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Web application deployments with Gradle From the developer's machine to Continuous Deployment Benjamin Muschko Principal Engineer, Gradleware @bmuschko

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Java Build Tools – Part 2: A Decision Maker’s Comparison of Maven, Gradle and Ant + Ivy "However, as Gradle is still quite new, it does not have such a wide variety of application server integrations as Maven or Ant." January 2014

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deployment is a multifaceted problem

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Embedded container Dev Machine bundle JVM Process target Embedded Impl.

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Standalone container Dev Machine deploy JVM Process JVM Process

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Remote container Dev Machine JVM Process JVM Process Remote Machine deploy

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Embedded container Gradle plugins

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Tomcat plugin composition tomcat tomcat-base ‣ adds custom task types ‣ pre-configures task types ‣ adds standard tasks to project ‣ configures default conventions ‣ exposes DSL applies

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apply plugin: 'tomcat' repositories { mavenCentral() } dependencies { def tomcatVersion = '6.0.29' tomcat "org.apache.tomcat:catalina:${tomcatVersion}", "org.apache.tomcat:coyote:${tomcatVersion}", "org.apache.tomcat:jasper:${tomcatVersion}" } tomcat { httpPort = 8090 httpsPort = 8091 enableSSL = true } Declare Tomcat dependencies Using & configuring standard tasks gradlew tomcatRun Configure tasks via extension tomcat

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apply plugin: 'tomcat-base' ext { tomcatStopPort = 8081 } task functionalTomcatRun(type: org.gradle.api.plugins.tomcat.tasks.TomcatRun) { stopPort = tomcatStopPort daemon = true } task functionalTomcatStop(type: org.gradle.api.plugins.tomcat.tasks.TomcatStop) { stopPort = tomcatStopPort } task functionalTest(type: Test) { dependsOn functionalTomcatRun finalizedBy functionalTomcatStop } Create enhanced task Using & configuring custom tasks gradlew functionalTest Use embedded container for testing tomcat-base

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Typical development workflow gradle tomcatRun Hello Wolrd! Spotting a typo gradle compileJava change code restart start reload

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Rapid development workflow gradle tomcatRun Hello World! Hurray! gradle compileJava change code reload bytecode start reload ‣ built-in capabilities ‣

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Arquillian plugin features arquillian reads configures container dependencies

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arquillian { debug = true deployable = file('my/path/arbitraryWebApp.war') containers { jetty { version = '8' type = 'embedded' config = ['bindHttpPort': 8085, 'bindAddress': '', 'jettyPlus': false] } glassfish { version = '3' type = 'embedded' } } } Path to WAR file Arquillian plugin DSL gradlew arquillianRun Declarative configuration of multiple containers arquillian

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"Cargo is a thin wrapper that allows you to manipulate various type of application containers (Java EE and others) in a standard way." CARGO

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Supported containers ...and many more

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Cargo plugin composition cargo cargo-base ‣ adds custom task types ‣ pre-configures Ant dependencies ‣ adds standard tasks to project ‣ configures default conventions ‣ exposes DSL applies

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Deploying to a local container JVM Process spawn process deploy 1 2 JVM Process

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apply plugin: 'cargo' cargo { containerId = 'tomcat7x' port = 9090 local { homeDir = file('/home/dev/tools/apache-tomcat-7.0.42') timeout = 60000 containerProperties { property 'cargo.tomcat.ajp.port', 9099 } } } Configure local container Declare container Using Cargo plugin for local deployments gradlew cargoRunLocal

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apply plugin: 'cargo' cargo { containerId = 'tomcat7x' port = 9090 deployable { file = file('/home/foo/bar/web-services.war') context = 'web-services' } deployable { file = file('/home/foo/bar/enterprise-app.ear') context = 'enterprise-app' } local { homeDir = file('/home/dev/tools/jboss-as-web-7.0.2.Final') } } Declaring a WAR Deploying multiple artifacts gradlew cargoRunLocal Declaring an EAR

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File Server extract download Downloading & using container archive local Tomcat installation 1 2

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apply plugin: 'cargo' cargo { containerId = 'tomcat7x' local { installer { installUrl = ' tomcat-7/v7.0.42/bin/apache-' downloadDir = file("$buildDir/download") extractDir = file("$buildDir/extract") } } } Configure container installer Declare container Bootstrapping a container installation gradlew cargoRunLocal

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tomcat1 tomcat1:8888 Deploying to a remote container username/password Remote Machine

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apply plugin: 'cargo' cargo { containerId = 'tomcat7x' port = 9090 remote { hostname = '' username = 'superuser' password = 'secretpwd' } } Configure remote container Using Cargo plugin for remote deployments gradlew cargoDeployRemote Declare container

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apply plugin: 'cargo-base' import org.gradle.api.plugins.cargo.tasks.local.CargoRunLocal import org.gradle.api.plugins.cargo.tasks.remote.CargoDeployRemote task myLocalTomcatRun(type: CargoRunLocal) { containerId = 'tomcat7x' homeDir = file('/home/dev/tools/apache-tomcat-7.0.42') } task myLocalJettyRun(type: CargoRunLocal) { containerId = 'jetty9x' homeDir = file('/home/dev/tools/jetty-distribution-9.0.4.v20130625') } task deployToRemoteTomcat(type: CargoDeployRemote) { containerId = 'tomcat7x' hostname = '' port = 9090 username = 'superuser' password = 'secretpwd' } Import plugin custom tasks Create and configure enhanced local container task Developing and configuring your own Cargo tasks gradlew deployToRemoteTomcat Create and configure enhanced remote container task

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tomcat3 tomcat2 tomcat1 tomcat1:9090 tomcat2:8050 tomcat3:8888 Rolling deployments 1 2 3

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class RemoteContainer { String name String hostname Integer port String username String password } def containers = [new RemoteContainer(name: 'tomcat1', hostname: 'remote-tomcat1', port: 9090, username: 'admin', password: 's3cr3t'), new RemoteContainer(name: 'tomcat2', hostname: 'remote-tomcat2', port: 8050, username: 'deployer', password: 'qwerty'), new RemoteContainer(name: 'tomcat3', hostname: 'remote-tomcat3', port: 8888, username: 'su', password: 'powerful')] Declaring remote container configuration Container class representation List of container instances Avoid defining passwords in build script

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apply plugin: 'cargo-base' import org.gradle.api.plugins.cargo.tasks.remote.CargoDeployRemote containers.each { config -> task "deployRemote${}"(type: CargoDeployRemote) { description = "Deploys WAR to remote Tomcat '${}'." containerId = 'tomcat7x' hostname = config.hostname port = config.port username = config.username password = config.password } } task deployToAllRemoteTomcats { dependsOn containers.collect { "deployRemote${}" } description = 'Deploys to all remote Tomcat containers.' group = 'deployment' } Dynamic deployment task creation Dynamic creation of tasks Use container configuration Rolling deployment aggregation task

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Test UAT Prod –Penv=prod –Penv=uat –Penv=test Deploying to multiple environments

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Problem con$nuous  hot  deployment   will  inevitability  lead  to  an OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space

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tomcat1 Managing container lifecycle stop container start container 1 2 3

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Remote daemon process Remote Machine configure send command

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import org.gradle.api.plugins.cargo.tasks.daemon.CargoDaemonStop import org.gradle.api.plugins.cargo.tasks.daemon.CargoDaemonStart ext { tomcat7HandleId = 'tomcat7' tomcat7Hostname = 'remote-tomcat1' } task cargoDaemonStop(type: CargoDaemonStop) { handleId = tomcat7HandleId hostname = tomcat7Hostname } task cargoDaemonStart(type: CargoDaemonStart) { handleId = tomcat7HandleId hostname = tomcat7Hostname } cargoDaemonStart.mustRunAfter cargoDaemonStop cargoRedeployRemote.dependsOn cargoDaemonStop, cargoDaemonStart Restarting container before deployment Unique identifier configured in daemon web application Make container restart a task dependency of a redeployment gradlew cargoRedeployRemote

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Deployment is often more than just copying a file

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This is where Cargo leaves you stranded!

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Fine-grained control with SSH ext.tomcatRemoteDir = '/opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.42' task shutdownTomcat(type: SshExec) { commands = "sudo -u tomcat $tomcatRemoteDir/bin/" } task deleteTomcatWebappsDir(type: SshExec, dependsOn: shutdownTomcat) { command = "sudo -u tomcat rm -rf $tomcatRemoteDir/webapps/myapp" } task deleteTomcatWorkDir(type: SshExec, dependsOn: shutdownTomcat) { command = "sudo -u tomcat rm -rf $tomcatRemoteDir/work" } ... task startupTomcat(type: SshExec, dependsOn: copyWarToWebappsDir) { command = "sudo -u tomcat $tomcatRemoteDir/bin/" } Custom task wrapping Ant SSH Chaining of individual commands

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Remote command execution with plugin apply plugin: 'ssh' remotes { localhost { host = 'localhost' user =[''] identity = file("${['user.home']}/.ssh/id_rsa") } } task deploy(type: SshTask) { session(remotes.localhost) { execute('sudo -u tomcat $tomcatRemoteDir/bin/') execute('sudo -u tomcat rm -rf $tomcatRemoteDir/webapps/myapp') ... } } ssh Define hosts configuration Execute SSH commands against remote

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Deployment as part of a build pipeline

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Prod Continuous Delivery UAT Automated Acceptance  Tests manual deployment push-button release

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Prod Continuous Deployment UAT Automated Acceptance  Tests automated deployment ...many times a day

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Build once, deploy many Test UAT Prod publish deploy

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Push  deployment 1.0.34 1.0.32 1.0.33 1.0.34 1.0.34 Test UAT Prod

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Pull  deployment 1.0.34 1.0.32 1.0.33 1.0.34 Test UAT Prod trigger

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References Gradle Tomcat Plugin Gradle Cargo Plugin Gradle Arquillian Plugin Gradle SSH Plugin

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> gradle askQuestions :askQuestions BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 300 secs