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1 Recap: The Future of JSON in Go Go 1.21 Release Party & GopherCon 2023 Recap Shunta Komatsu

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2 About me ● Shunta Komatsu ● Backend Engineer at Merpay ○ Developing the payment platform ● Joined Merpay in April 2022

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3 Agenda 1. Introduction of the session 2. What are the problems with the v1 encoding/json? 3. Introduction of possible solutions of the v2 encoding/json 4. Performance and migrations

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4 Introduction of the session

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5 What kind of presentation?

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6 The encoding/json package Have you ever used the encoding/json package?

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7 The v1 encoding/json package The encoding/json package is the 5th most popular Go package. Marshal (encode) Unmarshal (decode)

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8 What are the problems with the v1 encoding/json?

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9 What’s wrong with the v1 encoding/json? Four broad categories: 1. Missing functionality 2. API deficiencies 3. Performance limitations 4. Behavioral flaws

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10 Missing functionality ● 91 open issues that affect many developers

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11 API deficiencies ● You can’t unmarshal from io.Reader correctly ○ You need to create an intermediate decoder json.NewDecoder(r).Decode(v), but it doesn’t reject trailing junk (#36225) ● Marshal, Unmarshal, and custom Marshaler and Unmarshaler do not accept options ● Encoder or Decoder can accept options, but some options depend on bytes.Buffer instead of []byte or io.Writer

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12 Performance limitations ● MarshalJSON forces the implementation to allocate returned []byte ● MarshalJSON and UnmarshalJSON forces a second parse ● Lack of streaming ○ Even though the Encoder.Encode and Decoder.Decode operate on an io.Writer or io.Reader, they buffer the entire JSON value in memory

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13 Behavioral flaws ● Improper handling of JSON syntax (RFC 8259) ○ Invalid UTF-8 is allowed ○ Duplicate object member names are allowed ● The MarshalJSON and UnmarshalJSON methods cannot be called if the underlying value is not addressable ● Case-insensitive unmarshaling ● Inconsistent error values

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14 What’s wrong with the v1 encoding/json? Four broad categories: 1. Missing functionality 2. API deficiencies 3. Performance limitations 4. Behavioral flaws

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15 Introduction of possible solutions of the v2 encoding/json

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16 Goal of the v2 encoding/json ● Mostly backwards compatible ● More correct ● More performant ● More flexibles ● Easy to use (hard to misuse) ● Avoid unsafe

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17 Overview

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18 Overview ● Two packages jsontext and json ○ jsontext ■ Syntactic functionality that processes JSON based on its grammar ■ “encode” and “decode” ■ A relatively light dependency tree ○ json ■ Semantic functionality that determines the meaning of JSON values as Go values and vice-versa ■ “marshal” and “unmarshal” ■ Depends on the reflect package

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19 The package “encoding/json/jsontext”

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20 The package “encoding/json/jsontext” ● Encoder and Decoder write and read JSON tokens and values ○ You can process JSON text in a purely streaming way ● NewEncoder and NewDecoder accept options

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21 The Token and Value type ● A Token represents the smallest structural unit ○ true, false, {, }, [, ], etc. ● A Value is the raw representation of a single JSON value

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22 ● You can configure the behaviors ● The Options interface is under the jsonopts package The Options type

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23 The SyntacticError type ● Errors due to non-compliance with the JSON grammar are reported as SyntacticError.

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24 The package “encoding/json/v2”

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25 The package “encoding/json/v2” ● Marshal and Unmarshal ○ Mostly match the signature of the v1 functions ● MarshalWriter and UnmarshalRead ○ Accept io.Writer and io.Reader instead of []byte ● MarshalEncode and UnmarshalDecode ○ Accept *jsontext.Encoder and *jsontext.Decoder

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26 Default behavior changes

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27 ● Case-sensitive name match Default behavior changes

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28 ● Do not allow invalid UTF-8 Default behavior changes

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29 ● Do not allow duplicate names Default behavior changes

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30 Struct tag options ● v2 also supports struct tags ○ omitzero ○ omitempty ○ string ○ nocase ○ inline ○ unknown ○ format

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31 ● omitzero ○ The field is omitted if the value is zero when marshaling Struct tag options

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32 ● format ○ Specifies the format when serializing Struct tag options

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33 The Options type ● You can configure the behaviors ● The Options interface is under the jsonopts package

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34 The SemanticError type ● Errors due to the inability to correlate JSON data with Go data are reported as SemanticError

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35 The package “encoding/json/v2”

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36 Performance and migrations

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37 Performance

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38 Performance

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39 Migration

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40 Summary

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41 Impressions of this session ● The proposed v2 package is well thought out, not only performance, API flexibility, security safety, and RFC compliance, but also backward compatibility and migration flexibility ● The idea of splitting syntactic functionality and semantic functionality into two packages, jsontext and json, would be a good idea ● Nevertheless, many changes have been made, so you will have to migrate with each and every option, which will be somewhat nerve-wracking :(

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42 Summary ● The v2 encoding/json package is a proposal to improve problems that v1 has, such as missing functionality, API deficiencies, and performance limitations ● You can see the implementation ● Discussion is now open

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43 Advertisement I’ll talk about ● “Recap: Automatically Instrument Your Go Source Code with Orchestrion” at mercari.go #24 on Nov 1 (tomorrow!) ● “The Future of encoding/json” at Go Conference mini 2023 Winter IN KYOTO on Dec 2

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44 References ● “The Future of JSON in Go” by Joe Tsai at GopherCon 2023 (link) ● ●

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45 Thanks for your attention! The Go gopher was designed by Renee French