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@deeeet / @tcnksm Blog / Tech Lead at Mercari Microservices Platform Team

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Microservices at Mercari

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4 While we had lots of benefits of monolith architecture, its codebase is getting larger and complex... ● Difficult to implement new idea ● Difficult to on-boarding ● Difficult to try new technologies Why Microservices?

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5 Even business & organization growth, we want to ● Avoid velocity stalled but rather provide new features faster ● Increase each developer productivity Why Microservices? Started to migrate Microservices architecure

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6 Microservices? An application is built as independent components that run each function as a service. ● Autonomous ○ Developed, deployed, operated and scaled independently ● Specialized ○ Do one thing well (UNIX philosophy)

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7 Benefits of Microservices ● Easy to test ● Easy to deploy ● Easy to on-boarding ● Easy to isolate failure We can achieve great agility of service development!

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Microservices Platform Team

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Why Platform Team?

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10 Organization in Monolith Develop Monolith QA Deploy Operate QA

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11 Organization in Monolith Develop Monolith QA Deploy Operate QA Backend Team A Backend Team B Backend Team C

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12 Organization in Monolith Develop Monolith QA Deploy Operate QA Backend Team A Backend Team B Backend Team C QA team

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13 Organization in Monolith Develop Monolith QA Deploy Operate QA team SRE team QA Backend Team A Backend Team B Backend Team C

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14 Organization in Microservices Develop Service B QA Deploy Operate QA team SRE team Backend Team A Backend Team B Backend Team C Develop Service A Develop Service C

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15 Organization in Microservices Develop Service B QA Deploy Operate Service Team A Service Team B Service Team C Develop Service A Develop Service C QA Deploy Operate QA Deploy Operate

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16 Why Microservices Platform? To help each service team to reliably develop, deploy and operate by themselves To automate things done by SRE like infra bootstrap & provisioning, monitoring setup and so on.

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17 Microservices Platform We build our platform top on Kubernetes ● Deploy containerized application ● Prepare required resources like DB ● Integrated with logging, monitoring & on-calling service

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18 Role of Platform Team ● Kubernetes cluster admin ● Providing core components and tools ○ e.g., API gateway, Kubernetes controller ● Support development of reliable Microservices

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19 Principle of Platform Team ● We utilize cloud service ● We automate everything ● We document everything

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20 Work style Our SRE organization has an advertised goal of keeping operational work (i.e., toil) below 50% of each SRE’s time. At least 50% of each SRE’s time should be spent on engineering project work that will either reduce future toil or add service features.

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21 Work style ● Use 50% for platform improvement ● Use 50% for support & operations

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22 Work style We follow OSS development style ● Everything is in GitHub Issue base ● Everything is reviewed by GitHub PR

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23 Project management We also improve project management style by ourseflves for each Q In this Q, we’re trying 2 week sprint agile style project management

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24 Project management We are trying ZenHub for project management

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25 Team @deeeet @masartz Tech Lead Engineering Manager

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26 Team @b4b4r07 @spesnova @dtan4 @vbanthia_

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27 Team from @_zchee_ @tjun_ @knnksk

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Technical Stack

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Work In Progress

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Work In Progress

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We’re hiring!

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