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Web Development: You’re (Still) Doing it Wrong Stefan Tilkov | innoQ | @stilkov Thursday 17 October 13

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Annoying your users Thursday 17 October 13

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Forbid the use of the back and forward buttons Thursday 17 October 13

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Send them to the home page when they hit “refresh” Thursday 17 October 13

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… or ensure the browser pops up a warning window Thursday 17 October 13

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Make sure they can’t open a second browser window Thursday 17 October 13

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Let them see UI chrome and ads first, content last Thursday 17 October 13

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Make sure they can’t bookmark or send a link Thursday 17 October 13

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Don’t let Google index anything Thursday 17 October 13

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Ensure disabling JavaScript gives them a blank page Thursday 17 October 13

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Things that seem like a good idea, but aren’t Thursday 17 October 13

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Fix HTTP’s basic flaw: its statelessness Thursday 17 October 13

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Go beyond the page model because we’re r/w now Thursday 17 October 13

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Avoid CSS because who understands how it works? Thursday 17 October 13

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Avoid HTML because that’s so 20th century Thursday 17 October 13

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Avoid JavaScript because it’s not for real programmers Thursday 17 October 13

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Go beyond Client/Server and introduce bidirectional, binary communication Thursday 17 October 13

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Let’s take a step back Thursday 17 October 13

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Let’s build a generic client runtime Define a protocol so it can work with any server Allow it to mix services from different backends Define a generic, declarative data format Separate content and layout Allow for extensibility with client-side scripting Make it work on any device, with any resolution Thursday 17 October 13

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We’re not done yet Thursday 17 October 13

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Standardize it, with (rough) consensus Ensure there are multiple client, server and intermediary implementations to choose from Have every client OS ship with an implementation of the generic client Let every programming environment support it Thursday 17 October 13

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How hard can it be? Thursday 17 October 13

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Competing with the Web may not be the best idea Thursday 17 October 13

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My personal theory as to why things suck so much: Thursday 17 October 13

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1. Hiding “Details” Thursday 17 October 13

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2. Preserving Expertise Thursday 17 October 13

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3. Misjudging Skills Thursday 17 October 13

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Web-centric web UIs Thursday 17 October 13

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Server-side components Avoid HTML, JS, CSS Trade Familiarity for Complexity Session-centric ROCA Server-side POSH Client-side components Web-centric Single Page Apps Advanced Client Frameworks Server-side REST APIs Thursday 17 October 13

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ROCA (Resource-oriented Client Architecture) Thursday 17 October 13

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Make your HTML semantic Thursday 17 October 13

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CSS HTML Content Layout Thursday 17 October 13

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Minimal load times Accessibility Self-descriptiveness Readability Thursday 17 October 13

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“HTML?” “I don’t do that – I’m a programmer.” Thursday 17 October 13

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Paris, France iPad 1 699 Thursday 17 October 13

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Paris, France

  • iPad



cancel payment
Thursday 17 October 13

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Data Data Access Business Rules Service Logic Service Interface WSDL SOAP WS-* XML Operations Parameters Messages HTTP JSON XML Resources Hypermedia Representations Thursday 17 October 13

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Service Interface Service Interface Client Logic Thursday 17 October 13

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Service Interface Service Interface Client Logic Thursday 17 October 13

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Service Interface Service Interface Client Logic Thursday 17 October 13

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Service Interface Service Interface Presentation Logic Orchestration Logic Thursday 17 October 13

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Orchestration Logic Orchestration Logic Presentation Logic Thursday 17 October 13

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Business Logic Business Logic Presentation Logic Thursday 17 October 13

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Use Javascript unobtrusively Thursday 17 October 13

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Some Link Thursday 17 October 13

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Some Link Thursday 17 October 13

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Some Link Thursday 17 October 13

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Some Link Thursday 17 October 13

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$("a.whatever").click(function() { doSomething(this.href); }); + Some Link Thursday 17 October 13

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Proin elit arcu, rutrum commodo, vehicula ...

Morbi tincidunt, dui sit amet facilisis feugiat, odio ...

Mauris eleifend est et turpis. Duis id erat ...

$("#tabs").tabs(); + Thursday 17 October 13

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Thursday 17 October 13

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$('.multiselect', context).each(function() { $(this).multiselect({ selectedList: 2, checkAllText: "Alle", uncheckAllText: "Keinen" }).multiselectfilter({label:"", width:"200px"}); });
Thursday 17 October 13

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CSS HTML Content Layout Thursday 17 October 13

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JavaScript CSS HTML Content Behavior Layout Thursday 17 October 13

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JS component JS glue code HTML Events Methods Component 2 Component 3 ... Layout/CSS styles styles Server / Backend Ajax initializes Base Markup responds with Thursday 17 October 13

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Or: Just go the SPA way … Thursday 17 October 13

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Application Browser Google GET / application/json Filter GET / text/html text/html GET / application/json JS-to-HTML Thursday 17 October 13

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Thursday 17 October 13

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Use URIs to identify a single meaningful concept Thursday 17 October 13

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A http://.../A Thursday 17 October 13

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A B C http://.../A ? Thursday 17 October 13

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A http://.../A C http://.../C B http://.../B b c + AJAX + CSS Thursday 17 October 13

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A B C http://.../A Thursday 17 October 13

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Don’t disable Browser Features – use them Thursday 17 October 13

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Multiple tabs & windows Bookmarks Back/Forward/Refresh Personalization Menus Thursday 17 October 13

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ROCA Thursday 17 October 13

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Now get serious, please. When to use what? Thursday 17 October 13

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Pure JavaScript Programming Model Server-side data API “Closed”, desktop-style app Browser as portable runtime platform Offline capability Single Page Apps: Good reasons Thursday 17 October 13

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“That’s how you do it in 2013” “Progressive enhancement is dead” Required for modern, interactive UIs Single Page Apps: Bad reasons Thursday 17 October 13

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RESTfulness Accessibility ROCA: Bad reasons Thursday 17 October 13

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Use of browser features General web affinity Separation of concerns Front-end integration Technology independence SEO ROCA: Good reasons Thursday 17 October 13

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In summary … Thursday 17 October 13

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Not everything new is good, not everything old is bad. (Surprise.) Thursday 17 October 13

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Don’t repeat the mistakes we used to make on the server on the client. Thursday 17 October 13

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Learning details of how the web works might be time well spent. Thursday 17 October 13

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Working with the web is a lot easier than fighting it. Thursday 17 October 13

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Q&A Stefan Tilkov, @stilkov Phone: +49 170 471 2625 innoQ Deutschland GmbH Krischerstr. 100 40789 Monheim am Rhein Germany Phone: +49 2173 3366-0 innoQ Schweiz GmbH Gewerbestr. 11 CH-6330 Cham Switzerland Phone: +41 41 743 0116 Ohlauer Straße 43 10999 Berlin Germany Phone: +49 2173 3366-0 Robert-Bosch-Straße 7 Germany Phone: +49 2173 3366-0 Radlkoferstraße 2 D-81373 München Telefon +49 (0) 89 741185-270 Thursday 17 October 13