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Google Cloud Platform logo 1.7 Local Persistent Storage 6/15/2017 Michelle Au Software Engineer, Google Github: @msau42

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Google Cloud Platform Use Cases • Using local storage subject to node and storage availability • Data gravity (co-locating data and application) • Distributed datastores and filesystems (Cassandra, GlusterFS, etc) • Large caches Cost • Increase disk utilization in baremetal environments • Reduce operator cost for managing distributed storage systems and supporting infrastructure (networking hardware, etc) Performance • Local SSDs in cloud environments Local Persistent Storage Motivations

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Google Cloud Platform Portability • Need to manually schedule pods to specific nodes, bypassing scheduler • Paths can change across clusters and different environments Accounting • Keep track of which pods using which paths on which nodes • Manual cleanup when pod is terminated Security • Pod can specify any path • Hostpath often disabled by default through pod security policy Hostpath Volume Issues

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Google Cloud Platform Portability • Use Persistent Volumes abstraction to separate storage details from pod consumption Accounting • Only one Persistent Volume Claim can be bound to a Persistent Volume • API objects with managed lifecycles Security • Only administrators can create Persistent Volumes Local Persistent Volumes Solution

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Google Cloud Platform New volume type: “local” volume • Can only be used as a Persistent Volume • Scheduler is aware of volume’s node constraints External static provisioner for local volumes • Run as a DaemonSet on every node • Discovers local volumes mounted under configurable directories • Automatically create, cleanup and destroy local Persistent Volumes 1.7 Alpha Details

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Google Cloud Platform 1. StatefulSet where each instance writes to a local volume 2. Reader pod that reads from one of the local volumes 3. The pods will always be scheduled to the same node that the volume is on Demo

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Google Cloud Platform • Persistent Volume binding happens before pod scheduling • Doesn’t consider pod resource and scheduling requirements (ie, CPU, pod affinity, etc) • Cannot specify multiple local volumes in a single pod spec • External provisioner cannot correctly detect volume capacity for new volumes created after provisioner has started 1.7 Limitations

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Google Cloud Platform • Local block devices as a volume source, and for pod consumption • Local volume health monitoring, taints and tolerations • Inline PV (use local disk as ephemeral storage) • Dynamic provisioning Roadmap

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Google Cloud Platform User guide • cal-volume Implementation tracker • Proposal • Documentation