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CI/CD: A Mean to Deliver Software Roy Inganta Ginting Sr. Principal System Engineer of GDP Labs

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About Me ● Roy Inganta Ginting ● Senior Principal System Engineer ● 4 years experiences working with CI/CD ● Cloud Computing ● Infrastructure as Code ● DevOps ● Automation 2

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What is this talk about? ● Challenge in delivering software ● Continuous Delivery (CD) in Academics ● CD Concept ● CD in GDP Labs 5

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What is the main challenge of creating a software for customers? 6

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Building the right software Building the software right 7 What is the main challenge of creating a software for customers?

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How do we know if we are building the right software and the software right? 8

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Fast feedback loop is everything 9 How do we know if we are building the right software and the software right?

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Some References re CI/CD Bremer and Eriksson (2015), The industry is positive towards Continuous Delivery and do believe that they will benefit from implementing it. But, they don’t think their customers are ready to adapt Continuous Deployment at this point. 10

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Continuous Integration vs Delivery vs Deployment ● Continuous Integration aims to integrate each commit to the master branch of the project. In a Continuous Integration process, the aim is not to have release ready code, the aim is to integrate often to avoid integration problems. ● Continuous Delivery aims to deliver working software continuously. It doesn’t need to include the deployment of software, but it should be ready for a deployment at any given time. ● Continuous Deployment works as an extension of Continuous Integration, instead of leaving the integrated code as the latest build, Continuous Deployment aims to deploy the build to a target. 11

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Some References re CI/CD (Con’t) Chen (2015), highlight 6 benefits his company get from CI/CD ● Accelerated time to market ● Building the right product ● Improved productivity and efficiency ● Reliable release ● Improved product quality ● Improved customer satisfaction 12

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Some References re CI/CD (Con’t) Everything you need to know is in the book 13

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14 What is Continuous Delivery?

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CD Principles ● Build quality in ● Work in small batches ● Computers perform repetitive tasks, people solve problems ● Relentlessly pursue continuous improvement ● Everyone is responsible 16

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CD Foundations 17 Continuous Testing Configuration Management Continuous Integration

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Configuration Management Two main goals: ● Reproducibility: Able to provision any environment in a fully automated fashion and in reproducible manner ● Traceability: Able to determine quickly and precisely the versions of every dependency used to create an environment and know differences between envs 18

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Continuous Integration (CI) ● In CI if something is painful, do it more often, and bring the pain forward. ● Developers integrate all their work into trunk on a regular basis (at least daily). ● Have a set of automated tests is validate changes ● If these automated tests fail, the team stops what they are doing and someone fixes the problem immediately. 19

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20 Continuous Testing

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Deployment Pipeline 21

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Integration Pipeline in GDP Labs 22 Github Build Dashboard Notification MASTER Build Dashboard Notification PR Check-in Master Webhook PR Webhook Integration Feedback

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Deployment Pipeline in GDP Labs 23 Artifact Repository Target Server Get Artifact Configure Artifact Send Artifact Setup Artifact SSH SSH CI Pipeline

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Delivery Pipeline in GDP Labs 24 Github Push Changes Build Feedback Build Dashboard Notification Build Job Pull Code Target Deployment Binary Repository Get Artifact Configure Artifact Send Artifact Setup Artifact Deploy Job Deploy Feedback http http ssh Trigger Deploy Trigger Build Artifact Repository

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References ● Humble, Farley. 2011. Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation (Addison-Wesley Signature Series (Fowler)). Pearson Education: Boston. ● Bremer, Rickard and Eriksson, Johan. 2015. Understandings and Implementations of Continuous Delivery. Tesis pada University of Gothenburg Gotenborg, Swedia. ● Chen, Lianping. 2015. Continuous Delivery: Huge Benefits, but Challenges Too. IEEE Software 32(2). ● 25

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Thank you for your time Questions? Roy Inganta Ginting 26

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We Are Hiring [email protected] 27

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Backup Slides 28

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GDP Labs Workflow ● Project kickoff, request github repository to Infra ○ Provide repository name and provide your github username (you can also provide all github usernames) ● Infra create repository on github and assign the requester as group admin ○ Group admin can add and remove user from specific group ○ Send repository url to requester ● Project lead initiate a git repository locally and push to github ● Other team members clone from this repository

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GDP Labs Workflow (Con’t) ● Infra setup jenkins to do continuous integration against this repository ● Dev works on a branch, push to Github when ready, and create a Pull Request ● Github notifies Jenkins, Jenkins builds the PR, and report status to Github ● Other dev response to a PR, provides feedback, and merge the PR ● Delivery team deploy artifact to target env ● Repeat step #6 until project is over

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Request Github Repository

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Empty Github Repository

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Implement a Feature $ git checkout -b f/dummy C1 Master f/dummy

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Implement a Feature (con’t) $ git commit -m “Add feature” # C2 $ git commit -m “Add test” # C3 $ git push origin f/dummy C1 Master f/dummy C2 C3

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Implement a Feature (con’t) $ git fetch origin/master $ git merge origin/master $ git push origin f/dummy C1 Master f/dummy C2 C3 C4 C5

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Create a PR

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Jenkins Report on PR

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Jenkins Build Results

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Jenkins Static Analysis Report

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Jenkins Test Coverage Report

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Jenkins 1-click Deploy 41

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Jenkins Pipeline 42