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Postgres and You Selena Deckelmann WebEng Workweek Q1 2014

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Stuff to cover •How Postgres fits in • Migrations • Middleware, stored procedures, crontabber • How to love JSON • Writing Queries • Common Admin issues

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processors rabbitmq webapp crontabber middleware jenkins builds failing fakedata

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socorro/external/postgresql/ schema socorro1 DB processor01 processor10 … sp-admin01 mware01 mware01 … socorro1.webapp socorro4.webapp … raw_crashes processed_crashes reports Pretty much all the other tables Django-specific tables webapp-django/crashstats/* models

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socorro1 socorro3 WAL Socorro1 .dev Socorro1. stage base_backup copy Sunday noon PT streaming rep Prod socorro2 backup4 base_backup & pg_dump backup reporting1 WAL socorro-db-zeus-rw socorro-db-zeus-ro very architecture very architecture such replicas such replicas wow wow

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Making a test database PYTHONPATH=. \ socorro/external/postgresql/ \ --database_name=socorro_test --dropdb PYTHONPATH=. \ socorro/external/postgresql/ \ --database_name=socorro_test --dropdb \ --fakedata --fakedata_days=2

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What does • Connects as database superuser, creates a database, creates socorro users, disconnects • Connects as user, creates a schema based on socorro/external/postgresql/ • Optional: loads data using • Stamps alembic revision to latest

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Running tests make test-socorro or + nose

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Stuff to cover • How Postgres fits in •Migrations • Middleware, stored procedures, crontabber • How to love JSON • Writing Queries • Common Admin issues

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Running migrations cp config/alembic.ini-dist config/alembic.ini PYTHONPATH=. \ alembic -c config/alembic.ini revision \ --autogenerate -m “Fixes bug XX add table” alembic -c config/alembic.ini upgrade HEAD alembic -c config/alembic.ini downgrade -1 alembic -c config/alembic.ini history alembic -c config/alembic.ini current alembic -c config/alembic.ini branches

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Important files for alembic • socorro/lib/ • load_stored_proc(op, [procfile, ... ]) • fix_permissions(op, tablename) • socorro/lib/* • citexttype.CitextType • jsontype.JsonType

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Most common issues • Failure to test migration (see: Makefile) • Problem with non-linear history (two migrations inherit from same parent) • Assumptions that don’t pan out on downgrade (protip: run downgrade then upgrade after a run)

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Stuff to cover • How Postgres fits in • Migrations •Middleware, stored procedures, crontabber • How to love JSON • Writing Queries

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Postgres DB table Internal Middleware API Django model webapp view Crontabber Job Stored procedure Crontabber Config Data from: reports_clean raw_crashes processed_crashes Data into: Brand new table! Lives in: socorro/cron/jobs Lives in: Socorro puppet module Lives in: socorro/external/ postgresql/*.py Lives in: webapp-django/ crashstats/crashstats/ Lives in: webapp-django/ crashstats/crashstats/

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Stored Procedure • socorro/external/postgresql/raw_sql/procs • update_XXX.sql and backfill_XXX.sql • see also: backfill_named_table.sql • backfill_matviews.sql • TODO: invoke a crontabber job to backfill instead (better performance) • Tests? (fakedata may invoke)

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Adding a Postgres table • socorro/external/postgresql/ • socorro/external/postgresql/ • maybe also: (but prob not) • Tests!

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Crontabber job • socorro/cron/jobs/ • Remember to check dependencies • socorro/cron/ - DEFAULT_JOBS

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Crontabber config • puppet: modules/socorro/files/stage/etc- socorro/crontabber.ini • puppet: modules/socorro/files/prod/etc- socorro/crontabber.ini

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Internal middleware • socorro/external/postgresql/ • see: socorro/external/postgresql/ for an example • Expose a route to the new endpoint

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Django Model • And here’s where stuff gets hazy... • webapp-django/crashstats/crashstats/

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Webapp view • webapp-django/crashstats/crashstats/

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Caching config? • Has solved performance problems in the past *cough* TCBS *cough*

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Complex middleware • Rob? :)

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Alternatives • What if we pull out aggregation data into a different data store? • Why? Extreme Simplification • Provide JSON aggregates, use D3

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Stuff to cover • How Postgres fits in • Migrations • Middleware, stored procedures, crontabber •How to love JSON • Writing Queries • Common Admin issues

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Our JSON is complicated

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{ "client_crash_date":"2014-03-24 00:05:03.000000", "hang_type":0, "dump":"====PIPE DUMP ENDS===\n", "startedDateTime":"2014-03-24 00:00:13.050209", "java_stack_trace":null, "product":"Firefox", "crashedThread":null, "cpu_info":null, "pluginVersion":null, "install_age":2765858, "distributor":null, "topmost_filenames":"", "processor_notes":"sp-processor03_phx1_mozilla_com. 5265:2012; HybridCrashProcessor; MDSW emitted no header l ines; MDSW did not identify the crashing thread; CSignatu

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"addons":[ [ "", "1.6.0" ], [ "{60364604-8b4c-42f4-a2ca-a76ca7b61b37}", "" ], [ "", "0.94.61" ], [ "", "1.1.2"

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with a as ( select processed_crash from processed_crashes limit 1 ), b as ( select json_array_elements(processed_crash->'addons') as addons from a ) select addons->>0 from b;

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JSON operators • Extract JSON object: -> • Extract array element: ->>2 • Extract text element: ->>‘blah’ • JSON type (can be confusing cuz doesn’t automatically cast to TEXT)

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JSON functions • json_enhancements: json_enhancements

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But, easier than reports • Big unanswered question: Can we kill the reports table? • advanced search • reports/list • update_reports_clean() • 3 reports THAT SHOULD DIE

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Upgrading to 9.3 • Would be nice. • Not a priority. • Might just go to 9.4 in the fall......... Discuss?

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Stuff to cover • How Postgres fits in • Migrations • Middleware, stored procedures, crontabber • How to love JSON •Writing Queries • Common Admin issues

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Protips! • Don’t ever use now()::timestamp (magical, immediate performance killer) • Run EXPLAIN, talk to a buddy • Check for unnecessary JOINs • Don’t expect local/stage performance to be similar to prod performance • Always use “WHERE date_processed ...” (more on this later!)

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Writing queries in python • Isolate your queries in a function with the first parameter as the connection • DO NOT PASS CURSORS AROUND

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Always use date_processed • WHERE date_processed BETWEEN ... AND ... • Tables affected: • raw_crashes, processed_crashes • reports, reports_clean • plugins, plugins_modules

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Avoid reports • Avoid using the reports table • Deprecation target AND usually slower than reports_clean • matview? Use raw_crashes or processed_crashes and make indexes!

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Adding indexes to partitioned tables • see report_partition_info • Happens weekly • To add to old partitions, do “manually” in a migration based on pg_class data

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Use EXPLAIN • Check for unnecessary JOINs (remove!) • Don’t SELECT * ever • Start with WITH • Test performance with EXPLAIN ANALYZE • ANALYZE tables

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Adding other indexes • Must exactly match predicate! • Best practice: Create in a transaction and test exactly the query you want to use the index to verify your index is correct

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Altering tables • Never specify a DEFAULT in a CREATE or ALTER that creates a column on an existing table • Drop children before parents • Never LOCK EXCLUSIVE on parents unless you want to have a downtime • DROPs and ALTERs on children might deadlock with processors (they retry, NBD)

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Stuff to cover • How Postgres fits in • Migrations • Middleware, stored procedures, crontabber • How to love JSON • Writing Queries •Common Admin issues

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High load on master • Check if a backup is running (OOPS) SOLUTION: kill backup LONG TERM: Investigate why backup was running against master, correct configuration/process documents

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High load on master • Check if load is coming from middleware (cacheable query?) SOLUTION: kill middleware processes, sometimes have to restart middleware LONG TERM: Cache a query or refactor SQL

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High load on master • Check the logs :) (checkpoints, temp files) • Check for a Suspicious Process or Processes (Long running, memory consuming)

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Maintenance of tables • We now drop old partitions without an exclusive lock on the parent • This is mostly safe -- might screw up READ ONLY queries looking at the data at the time of the drops • Worth it, because otherwise we need downtime windows • TODO: Now can be automated!

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Maintenance of tables • Probably could be doing more • Probably not worth the time given that we drop old partitions • Newer Postgres will automatically FREEZE tables, reducing overhead of periodic VACUUMs for transaction wraparound