Koen Van den Wijngaert
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Progressive Web App
using React and
WordPress REST API
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Table of Contents
1. WordPress REST API
2. React
3. Progressive Web App
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WordPress REST API
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What is a REST API?
A way to transfer state between two systems
using a common protocol.
REpresentational STate
Application Programming Interface
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What is a REST API?
● Resources
● Verbs
● Requests
● Responses
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REST Resources
A resource has a certain location and can have an
identifier and links to other resources.
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REST Verbs
Verbs that are used to display, create and/or
manipulate resources.
We describe them using the HTTP request method.
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REST Verbs
GET Retrieve a list of cars
POST Create a new car
PUT Replace the list of cars with a new one
PATCH Update one or more cars in the list
DELETE Delete the list of cars
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GET https:/
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POST https:/
> HTTP/1.1 201 CREATED
What I did
● Custom REST Controller for activities
● Added ACF Fields
● Shaved some data off
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Table of Contents
1. WordPress REST API
2. React
3. Progressive Web App
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A JavaScript library for building
user interfaces
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Crash Course React
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React vs jQuery
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State and Props
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Let’s Build a React App Together®
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Let’s Build a React App Together®
20–22 June, Berlin, Germany | #WCEU
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Let’s Build a React App Together®
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Where do we get the good stuff?
GET https://2019.europe.wordcamp.org/wp-json/wp/v2/sessions
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What Components do we need?
● App
● SessionList
● Session
● Speaker
● Category
● ...
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Let’s Build a React App Together®
Demo time!
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Table of Contents
1. WordPress REST API
2. React
3. Progressive Web App
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Progressive Web Apps
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What is this PWA thing?
A type of mobile app delivered through the
web, built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
They can be installed on any platform that
uses a standards-compliant browser.
✓ Progressive
✓ Working offline
✓ Push notifications
✓ Native experience
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Main criteria for a valid PWA
✓ Originate from a secure origin
✓ Load while offline
✓ Manifest file with basic information
✓ An icon of at least 144×144
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● Runs in its own global script context
● Sits between clients and server
● Can handle multiple clients simultaneously
● Has no direct access to the client DOM
What can it do?
● Intercept HTTP Request
Useful for caching and providing fallbacks
● Subscribe for Push Notifications
● Synchronize in the background
● Register navigation routes
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Caching strategies
● Cache First
● Network First
● Network Only
● Cache Only
● StaleWhileRevalidate
● ...