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Android Notification Channels: The Complicated Parts Dan Lew

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Goal • Inform users • …Without annoying them

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Noises • Sound

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Noises • Sound • Vibration

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Noises • Sound • Vibration • Light

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Noises v2 • Metadata • Priority • Categories • People • Do not Disturb interruptions • Hiding on lock screen

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Android Oreo • Notification badges on launcher • Channels

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No content

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Channels give users control

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User Control App Control Importance Sound Vibration Light Show on lock screen Show badges on launcher Bypass "Do Not Disturb” Channel Name Channel Description

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targetSdkVersion 26 == Channels

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No content

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Measure Twice, Cut Once

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How Many Channels?

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Trello Channel Overview Important Minor Temporary Mentions New Cards Attachments Due Soon Cards Boards Comments Memberships

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Notification Groups

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Importance IMPORTANCE_HIGH Make sound and pop on screen IMPORTANCE_DEFAULT Make sound IMPORTANCE_LOW No sound IMPORTANCE_NONE No sound or visual interruption

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Custom Noise • Sound • Vibration • Light

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Bells and Whistles • Badges on launcher • Bypass “do not disturb”

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Playing Dirty • Can delete & recreate channels • Users will know • Will annoy users

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val channel = NotificationChannel("news", “News", NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_DEFAULT)
 channel.description = "News and weather"
 val manager = context.getSystemService(

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val channel = NotificationChannel("news", “News", NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_DEFAULT)
 channel.description = "News and weather"
 val manager = context.getSystemService(

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val notification = NotificationCompat.Builder(context, "news")
 .setThis() .setThat()

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Timing • Create channels at… • Startup • First notification • Create all channels at once • Channel creation is idempotent

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Inform users… ...WITHOUT annoying them

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How to annoy users without really trying

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Too Many Sounds

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Too Many Rows

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Notification Bundles 1-3 notifications 4+ notifications

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Notification Bundles Pros Cons Easy Works across channels Many noises Only on Nougat+

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Notification Groups 1 notification 2+ notifications

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Notification Groups

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Notification Groups Pros Cons Few notifications Few noises Extra work

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Notification Groups val summaryNotification = NotificationCompat.Builder(context, "news")
 val childNotification = NotificationCompat.Builder(context, "news")

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Channels Break Groups • One group fails when channel disabled • Group-per-channel creates too many rows • Group-per-channel creates too many noises

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Channel Dilemma Bundling Groups Fewer rows Many noises Many rows Fewer noises

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Channel Solution • Channel should either… • Have a group summary • Be IMPORTANCE_LOW or lower

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Trello’s Setup Name Importance Summary Launcher Badge? Mentions HIGH Yes Yes Due Soon DEFAULT Yes Yes Boards LOW No Yes Cards LOW No Yes Comments LOW No Yes Memberships LOW No Yes New Cards LOW No Yes Attachments MIN No No

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Odds and Ends

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Remove Notification Settings

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Remove Notification Settings Intent

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Use setAlertOnlyOnce()

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Summary • Embrace channels • Choose good defaults • Don’t annoy users

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Thank You! • • @danlew42