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How many proxies do you need? Liz Rice | @lizrice Chief Open Source Officer, Isovalent Emeritus Chair, CNCF Technical Oversight Committee Thomas Graf | @tgraf_ CTO & Co-founder, Isovalent Chair, eBPF Foundation GB

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Service Mesh

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Service Mesh Origins

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Service Mesh with Sidecars

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Complex Injection Many, many Sidecars Sidecar Complications

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Let’s remove sidecars!

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- Cilium Service Mesh beta tester, Jan 2022 “ While we're big fans of Envoy we're not hugely fond of the sidecar model and the extra latency & complexity involved ”

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userspace kernel Reduce resource usage Sidecars are a little bit inefficient [...] you have to allocate the RAM and CPU for that sidecar for kind of the worst-case usage that you expect for that pod. – Ethan Jackson, Ambient Mesh, Google, Kubernetes Podcast #189

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userspace kernel userspace kernel Reduce resource usage

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userspace kernel userspace kernel eBPF maps Reduce resource usage

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@lizrice The network cost of sidecar proxies

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userspace kernel userspace kernel Solving the Injection Problem

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userspace pod containe r sidecar container userspace pod container sidecar container my-app.yaml containers: - name: my-app ... - name: my-app-init … - name: my-sidecar ... The operational cost of sidecars

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If not sidecars, where should proxies be?

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Delegating responsibility to user space userspace kernel Cilium eBPF delegates - L7 termination to Envoy proxy - L7 observability to Envoy proxy - L7 network policy to Envoy proxy - L7 identity to SPIFFE or cert-manager

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Delegating responsibility to user space

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Traffic Management - L3/L4 forwarding & Load-balancing - Canary, Topology Aware Routing - Multi-Cluster Routing Security - Network Policy - mTLS Observability - Tracing, OpenTelemetry, & Metrics - HTTP, TLS, DNS, TCP, UDP, … eBPF Native (no proxy needed) Proxy Traffic Management - L7 Load-balancing & Ingress Resilience - Retries, L7 Rate Limiting Security - TLS Termination & Origination - L7 Network Policy* *Roadmap for eBPF Native When eBPF can’t support it Whenever possible

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Proxy per pod (sidecar model) userspace kernel - Share pod’s namespaces and cgroups → Resources for app + proxy - Proxy access to pod’s service account → Secrets / identity management directly from app Cilium Status: → Supported via Istio Integration on top of Cilium CNI

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Proxy on the node - Proxy is co-located on same node → No additional proxies needed on network → No ability to share proxy for single tenant across nodes Cilium Service Mesh Status: → Defaulting to Per-Node Model → Flexible deployment granularity on the roadmap userspace kernel

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Proxy on the network userspace kernel - Proxy is located on network → Requires additional network hops → Ability to share proxy for individual tenants across nodes Cilium Service Mesh Status: → Evaluating interest in ztunnel/HBONE to support Waypoint proxies userspace kernel

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Increased performance, reduced complexity Increased isolation Proxy per app Proxy per namespace Proxy per node

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What about encryption?

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Cilium network level encryption userspace kernel Encryption at L3 - no need to traverse proxy Uses node identity. Do you trust your nodes?

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Cilium Next-Gen Mutual Authentication - Works for any protocol (UDP, SCTP, …) - IPsec/Wireguard can use TLS negoiated service-specific keys - User space mTLS authentication - Proxy-free in-kernel datapath - Keeps secrets out of L7 proxies More information:

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NetworkPolicy - mTLS Policy Require authentication for connections to backends

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SPIFFE Integration Tracking CFP / PR: CiliumIdentity SPIFFE ID Logical Identity X.509 Certificate

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What about observability?

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New Strategic Partnership to provide -based Observability & Monitoring vability-for-kubernetes-and-cloud-native-infrastructure/

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Embedded dashboards in hubble-ui Network Observability

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Golden Signal Dashboards Tracing & HTTP Observability

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Your Service Mesh choices

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Data plane Control plane Configuration Ingress Gateway API Services EnvoyConfig SPIFFE Network Policy Kubernetes cert-manager Cilium Service Mesh mTLS Traffic Management Identity Management Observability Envoy Secrets Service Discovery Stable Available in Dev Branch WIP / Roadmap +

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Original L7 Load-balancing standard in K8s Simple Supported since Cilium 1.12 Services Ingress Layer 7 Traffic Management Options EnvoyConfig Use of K8s services with annotations Simple Support coming In Cilium 1.13 Pull Request: cilium/cilium#21244 Raw Envoy Config via CustomResource Advanced Users & Integrations Supported since Cilium 1.12 Gateway API Originally labelled Ingress v2. Richer in features. Simple Support for v0.5.1 coming in Cilium 1.13 Pull Request: cilium/cilium#21749

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Ingress HTTP Path Prefix based Routing

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Service + Annotations Simple way to enable gRPC weighted-least-request load-balancing

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Service + Annotations + Multi-Cluster Compatible with multi-cluster load-balancing

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Gateway API Use of Gateway and HTTPRoute objects for path-based routing

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EnvoyConfig Ability to define raw Envoy configuration

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Thank you! @tgraf_ | @lizrice | @isovalent