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Who is this guy? Derek Springer Code Wrangler, Automattic @derekspringer Used to build satellite plugins, now I build WordPress plugins

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Overview ` 1) Why use HTML5 media? 2) Welcome to the Wild West 3) The good, the bad, & the ugly of HTML5 media 4) Using HTML5 media 5) HTML5 media in WordPress 6) Stuff to check out

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Two sides to This coin 1) Playing the media. 2) Hosting the media.

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Questions! `

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How many folks have consumed online media in the last week?

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How many folks have consumed HTML5 media in the last week?

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How many folks have use HTML5 media on their site?

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How many folks have an idea what HTML5 media elements exist?

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Does anyone have any thoughts on why you would want to support HTML5 media on your site?

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Why use HTML5 media? ● You want to support iOS/Apple & other mobile products. ● You hate Flash. ● and tags are a mess. ● Looking to use cutting edge web tech. ● Board meeting bullet point. ● You want to be a “cool kid.”

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HTML5: The Wild west Here's what we have now: ● element – H.264* (mp4) – Theoria (ogg) – VP8 (WebM) ● element – MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3* (mp3) – Advance Audio Coding* (aac) – Vorbis (ogg) Note: none are *required* to be supported in HTML5! Flash *licensed

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Browser Support

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The Good ● Simple, robust, and standard(ish) way to include audio & video on a page. ● You can still fall back to Flash (or vice versa). ● Support for mobile devices. – Easy to send different files optimized for different devices. ● Ability to create custom skins and controls. – Super controllable w/ JavaScript. ● Built-in accessibility options.

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The Bad ● No browser supports every media format. – Some browsers don't support the *most* popular formats. (Even Chrome and Chromium aren't equal) ● More formats means each more effort. – Time, hosting, code, etc. ● HTML5 spec is still in flux. – Lots of vendor-specific implementations & hacks.

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The Ugly ● It is up to you to know which browsers support which containers and codecs. ● If you want maximum compatibility you have to use licensed codecs. ● Two letters: IE – <= IE 8 – Nope! – IE 9 – User must install compatibility plugins ● Copy protection is not dealt with in HTML5, so if you need DRM you're out of luck. ● After all is said and done you might *still* have to use Flash.

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maximum compatibility 1) Make one version that uses WebM. 2) Make another version that uses H.264 baseline video and AAC “low complexity” audio in an MP4 container. 3) Make another version that uses Theora video and Vorbis audio in an Ogg container. 4) Link to all three video files from a single element, and fall back to a Flash-based video player.

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Sane compatibility ● Video – WebM + H.264 ● Audio – MP3 + Vorbis ● Free – WebM, Theora, Vorbis

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Draw! (Using HTML5)

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What you need 1) A source (The only requirement!) – The more sources of various types, the better. 2) Attributes for the player. – Flags to show controls, autoload, autoplay, etc. – Width & height. 3) Fallbacks. – Some text noting that HTML5 media isn't working. – Flash player. 4) JavaScript to control the player. 5) CSS to skin the player.

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Video Your browser doesn't support HTML5 video. var v = document.getElementById("movie"); v.onclick = function() { if (v.paused) {; } else { v.pause(); } };

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Audio Your browser does not support the audio element.

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Luckily Unless you're developing a plugin, there's hardly any reason to do it yourself with WordPress!

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Wordpress 3.6 ● New shortcodes [audio] and [video] using the MediaElement.js library. ● Uses consistent HTML markup, so it's super easy to use CSS to skin the players. ● Can swap out default MediaElement.js support via 'wp_video_shortcode_library' filter. ● Easy insertion via new post formats UI. ● Additional metadata extraction via getID3 library.

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Video Examples ● Video – [video src="video-source.mp4"] – [video width="600" height="480" mp4="source.mp4" ogv="source.ogv" webm="source.webm"] –

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Audio Examples ● Audio – [audio src="audio-source.mp3"] – [audio mp3="source.mp3" ogg="source.ogg" wav="source.wav"] –

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Wordpress <= 3.5.1 ● No native HTML5 media support without plugins. ● Fortunately there are a handful of good plugins out there that will fill the gap until 3.6. ● Or, you can roll your own support via .js libraries and some plugin hacking.

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MediaElement.js ● Video *and* audio support. ● Consistent HTML5 *and* Flash fallback player. ● Backfills support for IE6-8 and adds extra media types for Firefox, Opera, & Safari. ● This is what is integrated into WordPress 3.6! ● Unfortunately, the 3.5.1 plugin is garbage :(

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JW Player 6 ● Video *and* audio support. – Flash fallback. ● Free for non-commercial use, but costs money to remove watermark & unlock extra features. ● Cloud hosting and configuration. ● Tailored toward “professional” users. – Analytics – Advertisement

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Video.js ● Video support only. ● From the folks at Britecove & Zencoder. ● Option to load script from cloud or locally. ● Built-in responsive design & retina support. ● Used by lots of big-name Web brands.

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Jetpack ● Audio only via [audio] shortcode. ● Flash first, HTML5 fallback or for non-mp3 files. ● Basic styling via shortcode parameters. ● Simple, easy way to support iOS & other HTML5 ready devices. ● A bunch of other sweet features too.

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In conclusion ● HTML5 media requires lots of redundancy. ● Flash will probably be around for a while. ● Update to 3.6 ASAP. ● In the mean time video.js and Jetpack are good solutions for video and audio, respectively.

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Recommended reading ● Dive into HTML5 ● HTML5 for Web Designers ● HTML5 Doctor ● HTML5 Rocks ● Audio / Video support in Core audio-video-support-in-core/

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Thanks for listening! Check out my slides at: /dbspringer/