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Taking over someone else's codebase

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Florian Mierzejewski Android Engineer @Trade Republic - Berlin, Germany

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Trade Republic • Europe’s first commission-free mobile broker • Easy, fast and convenient access to capital markets for everyone. • Make stock trading dead simple and commission-free.

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What is this about? • Avoid frustration • Strategies to take over a codebase • Making it better, leaving it in a better state than we found it

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• Starting with a good mindset • Taking everything as a challenge • Learning about new domains

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–Someone on Hackernews “My #1 rule for existing codebases: Just because you wouldn't have done it the way they did doesn't mean they did it wrong.”

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–Someone on Hackernews “I think it's developer nature to look at a huge pile of code that someone else wrote and immediately think: This is a pile of crap. I can do better, so the first thing to do is rewrite all of this, my way (which just so happens to be The Right Way).”

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–Someone on Hackernews “Realise that after 3 years, they have hopefully fixed a lot of bugs and got to a solution that is somewhat mature and better than you can do in a week.”

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–Someone on Reddit “My number 1 red flag of working with a developer, unless they are very early in their career, is hearing them describe a codebase as awful. Most really are not that bad and are usually just using unfamiliar and less than ideal design patterns and coding practices.”

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Before starting coding away…

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Different kinds of taking over • Alone with or without the original developer • With a team that has a clue or no clue about the current codebase

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Looking at the code • Crash reporting • App reviews • Performance • History of the code

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• Structure • God classes, base classes • Architecture • Tests • CI setup

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• Writing down questions while going through the codebase • Dev tools to make life easier • What are the external actors, who are we relying on, how stable are they • Basic security • Deployment process and existing level of automation • High level overview of dependencies • Dependency injection

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Making use of the codebase owner • Vague understanding of the whole system and then dive into the more non obvious / tricky parts with the original developer • Focusing on the history of the codebase, why are things the way they are? History and context are hard to deduce from code / documentation • Chesterton's fence principle

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Staying kind • Put yourself in the seat of the original developer, have some empathy • What is this piece of * even doing? - Could you guide me through what this piece of code is doing? • Being understandable, we all have to take those shortcuts during crunch time that we never ever get to revisit later

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Having an impact

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Do not • Huge refactoring from the get go • Start writing new code right away • Introduce breaking changes • Play the blame game, it gets you only so far

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• Understand the purpose of the system, what its users want from it and how they use it to achieve that. • Learn about processes • Get to know the architecture Do

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Do • Start with a task where existing code need to be changed • Small refactoring tasks / bugs • Get familiar with the language of the domain • Ask for help • Read wiki / documentation

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Do • Take your time • Communicate your codebase concerns • Take notes on what needs to be looked at / addressed • Find the right level of detail • Create or find a good candidate for a Blueprint

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Do • Use the debugger • Ask for a time budget on refactoring and share wins to show a positive impact (test coverage up, less dependencies so app smaller, feeling more confident in making changes, app more stable…) • Focus on the worst parts, the rest can always wait, if it isn’t broken don’t fix • There will always be something that needs to be addressed, the codebase is never going to be fully migrated • Expect to write quite some glue between both worlds • Test, Refactor, Repeat

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Android specifics • Look at what is nowadays considerer deprecated and / or dangerous, AsyncTasks? PostDelayed? Go through @Deprecated warnings • Was there some playing around with things that are experimental / very new • State of modularisation

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Incremental changes • Extract collaborators from base / god classes • Composition over inheritance • Using ActivityCallbacks • Modularisation (start by creating new modules for features), • Synchronise between platforms

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Incremental changes • Wrap important domain primitives • Dev tools that make you save time in the long run • Pre-commit hooks • Reduce test execution time • ComponentActivity

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ComponentActivity • LifecycleObserver • OnBackPressedDispatcher • ActivityResultCaller

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Use requireX() getActivity().navigateTo(…) VS if (activity "!= null) activity.navigateTo(…) VS activity"?.navigateTo(…) VS requireActivity().navigateTo(…)

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The Scout Rule

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• Time to give back so the next person have less of a hard time taking over • How can we make it better so the next one can hit the ground running? • Clear commits, ticket number, explanation if obscure hacks with links • Take note about what was missing while taking over and fill the gaps

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• Taking over is a hell of a challenge, in a good way • Do not approach this as a chore • Do not rewrite the entire codebase • Do take your time • Do make it your own with little incremental changes • Do leave your current codebase as clean as possible

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