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I installed this free plugin and now the whole website crashed! It can´t take that long to add this simple feature! Why is our website so slow?! Can we add a new language to the site by tomorrow? Sulu CMS Batteries included! Thanks to Symfony.

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I'm Thomas Schedler @chirimoya |

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I'm Thomas Schedler @chirimoya | ... head of development and technical consultant. Young father trying to master Heston Blumenthal recipes.

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Router The main entry point to your Symfony application.

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Request Response

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/ /services /blog Request Response

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/ /services /blog Request Response Front Controller

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/ /services /blog Request Response Kernel Front Controller

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/ /services /blog Request Response Kernel Router Request URI Controller & Action Front Controller

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/ /services /blog Request Response Kernel Controller Router Request URI Controller & Action Front Controller

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/ /services /blog Request Response Kernel Controller Router Request URI Controller & Action Front Controller indexAction() servicesAction() blogAction()

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/ /services /blog Request Response Kernel Controller Router Request URI Controller & Action Front Controller indexAction() servicesAction() blogAction() Model View Services

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/ /services /blog Request Response Kernel Controller Router Request URI Controller & Action Front Controller indexAction() servicesAction() blogAction() Response Response Response Model View Services

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Router / /services /blog Request Response Kernel Controller Request URI Controller & Action Front Controller indexAction() servicesAction() blogAction() Response Response Response Model View Services

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Router / /services /blog Request Response Kernel Controller Request URI Controller & Action Front Controller indexAction() servicesAction() blogAction() Response Response Response Model View Services

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Router Chain Router / /services /blog Request Response Kernel Controller Request URI Controller & Action Front Controller indexAction() servicesAction() blogAction() Response Response Response Model View Services

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Router Chain Router / /services /blog Request Response Kernel Controller Request URI Controller & Action Front Controller indexAction() servicesAction() blogAction() Response Response Response Model View Services

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Router Chain Router / /services /blog Request Response Kernel Controller Request URI Controller & Action Front Controller indexAction() servicesAction() blogAction() Response Response Response Model View Services Dynamic Router

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Sulu routing summarized

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Sulu routing summarized – CMF ChainRouter replaces the default routing system

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Sulu routing summarized – CMF ChainRouter replaces the default routing system – and works by accepting a set of prioritized Routers

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Sulu routing summarized – CMF ChainRouter replaces the default routing system – and works by accepting a set of prioritized Routers – The Symfony default Router is registered with the highest priority

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Sulu routing summarized – CMF ChainRouter replaces the default routing system – and works by accepting a set of prioritized Routers – The Symfony default Router is registered with the highest priority – DynamicRouters handle all the dynamically defined routes (pages, redirects, …)

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// app/WebsiteKernel.php
 class WebsiteKernel extends AbstractKernel
 * {@inheritdoc}
 protected $name = 'website';
 * @param string $environment
 * @param bool $debug
 public function __construct($environment, $debug)
 parent::__construct($environment, $debug);
 * {@inheritdoc}
 public function registerBundles()
 $bundles = parent::registerBundles();
 $bundles[] = new Symfony\Cmf\Bundle\RoutingBundle\CmfRoutingBundle();
 return $bundles;

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// app/WebsiteKernel.php
 class WebsiteKernel extends AbstractKernel
 * {@inheritdoc}
 protected $name = 'website';
 * @param string $environment
 * @param bool $debug
 public function __construct($environment, $debug)
 parent::__construct($environment, $debug);
 * {@inheritdoc}
 public function registerBundles()
 $bundles = parent::registerBundles();
 $bundles[] = new Symfony\Cmf\Bundle\RoutingBundle\CmfRoutingBundle();
 return $bundles;
 } $bundles[] = new AppBundle\AppBundle();

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// app/config/website/routing.yml app:
 resource: "@AppBundle/Controller/"
 type: annotation
 prefix: /app

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// app/config/website/routing.yml app:
 resource: "@AppBundle/Controller/"
 type: annotation
 prefix: /app // src/AppBundle/Controller/DefaultController.php namespace AppBundle\Controller; use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller; use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route; class DefaultController extends Controller { /** * @Route("/") */ public function indexAction() { return $this->render('AppBundle:Default:index.html.twig'); } }

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// app/config/website/routing.yml app:
 resource: "@AppBundle/Controller/"
 type: annotation
 prefix: /app // src/AppBundle/Controller/DefaultController.php namespace AppBundle\Controller; use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller; use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route; class DefaultController extends Controller { /** * @Route("/") */ public function indexAction() { return $this->render('AppBundle:Default:index.html.twig'); } } // src/AppBundle/Resources/views/Default/index.html.twig Hallo World!

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No content

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Controller & View Add your custom logic within your own content Controller.

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Controller Chain Router Router / /services /blog Request Response Kernel Request URI Controller & Action Front Controller indexAction() servicesAction() blogAction() Response Response Response Model View Services Dynamic Router

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Chain Router Router / /services /blog Request Response Kernel Request URI Controller & Action Front Controller indexAction() servicesAction() blogAction() Response Response Response Model View Services Dynamic Router DefaultController

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// app/Resources/templates/pages/default.xml 
 SuluWebsiteBundle:Default:index templates/default

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// app/Resources/templates/pages/default.xml 
 AppBundle:Custom:index templates/default

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// app/Resources/templates/pages/default.xml 
 AppBundle:Custom:index AppBundle:Custom:index

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// src/AppBundle/Controller/CustomController.php
 namespace AppBundle\Controller;
 use Sulu\Bundle\WebsiteBundle\Controller\WebsiteController;
 use Sulu\Component\Content\Compat\StructureInterface;
 class CustomController extends WebsiteController
 * My custom controller action.
 * @param StructureInterface $structure
 * @param bool $preview
 * @param bool $partial
 * @return Response
 public function indexAction(StructureInterface $structure, $preview = false, $partial = false)
 $response = $this->renderStructure(
 // here you can add some custom data for your template
 'myData' => $this->get('my_custom_service')->getMyData(),
 return $response;

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Response Format HTML, XML or JSON

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// app/Resources/templates/pages/default.xml 

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// app/Resources/templates/pages/default.xml 
 ... .html.twig

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// app/Resources/templates/pages/default.xml 
 ... // src/AppBundle/Resources/views/Custom/index.html.twig {% extends "master.html.twig" %} {% block content %}

{{ content.title }}

{{ content.article|raw }}
{% endblock %} .html.twig

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// app/Resources/templates/pages/default.xml 
 ... // src/AppBundle/Resources/views/Custom/index.html.twig {% extends "master.html.twig" %} {% block content %}

{{ content.title }}

{{ content.article|raw }}
{% endblock %} // src/AppBundle/Resources/views/Custom/index.json.twig {{ content|json_encode|raw }} .html.twig

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HTTP Cache & ESI HTTP Standards FTW!

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Reverse Proxy Caches

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Reverse Proxy Caches – A HTTP Cache is a full page cache

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Reverse Proxy Caches – A HTTP Cache is a full page cache – It bypasses your application entirely, if the cache entry is valid

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Reverse Proxy Caches – A HTTP Cache is a full page cache – It bypasses your application entirely, if the cache entry is valid – HTTP cache headers are used to mark a response cacheable and for how long

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Reverse Proxy Caches – A HTTP Cache is a full page cache – It bypasses your application entirely, if the cache entry is valid – HTTP cache headers are used to mark a response cacheable and for how long – Symfony comes with a reverse proxy written in PHP

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Reverse Proxy Caches – A HTTP Cache is a full page cache – It bypasses your application entirely, if the cache entry is valid – HTTP cache headers are used to mark a response cacheable and for how long – Symfony comes with a reverse proxy written in PHP – Switch to something more robust like Varnish without any problem

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Reverse Proxy Caches – A HTTP Cache is a full page cache – It bypasses your application entirely, if the cache entry is valid – HTTP cache headers are used to mark a response cacheable and for how long – Symfony comes with a reverse proxy written in PHP – Switch to something more robust like Varnish without any problem

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Reverse Proxy Caches – A HTTP Cache is a full page cache – It bypasses your application entirely, if the cache entry is valid – HTTP cache headers are used to mark a response cacheable and for how long – Symfony comes with a reverse proxy written in PHP – Switch to something more robust like Varnish without any problem

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“ Caching entire responses isn't always possible for highly dynamic sites, or is it?

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ESI - Edge Side Includes

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ESI - Edge Side Includes – The ESI specification describes tags to communicate with the gateway cache

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ESI - Edge Side Includes – The ESI specification describes tags to communicate with the gateway cache – In Symfony the is implemented

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ESI - Edge Side Includes – The ESI specification describes tags to communicate with the gateway cache – In Symfony the is implemented – If the response contains ESI tags, the cache either requests the page fragment from the backend or embeds the fresh cache entry

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// app/config/config.yml framework:
 ... esi: { enabled: true }

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// app/config/config.yml framework:
 ... esi: { enabled: true } // app/Resources/views/Default/index.html.twig {# you can use a controller reference #} {{ render_esi(controller('AppBundle:News:latest', { 'limit': 5 })) }} {# ... or a URL #} {{ render_esi(url('latest_news', { 'limit': 5 })) }}

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Model Customize what you need.

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Customizing Models

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Customizing Models – Doctrine doesn't support model customization

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Customizing Models – Doctrine doesn't support model customization – Inheritance leads to multiple tables for the same data structure

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Customizing Models – Doctrine doesn't support model customization – Inheritance leads to multiple tables for the same data structure – Sulu’s PersistenceBundle allows to replace models via configuration

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Customizing Models – Doctrine doesn't support model customization – Inheritance leads to multiple tables for the same data structure – Sulu’s PersistenceBundle allows to replace models via configuration – Inspired by Sylius ResourceBundle

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// src/AppBundle/EntityTag.php

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// src/AppBundle/EntityTag.php

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// src/AppBundle/EntityTag.php // app/config/config.yml sulu_tag: objects: tag: model: AppBundle\Entity\Tag

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Event Dispatcher Handle additional business logic within your Event Subscriber.

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Symfony Events

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Symfony Events Kernel Events – kernel.request – kernel.response – kernel.controller – kernel.view – kernel.terminate …

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Symfony Events Kernel Events – kernel.request – kernel.response – kernel.controller – kernel.view – kernel.terminate … Doctrine Events

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Symfony Events Kernel Events – kernel.request – kernel.response – kernel.controller – kernel.view – kernel.terminate … Doctrine Events Lifecycle Events – [pre|post]Remove – [pre|post]Persist – [pre|post]Update – [pre|on|post]Flush – onClear …

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Sulu Document Manager Events

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Sulu Document Manager Events bin/adminconsole sulu:document:subscriber:debug

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Sulu Document Manager Events +----------------------+ | Events | +----------------------+ | persist | | hydrate | | remove | | refresh | | copy | | move | | create | | clear | | find | | reorder | | publish | | unpublish | | remove_draft | | flush | | query.create | | query.create_builder | | query.execute | | configure_options | | metadata_load | | restore | +----------------------+ bin/adminconsole sulu:document:subscriber:debug

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// src/AppBundle/Document/Subscriber/MailSubscriber.php
 namespace AppBundle\Document\Subscriber;
 use Sulu\Component\DocumentManager\Event\PublishEvent;
 use Sulu\Component\DocumentManager\Events;
 use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
 class MailSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
 * {@inheritdoc}
 public static function getSubscribedEvents()
 return [
 Events::PUBLISH => ['sendNotification', -1000],
 public function sendNotification(PublishEvent $event)
 $message = new \Swift_Message('Page Published', 'URL: ' . $event->getDocument()->getResourceSegment());

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// src/AppBundle/Document/Subscriber/MailSubscriber.php
 namespace AppBundle\Document\Subscriber;
 use Sulu\Component\DocumentManager\Event\PublishEvent;
 use Sulu\Component\DocumentManager\Events;
 use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
 class MailSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
 * {@inheritdoc}
 public static function getSubscribedEvents()
 return [
 Events::PUBLISH => ['sendNotification', -1000],
 public function sendNotification(PublishEvent $event)
 $message = new \Swift_Message('Page Published', 'URL: ' . $event->getDocument()->getResourceSegment());

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Service Container The control center for all you application.

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Service Container

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Service Container – Foundation for extensibility & customizability

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Service Container – Foundation for extensibility & customizability – Sulu heavily uses service definitions

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Service Container – Foundation for extensibility & customizability – Sulu heavily uses service definitions – Add new functionality (Modulnavigation, Content-Type, ...)

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Service Container – Foundation for extensibility & customizability – Sulu heavily uses service definitions – Add new functionality (Modulnavigation, Content-Type, ...) – Extend existing (Smart-Content, Teaser, ...)

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Service Container – Foundation for extensibility & customizability – Sulu heavily uses service definitions – Add new functionality (Modulnavigation, Content-Type, ...) – Extend existing (Smart-Content, Teaser, ...) – Overwrite services

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// src/AppBundle/Admin/AppAdmin.php 
 namespace AppBundle\Admin;
 use Sulu\Bundle\AdminBundle\Admin\Admin;
 use Sulu\Bundle\AdminBundle\Navigation\Navigation;
 use Sulu\Bundle\AdminBundle\Navigation\NavigationItem;
 class AppAdmin extends Admin
 public function __construct($title)
 $rootNavigationItem = new NavigationItem($title);
 $section = new NavigationItem('navigation.modules');
 $myModule = new NavigationItem('app.my_module');
 $item = new NavigationItem('app.my_module.title');
 $this->setNavigation(new Navigation($rootNavigationItem));

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// src/AppBundle/Admin/AppAdmin.php 
 namespace AppBundle\Admin;
 use Sulu\Bundle\AdminBundle\Admin\Admin;
 use Sulu\Bundle\AdminBundle\Navigation\Navigation;
 use Sulu\Bundle\AdminBundle\Navigation\NavigationItem;
 class AppAdmin extends Admin
 public function __construct($title)
 $rootNavigationItem = new NavigationItem($title);
 $section = new NavigationItem('navigation.modules');
 $myModule = new NavigationItem('app.my_module');
 $item = new NavigationItem('app.my_module.title');
 $this->setNavigation(new Navigation($rootNavigationItem));

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// src/AppBundle/DependencyInjection/AppCompilerPass.php
 namespace AppBundle\DependencyInjection;
 use AppBundle\Contact\CustomContactManager;
 use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler\CompilerPassInterface;
 use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
 use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Reference;
 class AppCompilerPass implements CompilerPassInterface
 public function process(ContainerBuilder $container)
 $definition = $container->getDefinition('sulu_contact.contact_manager');
 $definition->addArgument(new Reference('app.my_custom_service'));

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// src/AppBundle/DependencyInjection/AppCompilerPass.php
 namespace AppBundle\DependencyInjection;
 use AppBundle\Contact\CustomContactManager;
 use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler\CompilerPassInterface;
 use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
 use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Reference;
 class AppCompilerPass implements CompilerPassInterface
 public function process(ContainerBuilder $container)
 $definition = $container->getDefinition('sulu_contact.contact_manager');
 $definition->addArgument(new Reference('app.my_custom_service'));
 } // src/AppBundle/AppBundle.php namespace AppBundle; use AppBundle\DependencyInjection\AppCompilerPass; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder; use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Bundle\Bundle; class AppBundle extends Bundle { public function build(ContainerBuilder $container) { $container->addCompilerPass(new AppCompilerPass()); } }

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Thanks for watching!