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Why your configuration needs a schema Gareth Rushgrove

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- The proliferation of config file formats - The high cost of config management - Why configuration needs a schema - Auto-generate everything

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The proliferation of configuration file formats The state of things

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XML, INI, JSON, YAML, EDN, HOCON, TOML, CSON, Java Properties, internal DSLs, ...

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Everyone has opinions about config file formats

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Don’t use JSON as a Config File Format

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Some formats are associated with certain languages or frameworks

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Others become the default for communities of practice

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Apart from the parsing bit, to the application being configured it’s just a data structure

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For the operator all of the different formats are separate user interfaces

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This is one of the reasons for higher-level configuration management tools

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The cost of configuration management A barrier to entry to good tooling

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Multiple configuration management tools is not a bad thing, but it does mean lots of reinventing the wheel

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Everyone ends up with a way to manage packages, services, files, users and groups

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Worse, everyone ends up with a way to manage Apache

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sous-chef/apache2 1498 commits, 116 contributors, 46 releases puppetlabs/puppetlabs-apache 2992 commits, 342 contributors, 39 releases Ansible Galaxy 298 results for apache

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Managing files is a big part of managing most systems

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Using BigQuery on 7.5 million lines of Puppet

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What types are used the most?

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More than 30% of Puppet resources where files

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Option 1: Templates None of the benefits of your chosen tool, and you’re exposed to all the configuration file formats directly

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template '/etc/app/config.yaml' do source 'config.yaml.erb' mode '0755' owner 'web' group 'web' end You need a separate templating language

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How can you reason about a system when the configuration is spread across an explosion of templating languages, file formats and templates?

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Option 2: Format-specific resources You can now use your chosen tool, but the tool has no context for the application, it’s just data, and the format still bleeds through

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ini_setting { "sample setting": ensure => present, path => '/tmp/foo.ini', section => 'bar', setting => 'baz', value => 'quux', } Manage an INI file with Puppet

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A PowerShell DSC Resource for INI files

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Import-DscResource -ModuleName DSCR_IniFile cIniFile Apple { Path = "C:\Test.ini" Section = "" Key = "Fruit_A" Value = "Apple" } Manage an INI file with DSC

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Ansible module for INI files

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Chef resources for JSON and YAML files

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Option 3: App-specific resources You get all the power of your chosen tool, but at the cost of bespoke development

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webapp "cfgmgmtcamp" do static_url_path "/my_project/static" mysql_database_user "project_user_name" show_settings_route "/show-settings" debug True end A bespoke application in Chef

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How can we lower the cost of native resources for configuration?

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What have schemas got to do with this? Moving on to talk about solutions

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Most Chef cookbooks or Ansible or Puppet modules are not written by the developers of the application being managed

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Most configuration is informally specified via implementation, and often not versioned like an API

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What if instead applications provided a schema for their configuration?

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Examples and demonstrations Experiments in auto generating tools

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Kubernetes has a well-defined set of configuration primitives; Pods, Deployments, Services, ReplicationControllers, etc.

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Kubernetes uses OpenAPI to describe the API

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OpenAPI uses JSON Schema internally

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Kubernetes JSON Schema

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That’s a lot of JSON PS> Get-Content -Path swagger.json | Measure-Object -line).Lines 85340 PS> (Get-ChildItem -Path v*/*.json -Recurse | Measure-Object).Count 26181 PS> (Get-ChildItem -Path v*/*.json -Recurse | Get-Content | Measure-Object -line).Lines 7296392

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Generated Puppet types and providers

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Generated jsonnet templates

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Generated ICL templates

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Validation tools

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Programming language clients

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Could we have this for any application?

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A simple example application from the internet

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{ "STATIC_URL_PATH": "/my_project/static", "MYSQL_DATABASE_USER": "project_user_name", "SHOW_SETTINGS_ROUTE": "/show-settings", "DEBUG": true } Our application has a configuration file

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{ "definitions": {}, "$schema": "", "id": "app_config", "title": "app_config", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "required": [ "STATIC_URL_PATH", "MYSQL_DATABASE_USER" ], "properties": { "STATIC_URL_PATH": { "$id": "/properties/STATIC_URL_PATH", "type": "string", "title": "Static URL path", "description": "A filesystem path for static assets", Let’s write a (JSON) schema

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"additionalProperties": false, Only allow the defined properties

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"required": [ "STATIC_URL_PATH", "MYSQL_DATABASE_USER" ], These properties are required

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"STATIC_URL_PATH": { "$id": "/properties/STATIC_URL_PATH", "type": "string", "title": "Static URL path", "description": "A filesystem path for static assets", "examples": [ "/my_project/static" ] }, Describe each individual property

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Validate config using the schemas $ jsonschema -F "{error.message}" -i app.json schema.json u'STATIC_URL_PATH' is a required property

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We have a schema. Now what?

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Validate arbitrary structures with JSON Schema import json import fastjsonschema data = { "STATIC_URL_PATH": "/my_project/static", "MYSQL_DATABASE_USER": "project_user_name", "SHOW_SETTINGS_ROUTE": "/show-settings", "DEBUG": True, } validate = fastjsonschema.compile(json.load(open('schema.json'))) validate(data) print(json.dumps(data))

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The JSON in JSON Schema refers to the syntax for the schema. It can be used to validate data in other formats

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Generate browser-based user interfaces

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Generate interactive documentation

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Generate models in different languages

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Quicktype generating Simple Types $ docker run -v ${PWD}:/pwd quicktype -l types -s schema /pwd/schemas/schema.json class Schema { staticURLPath: String mysqlDatabaseUser: String showSettingsRoute: Maybe debug: Maybe }

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Quicktype generating Go $ docker run -v ${PWD}:/pwd quicktype -l go -s schema /pwd/schemas/schema.json // To parse and unparse this JSON data, add this code to your project and do: // // r, err := UnmarshalSchema(bytes) // bytes, err = r.Marshal() package main import "encoding/json" func UnmarshalSchema(data []byte) (Schema, error) { var r Schema err := json.Unmarshal(data, &r) return r, err } func (r *Schema) Marshal() ([]byte, error) {

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Quicktype currently supports generating TypeScript, Elm, Java, C#, Go, Swift and C++

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Python JSON Schema Objects

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Dynamically build objects from schemas import python_jsonschema_objects as pjs import json schema = json.load(open('schema.json')) builder = pjs.ObjectBuilder(schema) ns = builder.build_classes() Config = ns.AppConfig config = Config( STATIC_URL_PATH="/static", MYSQL_DATABASE_USER="db", )

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What if we could generate Puppet types, Chef resources, Libral providers, Ansible modules, etc.

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Live Demo Klaxon

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Generate Chef resource from schema $ ./ resource_name :app_config property :path, String, name_property: true property :static_url_path, String, required: true property :mysql_database_user, String, required: true property :show_settings_route, String, default: '/settings' property :debug, Boolean action :create do file path do content "{ STATIC_URL_PATH: "#{static_url_path}", MYSQL_DATABASE_USER: "#{mysql_database_user}", SHOW_SETTINGS_ROUTE: "#{show_settings_route}", DEBUG: #{debug} }"

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Generate Libral provider from schema $ ./ #! /usr/bin/python import json import sys import os METADATA=""" --- provider: type: app_config invoke: json actions: [get,set] suitable: true attributes: path: desc: The filepath for the configuration file

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Generate Puppet type from schema $ ./ Puppet::Type.newtype(:app_config) do ensurable validate do required_properties = [ :static_url_path, :mysql_database_user, ] required_properties.each do |property| if self[property].nil? and self.provider.send(property) == :absent fail "You must provide a #{property}" end end end newparam(:path, namevar: true) do

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Conclusions If all you remember is...

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Schemas can allow for greater portability, and improved interoperability, between tools

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If you’re building applications, consider writing a schema to describe your configuration

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If you’re building configuration management tools consider relying a lot more on auto-generation

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Any questions? And thanks for listening