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Greg Poirier CTO @ @grepory

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The big five

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uptime | mailx -s “cpu” root

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free | mailx -s “mem” root

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(df -h; du -sh /home/*)| mailx -s “disk” root

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Process aliveness

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(ps -ef | grep important)| mailx -s root

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System aliveness

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ping -c 4 | mailx -s root

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No content

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Thresholds for the threshold god.

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OK: it < something

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WARN: something < it < something

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CRITICAL: it > something

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What’s the problem?

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You're either a one or a zero. Alive or dead.

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But Greeeeeegggg…

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Time-series data!

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Everything we know is wrong.

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What the hell is going on?

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Calm the hell down, friends.

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What is this? DevOps?

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Let’s change the conversation.

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What is monitoring?

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A system is observable iff you can determine the behavior of the system based on its outputs.

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A system is observable iff you can determine the behavior of the system based on its outputs.

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A system is a set of connected components.

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A system is observable iff you can determine the behavior of the system based on its outputs.

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The manner in which a system acts is its behavior.

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A system is observable iff you can determine the behavior of the system based on its outputs.

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The outputs of a system are the concrete results of its behaviors.

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A system is observable iff you can determine the behavior of the system based on its outputs.

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What about monitoring?

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A system is a set of connected components.

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One or more sensors observe the state of a component.

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An agent interprets data emitted by a sensor.

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JFC, Greg. What is monitoring?

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Monitoring is the action of observing and checking the behavior and outputs of a system and its components over time.

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Things change.

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Fault detection

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The ‘FLP result’ [1]

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Byzantine Generals Problem [2]

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Respond too slowly/ Fail to respond [3][4]

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Service Level Objectives

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Better health checks

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DevOps this shit up.

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Monitoring is part of building software.

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.monitor.yml: metrics: - metric: "nsq.queue_length.results" assertions: - comparison: "> 0" time: "5m" http_checks: - method: "GET" path: "/health" assertions: - body_json: " = true" code: 200 rtt: "10ms"

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Understand how your systems behave.

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Build better tools.

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Think about distributed systems.

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• 1. Fischer, M. [Impossibility of Distributed Concensus with One Faulty Process]( in Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery, Vol. 32, No. 2, April 1985, pp. 374-382. • 2. Lamport, L., Shostak, R., and Pease, M. [The Byzantine Generals Problem]( in ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, Vol. 4, No. 3, July 1982, Pages 382-401. • 3. Poledna, S., Burns, A., Wellings, A., and Barrett, P. [Replica Determinism and Flexible Scheduling in Hard Real-Time Dependable Systems]( in IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 49, No. 2, February 2000, Pages 100-111. • 4. Videla, A. [Failure Modes in Distributed Systems]( in his blog, December 2013. • [A Brief Tour of FLP Impossibility]( • [Fault Management in Distributed Systems]( • [The Case for Byzantine Fault Detection]( • [Fail-Stop Processors]( • [The Phi Accrual Failure Detector]( • [GEMS: Gossip-Enabled Monitoring Service for Scalable Heterogeneous Distributed Systems]( • [Implementing Fault-Tolerant Services Using the State Machine Approach: A Tutorial]( • [A Fault Detection Service for Wide Area Distributed Computations]( • [Fault Detection and Identification in Computer Networks: A Soft Computing Approach]( • [BAR Fault Tolerance for Cooperative Services]( • [PeerReview: Practical Accountability for Distributed Systems]( • [The Verification of a Distributed System]( • [Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance and Proactive Recovery]( • [Accrual Failure Detectors]( • [Consistency in a Partitioned Network: A Survey]( • [A Gossip-Style Failure Detection Service]( • [SWIM: Scalable Weakly-Consistent Infection-style Process Group Membership Protocol]( • [Adaptive Diagnosis in Distributed Systems]( • [Dempster-Shafer theory]( • [A Simpley View of the Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence and its Implication for the Rule of Combination]( • [Beyond Breakpoints: A Tour of Dynamic Analysis]( • [Trust by Verify: Accountability for Network Services](

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<3 @grepory