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Security, Secrets, & Shenanigans Richard Schneeman @schneems

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I <3 Ruby

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Hans Peter Von Wolfe (the 5th)

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Sextant Gem

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Wicked ‘ ‘ Gem

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Triage Code

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No content

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Adjunct Professor

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Good News Everyone!

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I work for this one

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AUS Ruby Conf

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Hello wroclove

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Close your Laptops

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Unless you’re commenting on rails/rails issues

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Web Security

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What does it mean to be secure

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I am not a security researcher

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You don’t have to be either

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Arm yourself with knowledge

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Every system has a weakness

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Security Bugs are Bugs

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420,000 lines 11 versions 17 errors

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Bug free software is impossible

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Cover Common Exploits

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Talk about Mitigation Strategies

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Improve our security processes

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Security isn’t just keeping others out

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Staying Available to Serve your customers

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Distributed Denial of Service

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Block IP Addresses

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Memory Exploits

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:symbols aren’t fancy strings

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:symbols are never garbage collected

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params[:id].to_sym Don’t Do This

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Parser Exploits

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A billion Laughs

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]> &lol9;

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10 Entities

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Each Reference Previous Entries

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Consumes ~3GB of ram to process

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Like a Zip Bomb for XML parsers

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modern XML parsers are not vulnerable to this attack Libxml2

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Authentication the act of confirming the truth of an attribute of a datum or entity

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e Armadillos

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YAML Parser

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YAML Ain’t Markup Language

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development: adapter: postgresql encoding: utf8 database: my_development pool: 5 host: localhost config/database.yml

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require 'yaml' db_config = YAML::load_file('config/database.yml') puts db_config["development"] # => { "adapter" => "postgresql", "encoding" => "utf8", "database" => "example_development", "pool" => 5, "host" => "localhost" }

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YAML Ain’t just for basic objects

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“--- !ruby/array:Array - jacket - sweater” YAML::load => ???

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“--- !ruby/array:Array - jacket - sweater” YAML::load => [“jacket”, “sweater”]

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“--- !ruby/hash:User email: [email protected]” YAML::load => ???

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“--- !ruby/hash:User email: [email protected]” YAML::load => #

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“--- !ruby/hash:User email: [email protected]” YAML::load user =

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“--- !ruby/hash:User email: [email protected]” YAML::load user = user[:email] = “[email protected]

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“--- !ruby/hash:User email: [email protected]” YAML::load user = user[:email] = “[email protected]

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“--- !ruby/hash:User email: [email protected]” YAML::load user = user[:email] = “[email protected] puts user => #

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Interesting, but is it insecure?

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class Foo def []=(name, value) puts value * 3 end end “--- !ruby/hash:Foo bar: hi” YAML::load foo =

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class Foo def []=(name, value) puts value * 3 end end “--- !ruby/hash:Foo bar: hi” YAML::load foo = foo[:bar] = “hi” => “hihihi”

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class Foo def []=(name, value) puts value * 3 end end “--- !ruby/hash:Foo bar: hi” YAML::load foo = foo[:bar] = “hi” => “hihihi”

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Let’s Get Dirty

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class Foo def []=(name, value) eval(name) + value end end

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class Foo def []=(name, value) eval(name) + value end end --- !ruby/hash:Foo “puts '=== hello there'.inspect;”: hi YAML::load

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class Foo def []=(name, value) eval(name) + value end end --- !ruby/hash:Foo “puts '=== hello there'.inspect;”: hi YAML::load foo = foo["puts '=== hello there'.inspect"] = 'hi' === hello there NoMethodError: undefined method `+' for nil:NilClass

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class Foo def []=(name, value) eval(name) + value end end --- !ruby/hash:Foo “puts '=== hello there'.inspect;”: hi YAML::load foo = foo["puts '=== hello there'.inspect"] = 'hi' === hello there NoMethodError: undefined method `+' for nil:NilClass

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zOMG arbitrary code execution

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But how does an attacker get us to execute arbitrary YAML?

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XML Parser

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By default will parse arbitrary YAML

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I’m in UR Servers Executing My Code

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Java/ PHP/ C++/ etc. Secure?

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Sanatize Your Inputs

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And your Floors

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Never Trust your users

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Or your dogs

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Ro Om Ba Attacks

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RoOmBa Attacks

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Responsible Disclosure

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Create a /security report page

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Intrusion Detection/ Logging

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Stay Informed

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Subscribe to Security Lists

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Patch Early, Patch often

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Secrets Secrets Secrets

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Cross Site Request Forgery

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the key to your digital kingdom

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Would you give your Car key copies to:

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Interns? Your

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Contractors? Your

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Your Open Source Contributors?

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If secrets are in your source, you’ve already given them your digital kingdom

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Protect Your Code

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Secure keys in source control aren’t secure

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What’s an alternative?

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Environment Variables

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$ rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test

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$ rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test

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In Development

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Use a .env file

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$ cat .env SECRET_TOKEN=d59c2a439f

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Use dotenv gem

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$ irb > Dotenv.load > puts ENV[‘SECRET_TOKEN’] > “d59c2a439f”

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Use foreman gem

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$ foreman run irb > puts ENV[‘SECRET_TOKEN’] > “d59c2a439f”

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In Production

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$ heroku config:add SECRET_TOKEN=d59c2a439f

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VPS • Use Foreman/Dotenv • Add to bashrc • Add values directly to command $ SECRET_TOKEN=asd123 rails console ruby-1.9.3> puts ENV[‘SECRET_TOKEN’] ruby-1.9.3> “asd123”

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What if...

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Someone Can read my ENV Variables?

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Then they can read your files too

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Is your app secure?

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Is your app open source- able?

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SECRET_TOKEN is just one example of Config

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Define: Config

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Config • What varies between deploys • resource strings to databases • credentials to S3, twitter, facebook, etc. • canonical values, hostname • security tokens

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Can you deploy your app to change your S3 Bucket?

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Do you NEED to deploy your app to change your S3 bucket?

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Environment Variables! Use

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But I like storing my credentials in git!

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What is Config? Just because it works...

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Wishlist: rotate-able security tokens

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Nothing is ever 100% secure

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Educate yourself

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Don’t store secrets in Git

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Use ENV Variables

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No content

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Vote @hone02 (Terence Lee) Ruby Hero 2013

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Questions? @schneems