Test Driven
for Puppet!
Puppet needs software development
Gareth Rushgrove
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(Who is this person?)
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UK Government
Digital Service
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The problem
(This isn’t a rant, but…)
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Who here is a
software developer?
Gareth Rushgrove
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If you’re writing
Puppet code you’re a
software developer
Gareth Rushgrove
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As a software
developer it’s your job
to learn software
engineering practices
Gareth Rushgrove
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What is Test Driven
(And why should you care)
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A common practice in
software engineering
Gareth Rushgrove
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Not just testing
Gareth Rushgrove
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Encourages simple
designs and inspires
Gareth Rushgrove
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First write an (initially
failing) automated
test case
Gareth Rushgrove
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Then produce the
minimum amount of
code to pass that test
Gareth Rushgrove
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And finally refactor
the new code to
acceptable standards
Gareth Rushgrove
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Test Driven Design
Gareth Rushgrove
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Gareth Rushgrove
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Unit testing
with RSpec
and Guard
(Not puppet specific)
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A unit is the smallest
testable part of an
Gareth Rushgrove
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Testing puppet
requires a little Ruby
knowledge so we’ll
use Ruby examples
Gareth Rushgrove
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class Person
def say(word)
Gareth Rushgrove
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First lets write a test.
For this we use the
RSpec testing
Gareth Rushgrove
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require 'person'
describe Person, "#say" do
it "should say something" do
Gareth Rushgrove
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require 'person'
describe Person, "#say" do
it "should say something" do
bob = Person.new
bob.say("hello").should \
eq("hello everyone")
Gareth Rushgrove
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Now lets run our test.
It should fail
Gareth Rushgrove
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Gareth Rushgrove
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1) Person#say should say something
Failure/Error: bob.say("hello").should
eq("hello everyone")
expected: "hello everyone"
got: nil
Finished in 0.00171 seconds
1 example, 1 failure
Gareth Rushgrove
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Now lets write the
Gareth Rushgrove
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class Person
def say(word)
word + " everyone"
Gareth Rushgrove
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And run our test
Gareth Rushgrove
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should say something
Finished in 0.00199 seconds
1 example, 0 failures
Gareth Rushgrove
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Why not have tests
automatically run
whenever you
change the code?
Gareth Rushgrove
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That’s what Guard
Gareth Rushgrove
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guard :rspec, cmd: 'bundle exec rspec' do
watch(%r{^lib/.+\.rb$}) { 'spec' }
Gareth Rushgrove
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Gareth Rushgrove
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Lets see a quick
Gareth Rushgrove
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Why test puppet
code at all
(Testing declarative languages)
should contain File[/tmp/sample]
Finished in 0.3881 seconds
1 example, 0 failures
Gareth Rushgrove
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Lets run the tests
whenever you
change anything
Gareth Rushgrove
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guard :rspec, cmd: 'bundle exec rspec' do
watch(%r{^manifests/.+\.pp$}) { 'spec' }
Gareth Rushgrove
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Lets see a quick
demo of that too
Gareth Rushgrove
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You can also test
hosts, defines, facts,
functions, hieradata
Gareth Rushgrove
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Syntax checking,
linting, oh my
(Creating a build process)
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Gareth Rushgrove
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style guide
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as a gem
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puppet-lint --with-filename /etc/puppet/modules
foo/manifests/bar.pp: trailing whitespace found
on line 1 apache/manifests/server.pp: variable
not enclosed in {} on line 56
Gareth Rushgrove
Test that Puppet runs
without errors
Gareth Rushgrove
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context 'default parameters' do
it 'should work with no errors' do
pp = “class { 'sample': }”
expect(apply_manifest(pp).exit_code).to_not eq(1)
Gareth Rushgrove
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Test runs are
Gareth Rushgrove
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context 'default parameters' do
it 'should work with no errors' do
pp = “class { 'sample': }”
expect(apply_manifest(pp).exit_code).to_not eq(1)
expect(apply_manifest(pp).exit_code).to eq(0)
Gareth Rushgrove
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Test that the module
installs packages, run
services, etc.
Gareth Rushgrove
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Gareth Rushgrove
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describe package('nginx') do
it { should be_installed }
describe service('nginx') do
it { should be_enabled }
it { should be_running }
describe port(80) do
it { should be_listening}
Gareth Rushgrove