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DESIGNER-DEVELOPER INTERACTION Product Camp 2017 – June 10 Łukasz Przywarty

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I’m Clark Łukasz from InVision Infermedica

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The last time
 in Gdynia…

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Tell developers what the design is about 5/41 @LukaszPrzywarty

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Include developers in your design process Developer Designer

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“The ultimate goal is to feel included. Jake Archibald, Developer at Google 7/41 @LukaszPrzywarty

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Share often and keep your teammates updated 8/41 @LukaszPrzywarty

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Justify your decisions 9/41 @LukaszPrzywarty

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Think like an engineer 10/41 @LukaszPrzywarty

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Walk in developer's shoes 11/41 @LukaszPrzywarty

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Appreciate the developers'
 work and input 12/41 @LukaszPrzywarty

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Don't act as if you know everything 13/41 @LukaszPrzywarty

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Take responsibility for your work 14/41 @LukaszPrzywarty

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Don't get angry if the first revision is not perfect – iterate 15/41 @LukaszPrzywarty

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Document your design 17/41 @LukaszPrzywarty

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Create a style guide 18/41 @LukaszPrzywarty

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Organize your assets 19/41 @LukaszPrzywarty

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Does Angela know? Does Angela know someone who knows? When will the person Angela knows get back to Angela, so Angela can get back to you, so you can get back to the person who asked you in the first place? Bobby Grace, Product Designer at Dropbox “ 20/41 @LukaszPrzywarty

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Bring real data to your design 21/41 @LukaszPrzywarty

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Prepare for different scenarios 22/41 @LukaszPrzywarty

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Make your design flexible 23/41 @LukaszPrzywarty

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Check the measurements of your platform 24/41 @LukaszPrzywarty

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10px 30px SCHEDULE SCHEDULE 50px 52px 10px 32px Padding 10, border 1 Sketch (inline border) CSS (box-sizing: border-box)

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Include design review in the development process In progress Code review Design review

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Extend the user experience to speed and performance 27/41 @LukaszPrzywarty

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And yet, at the very moment that a Netflix viewer’s video
 stream stops and that spinning animation appears, indicating
 the player is now awaiting more data, these engineers make a dramatic change. They become user experience designers. Jared Spool “ 28/41 @LukaszPrzywarty

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Be realistic 29/41 @LukaszPrzywarty

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Developers are not your enemies. Put your gun down. 31/41 @LukaszPrzywarty

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We use different language, have different goals and points of view. Embrace it. 32/41 @LukaszPrzywarty

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Collaboration is a key 33/41 @LukaszPrzywarty

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Try to understand instead of
 getting angry 34/41 @LukaszPrzywarty

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Reduce the unexpected 36/41 @LukaszPrzywarty

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User experience runs much deeper than static designs 35/41 @LukaszPrzywarty

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Be patient and smile! 37/41 @LukaszPrzywarty

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“We as an industry often speak of empathizing with the user and user-centric design, but how can we honestly build empathy for our users if we can’t empathize with each other, or those
 outside of our towers. Mustafa Kurtuldu, Design Advocate at Google 38/41 @LukaszPrzywarty

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Want more? Download the presenter notes (PDF)

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40/41 @LukaszPrzywarty Sources • A Mindful Design Process • Creating a Collaborative Environment • Everyone Is a Designer. Get Over It • How Designers Work With Developers • The Beauty Of Imperfection In
 Interface Design • The Power of Experience Mapping • When Design Feels Like an Uphill battle • Who is Responsible for Design? General • 8-Point Grid: Borders and Layouts • Do You Know Where Your Icons Are? • The Beauty Of Imperfection In Interface Design • The Nine States of Design Technical

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THANK YOU! @LukaszPrzywarty at Twitter,
 LinkedIn and Instagram