometry : M M : dM (x, y) = dM ( (x), (y)). Theorem: up to rigid motion, IM is invariant to geodesic isometries: IM (x) = v + UIM ( (x)) where U O(3) and v R3. [Elad, Kimmel, 2003]. M IM

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Bending Invariants of Surfaces 35 Bending invariants: [Elad, Kimmel, 2003]. Surface M, Isomap dimension reduction: x ⇥ M ⇤ IM (x) ⇥ R3. Geodesic isometry : M M : dM (x, y) = dM ( (x), (y)). Theorem: up to rigid motion, IM is invariant to geodesic isometries: IM (x) = v + UIM ( (x)) where U O(3) and v R3. [Elad, Kimmel, 2003]. [Bronstein et al., 2005]. M IM

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Bending Invariants 36 IM M

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Face Recognition 37 Rigid similarity Non-rigid similarity Alex A. M. Bronstein et al., IJCV, 2005

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Overview • Dirichlet Energy on Meshes • Harmonic Parameterization • Spectral Flattening • Barycentric Coordinates for Warping • Geodesic Flattening •High Dimensional Data Analysis 38

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High Dimensional Data Sets 39

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Graph and Geodesics 40

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Isomap Dimension Reduction 41

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Isomap vs PCA Flattening 42

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Laplacian Spectral Dimension Reduction 43

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Parameterization of Image Datasets 44

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Library of Images 45

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When Does it Works? 46

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Local patches in images 47