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Drupal8 for Symfony Developers Antonio Perić-Mažar
 01.07.2017 @ #dpc

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@antonioperic About me • Antonio Perić-Mažar, mag. ing. comp. • CEO, Co-Founder @ Locastic • Co-Founder @ Shift Conference • Software developer, Symfony2 • Open Source Contributor • SFUGCRO
 • • [email protected] • @antonioperic

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@antonioperic Locastic • We help clients create amazing web and mobile apps (since 2011) • design and development agency • mobile development • web development • UX/UI • Training and Consulting • Shift Conference, Symfony Croatia • • @locastic

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@antonioperic Fun Facts

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@antonioperic 31 years = 978 264 705 seconds

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@antonioperic Questions? • Any Drupal experts/developers here? • Symfony developers? • Symfony developers without Drupal knowledge

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@antonioperic Drupal 101 for SF developers

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@antonioperic Before we start, small disclaimer

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@antonioperic My world is Symfony

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@antonioperic —

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@antonioperic What this means • Drupal8 doesn’t use full stack Symfony, it uses components (maybe in future) • Moving Drupal to modern stack • Building powerful CMS on top of Symfony components • More learning for Drupal developers (OOP, Symfony, new concepts) • Connecting two big communities

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@antonioperic Who is it for? • Content strategist • Site Administrators • Content editors • “Build stuff without writing code” • v8.3.2 • Professional developers • Bespoke applications • “Make writing code easier”

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@antonioperic In Drupal 8 there's three different types of knowledge that you're going to be using in order to work with it effectively.

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@antonioperic Symfony2 Framework Bundle Symfony2 Bundles Symfony2 CMF Bundles Symfony2 Components Partnered Libs (twig, etc.) CMF Components Symfony fullstack Drupal 8 Distribution Drupal Core Modules Drupal Contrib Modules Drupal Core Libraries Symfony2 Components Partnered Libs (twig, etc.) Drupal Components

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@antonioperic Symfony Components • ClassLoader • Console • CssSelector • DependencyInjection • EventDispatcher • HttpFoundation • HttpKernel • Process • Routing • Serializer • Translation • Validator • Yaml

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@antonioperic • HTTP Kernel • Request / Response • Controllers • Event Dispatching • Listeners / Subscribers Dependency injection container

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@antonioperic Development environment

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@antonioperic Or just use your Symfony development environment • PHP built-in server • Vagrant • Docker • …

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@antonioperic Tools

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@antonioperic Drush • update core and contrib • download modules • enable modules • clear cache • update db • run cron • import config • export config • create user • change password • one time login • backup drupal • restore drupal • compile twig templates *Type “drush” to get full list -

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@antonioperic Drupal Console • update core and contrib • download modules • enable modules • clear cache • update db • run cron • import config • export config • generate console command • generate entity • generate content type • generate modules • run unit test *Type “drupal list” to get full list -

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drupal list

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@antonioperic Installation

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@antonioperic How to install Drupal8 • Drush • drush dl drupal • Composer • Download zip file

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@antonioperic Lets use composer • drupal/drupal. • This uses Drupal itself as a template for the new site. It is the simplest solution but lacks additional configuration that can be helpful.
 • drupal-composer/drupal-project. • This open source project acts as a kickstarter for Composer-based Drupal sites. It provides default configuration that otherwise needs to be added manually.

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@antonioperic Let’s use composer

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@antonioperic Let’s use composer composer create-project drupal/drupal

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@antonioperic Let’s use composer composer require drupal/ for example: composer require drupal/token

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@antonioperic Let’s use composer composer require drupal/ for example: composer require drupal/token drupal module:install token

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@antonioperic Run in browser

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@antonioperic Add some content

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drupal create:nodes

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drupal create:nodes

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@antonioperic We have content but something is missing

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@antonioperic WebProfiler

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@antonioperic Module/Devel

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@antonioperic composer require drupal/devel drupal module:install devel

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drush pm-enable devel

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@antonioperic Under the Hood

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@antonioperic Request -> Response

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@antonioperic What happens when request enters Drupal 1. Bootstrap configuration: ◦ Read the settings.php file, generate some other settings dynamically, and store them both in global variables and the Drupal\Component\Utility\Settings singleton object. ◦ Start the class loader, that takes care of loading classes. ◦ Set the Drupal error handler. ◦ Detect if Drupal is actually installed. If it is not, redirect to the installer script. 2. Create the Drupal kernel. 3. Initialize the service container (either from cache or from rebuild). 4. Add the container to the Drupal static class. 5. Attempt to serve page from static page cache (just like Drupal 7). 6. Load all variables (variable_get).

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@antonioperic What happens when request enters Drupal 7. Load other necessary (procedural) include files. 8. Register stream wrappers (public://, private://, temp:// and custom wrappers). 9. Create the HTTP Request object (using the Symfony HttpFoundation component). 10. Let the DrupalKernel handle it and return a response. 11. Send the response. 12. Terminate the request (modules can act upon this event).

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Deeper in Drupal End of Request

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@antonioperic Pipeline 1. After the controller returned a render array, the VIEW will be triggered by the HttpKernel, because the controller result is not a Response, but a render array. 2. MainContentViewSubscriber is subscribed to the VIEW event. It checks whether the controller result is an array, and if so, it guarantees to generate a Response. 3. Next, MainContentViewSubscriber checks whether the negotiated request format is supported: 1. Any format for which a main content renderer service exists (an implementation of MainContentRendererInterface is supported. 2. If the negotiated request format is not supported, a 406 JSON response is generated, which lists the supported formats in a machine-readable way (as per RFC 2616, section 10.4.7). 4. Otherwise, when the negotiated request format is supported, the corresponding main content renderer service is initialized. A response is generated by calling MainContentRendererInterface::renderResponse() on the service. That's it

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@antonioperic Main Content Renderes • HTML: HtmlRenderer (text/html) • AJAX: AjaxRenderer (application/vnd.drupal-ajax) • Dialog: DialogRenderer (application/vnd.drupal-dialog) • Modal: ModalRenderer (application/vnd.drupal-modal

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@antonioperic Routing

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@antonioperic Available “defaults” keys • _controller
 The specified method is simply called with the specified route parameters, and is expected to return a response. • _content
 If specified, the _controller is set based on the request's mime type, and fills the content of the response with the result of the specified method (usually a string or render array). • _form
 If specified, the _controller is set to HtmlFormController::content, which responds with the specified form. This form must be a fully qualified class name (or service id) that implements FormInterface and usually extends FormBase. Indeed, form building has also become object oriented! • _entity_form
 If specified, the _controller is set to HtmlEntityFormController::content, which responds with the specified entity form (specified as {entity_type}.{add|edit|delete}).

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@antonioperic Available “requirements” keys • _permission
 The current user must have the specified permission. • _role
 The current user must have the specified role. • _method
 The allowed HTTP methods (GET, POST, etc). • _scheme
 Set to https or http. The request scheme must be the same as the specified scheme. This property is also taken into account when generating urls (Drupal::url(..)) rather than routing. If set, urls will have this scheme set fixed. • _node_add_access
 A custom access check for adding new nodes of some node type. • _entity_access
 A generic access checker for entities. • _format
 Mime type formats

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@antonioperic Controllers

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@antonioperic Services

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@antonioperic Events / Listeners

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@antonioperic Registering event subscribers Here are the steps to register an event subscriber: • Define a service in your module, tagged with 'event_subscriber' (see the Services topic for instructions). • Define a class for your subscriber service that implements \Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface • In your class, the getSubscribedEvents method returns a list of the events this class is subscribed to, and which methods on the class should be called for each one. Example:

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@antonioperic Building Custom Module

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@antonioperic Creating custom model Steps: • Register your module ( • Add routing (*.routing.yml) • Add controller • Clear cache • Test if page is rendering well

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@antonioperic hello_symfony.routing.yml

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@antonioperic PageExampleController

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@antonioperic Recap • Symfony components are main building tool for D8 • DIC is backbone of Drupal • DI for controllers is very easy • Events are replacing hooks • Building custom module is easy • Hardest thing is to start • This is just beginning there is a lot to learn about and from D8 • Documentation is not the best, read examples and code

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@antonioperic Thank you! [email protected] @antonioperic Please rate my talk