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Cloud Management Superpowers with Pulumi Mikhail Shilkov

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About me • Mikhail Shilkov • Software engineer at Pulumi Azure, .NET SDK, Core platform • Microsoft Azure MVP @MikhailShilkov [email protected]

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Intro ● Cloud Engineering ● Modern Infrastructure as Code Cloud Superpowers ● Provisioning ● Architecture ● Testing ● Policy ● Automation Agenda

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Cloud Engineering Provision cloud infrastructure using C#, TypeScript, Python, Go

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Infrastructure Landscape Foundation Security IAM KMS Networking VPC Subnets Firewalls Load Balancing DNS Compute VMs Containers Clusters Registries APM Monitoring Logging Alerting Serverless Functions API Gateways Data Object Stores Databases SQL NoSQL MQ Queues Pub/Sub Applications Images Container Images Code Packaging CI/CD

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Azure API in numbers ● 140+ resource providers ● 900+ resource types ● 13.000+ properties to manage ● 10.000+ PRs and issues in the specifications repo

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Kubernetes automation ● Open specifications ● Desired state configuration ● Reconciliation loop ● Operators ● Rolling updates ● Automation in DNA

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PAST Lift-and-shift Virtual machines on demand. Rapid procurement cycles. Manual provisioning. Cloud Evolution FUTURE Cloud engineering Convergence with application development and software engineering. Abstractions for “the most powerful computer ever”. Architecture as code. PRESENT Cloud native Hundreds of managed services. Specialized solutions for broad set of problems. Infrastructure-as-code, desired state configuration. Cloud has been changing the world and it’s not done yet

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Modern Applications ● Designed for the cloud ● Core business differenciator ● Fast time to market ● Broad footprint of resource types ● Resources under management grow fast

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Modern Teams & Workflows ● Collaboration between Dev, IT, SRE, Security ● Cloud as a first-class target for developers ● Frequent delivery of value ● Automation from commit to production

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Provisioning Cloud infrastructure using C#, TypeScript, Python, Go 10

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Desired State Configuration Target Current Tool

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Managing Resource Graphs Target Current Tool

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Managing Resource Graphs Target Current Tool

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General-purpose Programming Languages

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Providers ● AWS ● Azure ● GCP ● Digital Ocean ● Cloudflare … and more ● Docker ● Kubernetes ● OpenStack ● PostgreSQL ● New Relic

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var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup("rg"); var storageAccount = new Account("storage", new AccountArgs { ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name, AccountReplicationType = "LRS", AccountTier = "Standard", }); C# Example

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Desired State! var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup("rg"); var storageAccount = new Account("storage", new AccountArgs { ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name, AccountReplicationType = "LRS", AccountTier = "Standard", });

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Sample Pulumi Application Demo

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How Pulumi Works CLI & engine Last deployed state index.ts Language host AWS Azure GCP Kubernetes new Resource() CRUD

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Tools That You Love Developers can apply their existing skills to infrastructure

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Pulumi relies on existing tools ● Compiler: tsc, dotnet, python3, go ● Language: TS, JS, C#, Python, Go, F#, VB.NET ● Editor and IDE: Visual Studio, Code, Rider, … ● IntelliSense, ReSharper, StyleCop, DocFX ● Package Manager: npm, NuGet, PyPi, Paket, … ● Unit Testing: mocha, NUnit,, Moq, …

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Architecture Reusable Abstractions

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Components Demo

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Testing and Policy Validate deployments

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[Test] public async Task ResourceGroupHasEnvironmentTag() { var resources = await Deployment.TestAsync(); var resourceGroup = resources.OfType().First(); var tags = await resourceGroup.Tags.GetValueAsync(); tags.Should().NotBeNull("Tags must be defined"); tags.Should().ContainKey("Environment"); } Unit Testing

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it("Max distance between regions is at least 500 km", (done) => { => { let max = 0; // Iterate through all pairs of regions and calculate locations. for (const regionA of accountLocations) { for (const regionB of accountLocations) { const distance = distanceBetweenRegions(regionA, regionB); if (distance > 500) { done(); return; } max = Math.max(max, distance); } } done(new Error(`No regions are at least 500 km apart: max is ${max} km`)); }); }); Unit Testing

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Policy as Code const policies = new PolicyPack("azure", { policies: [ { name: "prohibited-public-internet", description: "Inbound rules with public internet access are prohibited.", enforcementLevel: "mandatory", validateResource: validateResourceOfType(, (securityRule, args, reportViolation) => { if (securityRule.sourceAddressPrefix === "*") { reportViolation("Inbound public internet access rules are prohibited."); } }), }], });

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Management Multi-cloud cross-stack automation

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Transformations ● Apply consistent changes across resources in your stack ● The full power of general-purpose languages

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const autoTags = { "user:Project": pulumi.getProject(), "user:Stack": pulumi.getStack(), "user:Cost Center": config.require("costCenter"), }; pulumi.runtime.registerStackTransformation((args) => { if (isTaggable(args.type)) { args.props["tags"] = { ...args.props["tags"], ...autoTags }; return { props: args.props, opts: args.opts }; } return undefined; }); Example: Auto tagging resources

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const autoTags = { "user:Project": pulumi.getProject(), "user:Stack": pulumi.getStack(), "user:Cost Center": config.require("costCenter"), }; pulumi.runtime.registerStackTransformation((args) => { if (isTaggable(args.type)) { args.props["tags"] = { ...args.props["tags"], ...autoTags }; return { props: args.props, opts: args.opts }; } return undefined; }); Example: Auto tagging resources

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const autoTags = { "user:Project": pulumi.getProject(), "user:Stack": pulumi.getStack(), "user:Cost Center": config.require("costCenter"), }; pulumi.runtime.registerStackTransformation((args) => { if (isTaggable(args.type)) { args.props["tags"] = { ...args.props["tags"], ...autoTags }; return { props: args.props, opts: args.opts }; } return undefined; }); Example: Auto tagging resources

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Secret management ● Mark any input, output, or internal value as secret ● Encrypt with AWS KMS, Azure KeyVault, Google Cloud KMS, HashiCorp Vault, Pulumi Service, or self-managed key ● Automatic secret flow

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// Create a new KMS key const key = new aws.kms.Key("stack-encryption-key", { deletionWindowInDays: 10, description: "KMS key for encrypting secret values", }); // Create a new alias to the key const alias = new aws.kms.Alias("alias", { targetKeyId: key.keyId, }); export const aliasArn = alias.arn; Example: Create a KMS Key

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# In CLI pulumi new ... --secrets-provider="awskms://alias/${KEY_ALIAS}?region=us-west-2" // In code const superSecret = config.requireSecret("supersecret"); const anotherSecret = pulumi.secret("a secret value"); Example: Use the Key

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Stack References Org: acme-corp vpc Stack: dev env: dev region: us-east-1 k8s-cluster Stack: dev env: dev region: us-east-1 svc-userprofile Stack: dev env: dev region: us-east-1 svc-email Stack: dev env: dev region: us-east-1

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Kubernetes layers Managed Kubernetes cluster Infrastructure Resources (networking, storage, identity) Managed Service Managed Service Application Application Application

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Kubernetes & Multi-stack Solutions Demo

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Automation API Orchestrate deployments from code

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What if I want to… ● Drive deployment workflows within CI/CD ● Test on ephemeral environments ● Multi-stage deployments (blue-green) ● Deploy application code and database migrations ● Build higher level tools, custom CLIs, application frameworks ● Use Pulumi behind a REST or gRPC API ● Debug programs as they execute

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Automation API Demo

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PROVISIONING Developer-friendly Familiar language experience, toolchain, packages – applied to cloud infrastructure. Developers and operators working in a team. Cloud Engineering Transformed TESTING Confidence and quality Unit testing and TDD with battle-tested tools to ensure correctness. Policy as Code for compliance, cost control, and company-wide best practices. ARCHITECTURE Logic and abstractions Conditionals, loops, functions, classes, and packages out of the box. Reusable components that encapsulate complex logic and provider the right level of abstraction. Modern Infrastructure as Code Capabilities to ship faster and with confidence

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Inspiring Use Cases 45 Patterns Codified best practices shared as libraries Platforms Central team managing building blocks for other teams SaaS Provision infrastructure on-demand for every tenant

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Useful Links

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